bad leg cramps

rachel122986 Posts: 46
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I lifted weights, ran and did some lunges last night and when I was done my legs had aweful cramps all I could do was stand and my legs were so hard it was aweful took me 20 minutes to get from the second floor to the basement and when I got to the basement and got the dogs I could barely get back upstairs to let them out. I had a banana and that didn't help. Today my calves feel like they have charlie horses and my hamstrings just hurt. I know I didn't over due it last night because I did less then usual. I did drink a lot more water then usual yesterday but that wouldn't cause the pain either. Any thoughts on what happened?


  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    What stretching did you do before and after your workout?
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Have you been doing multiple days in a row? Maybe they are just overworked?
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    Try a B complex vitamin. I keep them in my gym bag and it works for me. Also how is your electrolyte balance? You may need some sodium..If you can get your hands on coconut water it is the best source of electrolytes that you can put in your body. It is just about the same chemical makeup as your plasma and your body will absorb it better than gatorade(which of course is man made)
  • I do a fair amount of stretching before and after I tried to do a lot of leg stretches to help with the cramps
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Actually, if you drank a lot of water and didn't replace electrolytes, then yes, that could be part of the problem.

    Also, I'd recommend stretching for at least 10-15 minutes after a workout. And don't work the same muscle groups for 2-3 days so those muscles have time to recover.
  • douglw
    douglw Posts: 25
    Before you get too exotic, I recommend eating a banana and drinking lots of water. You probably just got your electrolytes out of whack. Bananas have lots of potassium. It always does the trick when I get cramps.

    If you are new to working out, you might also try to ease into it a little more. Stretching also helps.
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