Five day pouch test


I had my gastric bypass in 1999 (Fobi Pouch) and due to a mobility impairment which restricts movement I never got to my goal. I did go from 263 down to 194.. but jumped up to 230 then down to 195 and stayed there for some time. Last year I moved from Los Angeles to Portland Oregon. My disease has progressed and I now use a mobility scooter 80% of the time.. I weighed in a few weeks ago at 215 and freaked out. I started logging food and saw I was eating about 1600+ a day... cut back to 1500. No loss. cut to 1300 no loss. Cut to 1250 and gained. WTF!!!

Today I found a site that talks about a five day pouch test to kind of "reset" the pouch. I am desperate and need to drop weight so that I can continue to walk and not use a wheelchair full time.

Anyone tried that "test"?



  • smwiller
    smwiller Posts: 11
    I actually joined my hubby in his lap band pre-op diet, which is 2 meal replacement shakes and 1 approx. 500 calorie meal. I am thrilled to say I have lost 17 pounds so far (of course I have been using myfitnesspal almost religiously). I am going back to the hospital where I had my surgery (RNY) for follow ups and I intend to start going back to support groups. I notice that my tool is still viable -- I felt satisfied today with a shake at lunch time. My plan is to get back to what worked 11 years ago.
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    its actually strongly reccomended, but the reason why is not what you think , first of all

    how many days did you stay at each calorie level?

    less than 5 days is no real results.
    I strongly suggest 10 days at around 1200 calories and see what happens

    you are more than likely with the limited mobility one of the few people who can still maintain on about 1200 a day .

    the 5 day pouch test is more of a "mental " reset, for those who have completely lost track of what the tools we are give are for .
    do you do arm exercises, what kind and amount of mobility do you have , in other words,I guess I am asking how much do you move in a day, I know people who have amazing arm strength from using a wheelchair, and burn a ton of calories, because he wheels prob 8-10 miles a day, but thats an exception, not the rule