Working out with menstrual cramping

Chrissy1983 Posts: 3
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I can handle the snow and sub-zero temperatures of our midwestern winters, but finding the motivation to get my booty out the door and walking or on the elliptical is extremely during that one week every month when my whole body hurts and devouring a tub of ice cream sounds so much more soothing.

How do you motivate yourself during this especially difficult time? Best ways to deal with severe cramps - mine mostly occur in my lower back and in the afternoon/evening before bed.



  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    I had this problem when I first started going to the gym in Sept. But I made myself a deal. I would at least go and start and if I had to cut it short so be it. I found that, for me, once I got going I got energized and the cramping actually stopped. So now during that dreaded week I don't have to talk myself into it quite as much knowing the benefits. PLUS... last month I had NO gain during that week for the first time in... well.. probably ever!
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I don't, my painkiller consumption renders me all but a zombie that week! And no I'm not a wimp, I had 3 of my 4 kids without ANY pain relief, not even a sniff of entonox! Personally i'd prefer to go thru childbirth than have a TOTM
  • my cramps have actually stopped completely since i started working out more, but i still get the occasional back ache and the extreme fatigue. my advice? take a couple of pain pills and get on with it! if you don't have the motivation to go, at least stay away from the food that's going to mess you up! it's easier said than done, i know, but you CAN do it!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    I hear you. It IS challenging, but I avoid the tub of ice cream by telling myself that the craving isn't real. I don't REALLY want the ice cream, it's just my period. I tell myself that again every time a craving hits.

    When I'm not feeling well due to my period (cramps and EXTREME fatigue are my primary issues), I go to the gym and do what I can. If I'm in physical pain or about to pass out from exhaustion, I modify what I'm doing. I've always been able to complete my workouts with slight modifications (stopped jumping when the pain got intense and did squats or something instead, for example). I usually surprise myself with what I'm able to do considering how terrible I feel.

  • JodiS75
    JodiS75 Posts: 284
    My motivation comes from thinking about how much ahrder it is to control my eating during that time, and how I don't want to KEEP the weight that comes on for the week! It's kinda like insurance, I guess :wink:

    Also, when I used to exercise very regularly, my cramps were pretty much non-existent.
  • kyoske
    kyoske Posts: 16
    Although I'm a guy, I lived with 4 girls in college. All of them got on the same cycle, so something had to be done :)

    We were told that drinking Traditional Medicinals Pregnancy Tea helps relieve cramping.
    We bought it, and they swear by it. I've told tons of girls since then, and most say it helped.

    So I suggest that tea and some pain killers.

    NOTE: They do make a tea for that time of the month, but my friends said the pregnancy tea worked and the other did not. Most of my girlfriends made me by the tea, since they didn't want people to think they were pregnant :)
  • I also agree that working out actually helps everything feel better fdor me. It also gets me out of the house and away from the snacking and cravings. I also find that if I am active the week before it starts, the cramps are less. I think its worth it and if I took a whole week off of working out, it would be soooo hard to get back into the routine.
  • juday3
    juday3 Posts: 78 Member
    When ever I get really bad cramping during that time, I workout and it actually makes the cramps go away and I feel much better. It's just forcing myself to workout is the hard part cause I just want to eat food and sit in my PJs for 3 days.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I don't have terrible cramps but I have had insane cravings lately. And I give in. I'm in this for the long haul, not for quick weight loss. So if there are days, or weeks, when I need a break from exercise or my healthy diet I just go with it, especially when it's the food. If I have major cravings and I don't give in I get extremely grumpy (I just can't deny myself everything, and with all the sacrifices I make for my kids, (sleep, new clothes, etc.) there are times when I just have to eat the junk food) so I eat it. It keeps me sane and patient and loving with my family. I haven't had it set me back much, if at all.

    So...if there are a few days where the cramps are unbearable, don't worry about not working out. There is only so much your body and mind can handle at one time.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I get the bad back cramps too. I swear by the Thermacare things! I get the ones for the shoulder/neck and stick them to myself over the most painful area on my back. The ones for menstral cramps don't stay where you put them. I down a couple motrin and go on with my day. Those things last allll day and keep the area relaxed. Much easier than living within a 6 foot radius of an electrical outlet... good ol heating pad. One other tip, don't let your time run out on the motrin. The bottle says every 4 hours, take it every 4 hours! Don't wait 6 because then the level of pain killer in your system drops and you get the pain back. If you keep it up every 4 hours the med levels remain the same in your body and no high/low pain cycle.
  • LexyDawn
    LexyDawn Posts: 113
    To skip the cramping completely and limit the fatigue and bloating, this is what works for me:
    I do not consume dairy, alcohol or caffeine for the week before my period. I also limit my salt intake.

    This advice came from my doctor and I notice a HUGE difference when follow it compared to when I don't.

    During my last period I barely bloated, had minimal fatigue, took 1 advil (compared to 4 migraine strength a day at least) and overall felt quite... normal.

    This advice is easy for me to follow as I am allergic to dairy, only drink decaf as I am sensetive to caffeine and only drink alcohol occasionally... but I can see that it would be harder for someone that has a coffee every morning with their cereal and milk and some wine with their dinner... like most normal people without allergies and intolerances. :)

    Either way, I'm curious if this advice is universal or only works for me... so if anyone does try it please let me know!
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    I find that working out helps minimize the cramps AND the cravings for me. And when I'm being good, at least, I'll let myself eat a LOT of a good-for-you food, like baby carrots. If I want the crunch, Baked Lays are the bomb. If I want the sweet, a banana dipped in melted dark chocolate chips and then rolled in a few tablespoons of crunchy cereal usually does the trick. If none of the above works, just give in on a ONE-TIME basis and let yourself, then get back on track. Otherwise, you'll be thinking ice cream, ice cream, ice cream until you overdo it.

    I must admit, there are months where I'd eat the furniture, if I could slap some fat, salt or sugar on it. It's not always pretty.

    Good luck, we all feel for you!
  • Exercise always makes me feel better during that week. I give in to some chocolate cravings, but it's a Hershey kiss here or there (I count them in my log, too!) Also, I tend to pop in an at-home fitness workout so I don't have to deal with worrying about my situation in public, you know? Make it less of a hassle to exercise during that week. :)
  • to solve the cramps i suggest not eating as unhealthily as ice cream but occasionally you should just snack on some cheesecake. it is soothing, plus it helps to calm down cramps because of its fluffy, light textures.

    and if cheesecake doesn't work, try chocolate molten cake.
  • Wow, so many suggestions, thank you everyone!!! I'll definitely work at keeping my routine, and will definitely try the thermacare you suggested MzBug - I'd tried the menstrual ones before but didn't think to grab one for the neck/shoulder. The pain in my back is worst while walking the dog every morning, so as an added bonus this will help keep me warm during the winter!

    I'll also try reducing my caffeine and dairy intake, though I can honestly say giving up my morning coffee will be very difficult. I do take the Airborne effervescents though, and could swap this into my morning commute's travel mug instead.

    I started using MFP earlier this year and sluffed off when I quit smoking. Now that I'm feeling like I have those cravings under control and my lungs are a little healthier, I'm working to rid the weight I gained then-and then some, and want to do this right. Thanks again!!! :flowerforyou:
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