Need advice

bevpulse Posts: 54 Member
Hi, I'm new to this group and desperate for your input. I'm 65 and have used MFP for a long time, and very successfully in the past. I've been trying for over a month to lose 5 lbs. My calorie goal is 1200/day. I've been very diligent about logging. I mostly eat fresh foods cooked at home, rarely eat out or buy processed foods. Desserts are a very rare treat. I try to eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, small quantities of lean meats, not much bread. I measure everything. I drink lots of water. I decided about a week ago that the answer was to step up the activity so this week I have walked 2 miles each day for 5 days and do try to be more active in general, parking across the parking lots from my destination, etc. Still haven't lost an ounce.

Has anyone else had this experience? Do any of you have any tips that might help? Am I destined to eat 1200 calories a day from now on just to maintain my current weight? Frankly, eating less than that seems unhealthy to me.


  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    Hi...not much help .....I am exactly the same...I have been loosing the last 5 pounds for about a year.... I exercise and eat well most of the time.......I really don't have the answer either......:ohwell:

  • bevpulse
    bevpulse Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks, Jeanmrob. Maybe someone else has some ideas.
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    Hi Bev! I'm just beginning my current weight loss effort, but have been successful in the past. Those last five or ten pounds are HARD!

    I'm going to offer an odd suggestion. Can't see your diary, but maybe you need to eat a little MORE at the same time as you increase your exercise. I don't believe in 'starvation mode' really, but I do think that when we don't have a lot of fat left (like you), our body wants to hold on to it 'just in case'. Maybe if you upped your calories by 100 for a week, maybe even 200 while you're also
    being more active, your body will get the message that you will continue to feed it and let loose of a bit.

    Might be worth a try - and I wish you a great reward for all your efforts! :bigsmile:
  • BobbieInCA
    BobbieInCA Posts: 102 Member
    You're all right about those last few pounds...I think they're made of glue! You really won't be on 1200 forever, and your commitment to a healthy diet is terrific.
    My maintenance is 1470 calories, and the extra evening snack it allows is a wonderful bonus.
    Try varying your exercise. The long walks are great, but a cardio DVD or class might make the difference.
  • bevpulse
    bevpulse Posts: 54 Member
    I definitely will give your suggestion a try when my life gets "back to normal," whatever that is. Right now I'm on a necessary trip and will just do the best I can. There always seems to be bumps in the road! I appreciate your response, Thanks so much!
  • bevpulse
    bevpulse Posts: 54 Member
    That was for you, ker95texas!
  • bevpulse
    bevpulse Posts: 54 Member
    BobbieinCA, that's a good suggestion. I hope when I get settled back home in some kind of routine to get back to my water aerobics class in addition to walking when I can. Thanks for that nugget!
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    I confess that I weighed 135 lbs when I started MFP a couple years ago and this Feb weighed 152.2 - and I am still doing a lot of the right things!! Just keep going! I think my weight spirals around 5 lbs and then pushes down to lose weight. If I keep up doing the right things, I will lose weight and keep it off. Don't dwell on the past, don't give up on the future, and focus on the present what you are doing right. It will come off. Let's not focus on the scale, but on what we are doing that is right. We got this!Have fun!
  • bevpulse
    bevpulse Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks, Smilesback! Great advice
  • GLH2576
    GLH2576 Posts: 83 Member
    In general, I'd say don't do anything that you cannot do for the long term. 1200 calories seems quite low to me to do for the next 20 years so I would be looking for a level that was something I could live with. The same goes for exercise. I do not know how strenuous your walks are but if your heart rate is not getting to a reasonable level (about 60-70% of your max) you might try walking faster or add in some small hills. I found that adding in a HR monitor and using a cell phone app that the monitor can tie into gives me useful information although I think it over-estimates. In addition to the planned 2 mile walks how much other walking are you getting in during the day? You need about 6,000 steps per day for general fitness but 10,000 or more per day to start to have an impact on weight loss. 10,000 steps is about five miles. Personally I can usually get the 6,000 for general fitness but have to make a concentrated effort to go over 10,000. I hit that mark on weekends but have not been as successful at reaching it consistently during the week. You might also want to ask how important the last 5 pounds is to you. It's great to have a goal but is there something magical about that last five pounds that will make you happier than you are now?
  • bevpulse
    bevpulse Posts: 54 Member
    GLH, thanks for taking the time to respond. I don't have a heart rate monitor but I did buy a fitbit last week which has motivated me to do more activity. My daughter and I walked yesterday and exceeded 10,000 steps. You're right, it does take concentrated effort, as well as time and the right circumstances. I will try to push myself harder on my planned walks. I could be satisfied with my present weight. I think I'm trying to prove that I can do it or see what it takes to lose it at this point. The thing is, I don't want to let my weight slowly climb over time.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    I think I have a fear that settling will result in me putting some weight back I am going to continue trying to lose that last few pounds/ has been said, we have to find a way of life which we can maintain...but most of all enjoy......

    As Jack Kerouac said...Let's all dance like dingledodies :bigsmile: :heart: :flowerforyou: :love: :bigsmile:

  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    “They danced down the streets like dingledodies..." ~Jack Kerouac ==> And just think of the calorie burn! :bigsmile:

  • bevpulse
    bevpulse Posts: 54 Member
    Ha Ha! Love that animation!
  • I still have a long way to go but I agree that maybe you should try to switch it up a little. Maybe have one meal or day a week where you add a little more. I think our bodies settle in on a program when we have been on it for awhile. I don't mean for you to go crazy and add a lot of calories but treat yourself and then go right back to your program. Good luck
  • bevpulse
    bevpulse Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks, hayleyandpaig! Maybe switching it up will help.
  • bevpulse
    bevpulse Posts: 54 Member
    I'm finally showing some loss on the scale after 6 weeeks of no loss! Yay! Dropped 2 lbs.
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Yea Bev, way to go! That is the frustration with the weight loss goblin it let's you think you're good work isn't paying off so you will give up but you held in & beat that goblin at his own game. WELL DONE I am so pleased for you.
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    I'm finally showing some loss on the scale after 6 weeeks of no loss! Yay! Dropped 2 lbs.

  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    I'm finally showing some loss on the scale after 6 weeeks of no loss! Yay! Dropped 2 lbs.