Newbie Intro and Friendship Request.

OldRedHen Posts: 13 Member
Hi. I've just joined MFP. I'm 61, female, English, living in Canada temporarily. I started dieting in January aiming to lose between 10 and thirty pounds before I return to the UK in July. So far I've lost 7.5 lb.

I was with WW Canada online until a couple of weeks ago, then decided to switch to WW UK. But, WW UK doesn't suit me, for various reasons. So, I decided to get a FitBit and join MFP. Still waiting for the FitBit to arrive, but meanwhile I'm pleased with the food diary on MFP which I prefer to the food log tool on WW online.

Exercise: Currently doing the old-fashioned Canadian Airforce XBX programme. It fitted my recent circumstances when I was trapped in rather cramped accommodation, without any gym equipment, during the worst winter I've spent in Canada. It's fun, not very demanding and I'm going to continue with it even though the thaw has arrived, but I'm adding a long walk every day.

I'd like to make online friends with other members of MFP with any of the above in common, and the following:

Hypermobility. High risk for diabetes. Hypothyroidism. Migraine.

Good wishes to everyone.


  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 460 Member
    Hello everyone. I am also a newbie - sort of. I have actually belonged to mfp for quite some time, but could not stay on the wagon. For the past several years I have had an hour and a half commute to/from work, plus 8-9 hours sitting behind a desk at work. In October I had what turned out to be pretty serious shoulder reconstruction surgery (results of 30 years of carrying a home health nursing bag on that shoulder) and when I returned to work developed carpal tunnel in both hands!! I put up with wearing braces on both hands for months, living in fear of flare ups that would lead to loss of work and yet another surgery! This month, at 63, I finally made the decision, as many have I am sure, to purchase health insurance through the new government option and take an early retirement. Then, for a month, I rested.

    Now I am ready to take the time and focus I put into years of nursing and turn it to regaining myown health!! I need to lose weight, to regain my strength, and to take my years of experience and the knowledge gained to turn this next stage of my life into the most rewarding thus far!! I believe in eating for health, in the power of walking (for balance), weights for strength, and yoga for flexibility. I also believe in natural health choices over pharmaceuticals whenever possible and practice reiki and meditation daily. I am REALLY looking forward to investing my SELF in this process and hope I can find friends here who are like minded.

    Happy to be here.

  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    feel free to add me but please note that i only support those that give mutual support as this is a two way commitment

    good luck with your weight loss journey
  • carolsteele45
    carolsteele45 Posts: 43 Member
    Please feel free to add me if you wish
    Age: 68
    Illnesses: Type 2 Diabetic
    Work: Retired now, but still do lots of voluntary work to keep me occupied
    Interests: Feminism, equality and diversity, a fair society for all
  • Marymtte
    Marymtte Posts: 6 Member
    I am almost 65 and having a problem staying within my calories. I do the exercise 5-6 days a week for an hour, strength training three times a week, BUT, I can't seem to get my cals back to 1200-1400, so stopped losing. I am eating at least the 1200 plus what I exercised. All the overage in the evening. I do stop first and know what I am doing but still overeat. I have lost 27 pounds but since this has started I have gained 8 pounds so down to 19. Now, instead of only 16 more to go, I have 24. Not sure what is going on here but I have to figure it out soon. I have given up yogurt and ice cream for Lent to cut back on the sugar, but still. It's this head game going on I can't break through. Any ideas???
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    Welcome to this group everyone! :flowerforyou:

  • BobbieInCA
    BobbieInCA Posts: 102 Member
    For Marymtte: If you are eating all your exercise calories and gaining (or not losing any more) it may be that you are overestimating the calories you burn. I notice that the exercise calories are all over the place on consistency.
  • OldRedHen
    OldRedHen Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Marymtte. Sounds to me like, if it is in the evening you feel hungry, then that's the time of day to change your routine. A couple of suggestions:

    Have your evening meal later, then you won't feel so hungry later on.

    Give yourself a reward for not eating in the evening. I have a cup of cocoa before I go to bed. I make it with skimmed milk, a teaspoon of sugar, one of cocoa, so it is not really high calorie.

    Examine how you spend the evening. Are there activities that you associate with eating, such as reading or watching TV? Can you vary what you do?

    I hope these suggestions help.
  • PrairiePride49
    PrairiePride49 Posts: 45 Member
    Welcome to a great group! I am trying to not eat ANYTHING after my last meal of the day. Some days it is easier than others. Also, when I am tempted I will have a nice soak in a hot tub and then sit on my Lazy-Boy with the heat and vibration. Takes the mind off food. Although then one needs to turn off all those FOOD commercials on T.V! I am also trying to eat natural food - not too many processed foods. Also easier said than done. I will say, when I lost my first 50 lbs. on WW it really made a difference on my knees, ankles and feet! Now to lose the next 50.
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Welcome to the group!
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 460 Member
    Mmmmmm the lazy boy with the heat and vibration sounds wonderful! I don't have that luxury so I get out the yoga mat after a hot shower and do stretching exercises then follow that with hot herbal tea. A cup of Sleepy Time tea and an hour with a good book and I am ready to sleep!
  • quatermore
    quatermore Posts: 96 Member
    I'm a 64 year old newbie, this is, in fact, my second post. I've been logging my food on MFP for three weeks now and have lost 4 lbs!
    Being accountable for the food I've put in my mouth has been the key for my initial success. ( even if it is just 4 lbs). I spent years lying to myself about how much I was really eating. I have had a fitbit for a year and love it!!! It's so motivating. I've been pre diabetic for over ten years, but realized if I don't get my weight under control now I'll probably end up with diabetes. Welcome and I know you'll love the fitbit!
  • Persistent20
    Persistent20 Posts: 8 Member
    I love how positive your post is. I just got a new upright mouse that is helping both my carpal tunnel and shoulder.

  • yturie47
    yturie47 Posts: 170 Member
    I am new to this group too. I agree with you about logging calories. It is the only way I have ever lost weight consistently. MFP is my dream come true. I just wish I had discovered it earlier. Diabetes is a powerful motivation to make changes. You can do it!

    It is so uplifting to feel I have control of my weight issues now. I tried for years to convince myself it really did not matter. Now, I am actually looking forward to trying on some summer clothing for the first time in a loonng time. I always dreaded hot weather when I wasn't covered up with long pants, baggy tops and coats. I think my family and friends will be very surprised !
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hi, I am a 68 yo farmer's wife from Kansas. I re-started MFP today. I have been on almost all of the "diets" over the past 25 years. I go up and down, up and down. But my body is getting very tired. It is time I shed this weight and keep it off.
    I would love to be a part of this group and to have friends my age.
    When I journal, I do better, so I really appreciate that I must do that on MFP.
    I am looking forward to meeting each of you and getting acquainted.
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    Welcome to the group, wishing you luck on your journey, we all know that it gets a bit more difficult as we get a little more senior

    good luck