
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    I have asked people to spit out their gum when I was in **their** house.

    Wait.....WHAT? I wish you would come to MY house and ask me to spit out my gum. Is your name on the mortgage or any of the utilities?
  • jemimasmum
    jemimasmum Posts: 249 Member
    And I thought I was alone! Apples, slurpy noises and gulping/glugging drinks fry my head. I just leave the room when it gets too much for me at home.Sometimes it's really tough, for instance when you are on a train and can't move away or the passenger two seats away has a snorty sniff/ bag of crisps/apple. I struggle with that and try to carry an ipod to block the sounds so I don't end up as a murderer!
  • Kitship
    Kitship Posts: 579 Member
    I'm sorry. I'm pretty much the person you hate. Even when my mouth is closed, you can still hear it. And I make sure that my mouth is always closed when I chew.
  • hellykill
    hellykill Posts: 59 Member
    I recently learned of Misophonia and had to tell my poor family "See?!?!? It's not just ME!" I not only cringe when others eat/slurp/chew but if I am alone eating I have to turn on the radio or a fan... some sort of noise because I can't stand to hear myself either. At home we all know that if we eat you need to go to the other room. At least I have the defense I can't stand to hear myself either!! I also sleep with a fan on HIGH speed or else I go nuts. I swear I can hear others chew 50 yards away. Not fun. But...Glad I am not alone out there!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    My parents yelled at me because I'd scream at the dog and clobber or even kick it for licking itself.

    Yes. Chewing sounds do irritate me sometimes to the point of me needing to politely excuse myself from the room. But I would never hurt another person or animal because of it. :huh: Animal abuse is NEVER ok. :angry:

    I am going to go out on a limb and say maybe you should speak to someone professionally about controlling your rage that misophonia brings you. Best wishes to you. :flowerforyou:
  • Polda2010
    Polda2010 Posts: 99 Member
    Poor puppy! He can't help it, but you can. Leave the room next time!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Well, just a clarification or two, which no doubt won't be read by most people (they'll read the OP and not the comments, including this one.)

    I'm not a screaming neurotic dog-abusing maniac. I have 2 dogs and love them dearly. I'd never hurt them. I was a child when this disorder hit me out of nowhere like a ton of bricks and I hadn't learned coping strategies.

    I have lived with this for 50 years. I'm in my 60's. I shared a lifetime of experiences, not current daily occurrences.

    I shared in case others are distressed under the weight of this disorder and didn't realize it has a cause and a name. I wanted to show how extreme the distress can be.

    If I offended people, I'm sorry. If I helped anyone, I'm glad.

    Thanks for clarifying. I am glad you have learned coping strategies now rather than resorting to abusive behavior. :flowerforyou:
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Chewing sounds and other mouth noises really bother me. I didn't realize this until my older son came along. My husband is a very quiet eater, and I don't remember any irritation when I was a kid. But my son is 10 and thinks chewing with his mouth open is cool. Or he will lean over my shoulder to look at the computer or something with me and be smacking his lips and I just have to make him go away. I also have a dog, and when she starts licking, I have to tell her to stop, and thank God she usually listens! Not looking forward to the day when my 4 year old son starts getting really annoying with his mouth noises.
  • Brige2269
    Brige2269 Posts: 354 Member
    This is a real thing. It's also called soft sound sensory syndrome. Which goes beyond the chewing sounds that bother people. As someone else said, the humming of apliances will effect you too. Think of these sounds like nails on a chalkboard as to how it effects the person. If the sound persists, it's like you brain will explode. When I out, I just remove myself from the noise. If I am at a store, I just go to another isle or walk away. If I can't, and just clench my teeth until it's over. At home, I don't let the fans in the bathroom run, and everyone knows I can't take those noises. I also can not handle whisling, and tapping noises, well, any repeated noise or visual thing gets to me too. Luckily, the sound of chewing really doesn't bother me, if popcorn did, I think I would avoid the movies.
  • JennWoodruff
    JennWoodruff Posts: 6 Member
    Not as bad as you, but YES! I hate slurping & smacking. ugh. I've eased up a little lately, but used to...oh my. I'd throw you the evil eye with a huge sigh real quick-like! haha Thing is, I hate hearing myself eat...I have to turn the tv or radio on when I eat as the noise gets to me. haha Weird, but true.
  • JoanneC1216
    JoanneC1216 Posts: 166
    Well, just a clarification or two, which no doubt won't be read by most people (they'll read the OP and not the comments, including this one.)

    I'm not a screaming neurotic dog-abusing maniac. I have 2 dogs and love them dearly. I'd never hurt them. I was a child when this disorder hit me out of nowhere like a ton of bricks and I hadn't learned coping strategies.

    I have lived with this for 50 years. I'm in my 60's. I shared a lifetime of experiences, not current daily occurrences.

    I shared in case others are distressed under the weight of this disorder and didn't realize it has a cause and a name. I wanted to show how extreme the distress can be.

    If I offended people, I'm sorry. If I helped anyone, I'm glad.

  • ekemsley1
    ekemsley1 Posts: 15 Member
    Yes, and it makes me feel like a psycho.

    Allow me to clarify, I have learned that EVERYONE makes noise when eating some foods...doritos...apples...and if you are eating something that is crunchy I can tolerate it as long as it isn't over the top and you aren't eating like 5 apples consecutively. Basically I just wait for it to be over.

    What KILLS me is when someone is eating spaghetti and it SOUNDS like you're eating a bag of chips. or I can hear them moving their food around in their mouth constantly. gross.

    My husband is an offensive eater. Which is why we watch TV while we eat. Real healthy I know, and sometimes I have to turn it up, and even then I have psycho moments where I can't help but just stare at him. Then, he inevitably asks "what?" and I have to say "nothing" because saying "listening to you eat makes me want to hurt someone, even though I know you can't help it" just isn't a rational response.

    I just think I have sensitive hearing because a lot of little noises bother me. The dog licking I've never hit her for it, but I can tell the sound difference when my dog licks her paw as opposed to when she slurps on her lady parts. I yell at her to stop and inform her that she has plenty of time to do that when we are at work. It even wakes me up at night sometimes. Paw licking not so bad, but occasionally annoying too. Crazy right?
  • in4nomz
    in4nomz Posts: 230
    There's a term for this: misophonia.

    I've dealt with this since childhood, I literally could not be in the same room as my father because he made a whistling noise in his noise that I could not ignore, plus a multitude of other crap that made me want to rip my ears off. I remember always asking for a sound-proof room for Christmas as a kid because I felt like I could NEVER get away from the noise.
  • joybrown9237
    joybrown9237 Posts: 1 Member
    OMG, yes! When I was a little girl, I had a foster mother who told everyone at the dinner table to stop talking and all she wanted was "to hear mouths chewing". Now, almost 25 years later, I still hear her saying that every time I'm around people who are eating! My husband is the worst - his jaw pops loudly, and he sounds like a horse chomping at the bit when he eats. He knows it skeeves me out, but he can't help it. I just have to move away when it gets to me. I figure it bothers other people too, so I actually consciously try to chew as noiselessly as I can, especially if I'm on the phone (I will cover the phone with my hand or hold the receiver away from my mouth).
  • OllyReeves
    OllyReeves Posts: 579 Member
    there are many reasons why people chew loudly i just hate when i know people are being inconsiderate about it.

    So because you can't control your emotions I have to go out of my way to make sure my chewing isn't too loud for you?

    If you have manners and consideration for others, you will be fine. No need to be a douche about it.
  • Spewze72
    Spewze72 Posts: 82 Member
    Wow, I never knew it had a name - my lovely husband has an unfortunately shaped upper jaw and he chews some things rather loudly. And my little dog is a night time paw licker, the sound wakes me up. But I didn't know that the intense irritation and wanting to hurt anybody making that noise has a name!

    I do have another one though, and that's an extremely sensitive sense of smell. I smell stuff that no one else can, often from great distances! I never found a name for that...
  • pammypurple
    pammypurple Posts: 27 Member
    I'm an audio typist. My boss sometimes continues to do his dictation whilst eating his lunch. Then when I come to type that dictation I have the high definition highlights of his chomping and chewing, speaking with his mouth full and swallowing direct to my ears in stereo!! Gross doesn't cover it!!
  • KimiSteinbach
    KimiSteinbach Posts: 224 Member
    Yes, yes, yes... My friends kids do it and it is like scrapping your nails on a chalkboard...