Primal Blueprint 21-day body transformation

GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
Ok, so I claimed to not get involved in challenges, such as Whole30, but I’ve been going back and forth from the SAD to Primal, and I’ve done some serious damage to my body because of it. I’ve had the book for a while and read some of it, so now I feel it’s time to put it into action. This challenge is necessary to get my body back to where it should be. I have a blood panel coming up after the 21-days, so I hope to see some improvement. I’m not a newbie, so some things are already in check, but the rest, especially exercise, is something that I need to be more accountable to.

If anyone is just starting out (or not) and interested in joining, please do, it’s only 21 days, so here it goes…

Here are the basic challenge details (the book has a lot more):

Day 1:
Diet – purge pantry prepare for shopping spree (day 2)
Exercise – Increase daily movement
Lifestyle – Primal essentials (Yellow lens or bulbs and/or candles, compile workout clothes, break out cookbooks, etc.)

My Goals for today:
Diet – Done, no non-Primal food is not in my home anyway
Exercise – Brief work breaks (I have a desk job) & after dinner stroll (today is a non-gym day, so I’m taking it easy)
Lifestyle – I dusted off my vibrams and will wear them proudly, workout clothes are ready, have candles for meditation at the end of the day


  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Well, I actually pre-packed and pre-logged my lunch for like the first time ever.

    I did light some candles and try to relax last night, but a bit of violent outburst from a child family member messed that all up, but I should get an E for effort on trying anyways.

    When I couldn't relax at home I went to the local grocer and bought 3 lb of organic grass fed beef, which I am really looking forward to transforming into Chili on Thursday.

    I'll be roasting a chicken on Tuesday.

    I can't clean the pantry because I have a non-primal child in the house, but I am not tempted by her gluten filled junk.

    I actually took care of some laundry last night, so my workout clothes are in check.

    Unfortunately my feet hurt really bad, can't work out with them swollen like this.
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Well, I actually pre-packed and pre-logged my lunch for like the first time ever.

    I did light some candles and try to relax last night, but a bit of violent outburst from a child family member messed that all up, but I should get an E for effort on trying anyways.

    When I couldn't relax at home I went to the local grocer and bought 3 lb of organic grass fed beef, which I am really looking forward to transforming into Chili on Thursday.

    I'll be roasting a chicken on Tuesday.

    I can't clean the pantry because I have a non-primal child in the house, but I am not tempted by her gluten filled junk.

    I actually took care of some laundry last night, so my workout clothes are in check.

    Unfortunately my feet hurt really bad, can't work out with them swollen like this.

    It sounds like you are ready to go today, other than your swollen feet, ouch! I'll try my darndest to meditate today, but usually it's too much distraction. We'll just have to do our best.
  • onionparsleysage
    onionparsleysage Posts: 103 Member
    Well, I actually pre-packed and pre-logged my lunch for like the first time ever.

    I did light some candles and try to relax last night, but a bit of violent outburst from a child family member messed that all up, but I should get an E for effort on trying anyways.

    When I couldn't relax at home I went to the local grocer and bought 3 lb of organic grass fed beef, which I am really looking forward to transforming into Chili on Thursday.

    I'll be roasting a chicken on Tuesday.

    I can't clean the pantry because I have a non-primal child in the house, but I am not tempted by her gluten filled junk.

    I actually took care of some laundry last night, so my workout clothes are in check.

    Unfortunately my feet hurt really bad, can't work out with them swollen like this.

    Why does your kid need to stay non-primal?
    Lots of kids are primal!
    It doesn't make sense to feed your kid junk food when you are switching to a healthier lifestyle. A good start can just be transitioning to more whole-food & gluten-free snacks.

    I'll recommend getting some yams to roast in case sugar cravings hit. They're healthy but when roasted to the point of carmelizing they're perfect for hitting that spot.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Well, I actually pre-packed and pre-logged my lunch for like the first time ever.

    I did light some candles and try to relax last night, but a bit of violent outburst from a child family member messed that all up, but I should get an E for effort on trying anyways.

    When I couldn't relax at home I went to the local grocer and bought 3 lb of organic grass fed beef, which I am really looking forward to transforming into Chili on Thursday.

    I'll be roasting a chicken on Tuesday.

    I can't clean the pantry because I have a non-primal child in the house, but I am not tempted by her gluten filled junk.

    I actually took care of some laundry last night, so my workout clothes are in check.

    Unfortunately my feet hurt really bad, can't work out with them swollen like this.

    Why does your kid need to stay non-primal?
    Lots of kids are primal!
    It doesn't make sense to feed your kid junk food when you are switching to a healthier lifestyle. A good start can just be transitioning to more whole-food & gluten-free snacks.

    I'll recommend getting some yams to roast in case sugar cravings hit. They're healthy but when roasted to the point of carmelizing they're perfect for hitting that spot.

    I've asked the same in other posts. If it's healthy for us, it's even more critical for kids to eat this way. My child has had HUGE benefits. No, it's not always EASY and even today she said "I hate eating healthy food". Too bad; I'm the mom and I buy and prepare the food. The only thing I regret is not going Paleo sooner and that I can't get others to respect what is and isn't acceptable to feed my child (and then they complain about her bad behaviour).
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Day 2 (done yesterday):
    Diet - Shopping spree, yes, but I didn't need to buy much.The book has a shopping list, but I'll opt out of the Costco pre-cooked bacon
    Exercise - Moderate 20-60 mins (gym)
    Lifestyle - Spend some relaxing time with the hub reading, and did a 15 min prayer/meditation
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Day 3:
    Diet - Boycott industrialized food (well duh!), make a statement in favor of your health

    Exercise - 5 min cardio warmup (yep), two sets of max reps pushups (uhm ok), squats (yep), pullups (uhm no), and planks (yep)

    Lifestyle - take a spontaneous play break (Fo-shizzle)
  • lexidear
    lexidear Posts: 70 Member
    are you still doing this? I think I am going to try and transition over slowly
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Yes I am, and will complete my 21 days on the 28th. I didn't post because the does and don'ts are a given, but it's been going well, and I feel great! You should definitely give it a try if you are just starting out, recommitting, or recharging.
  • fast_stacie
    fast_stacie Posts: 38 Member
    I have started going Primal this week but I won't officially start my 21 days body transformation until Mid May. I have an 8 day vacation planned in New Orleans when I will be eating at restaurants 24/7, plus I will be on the road for a funeral and work the rest of this week. I'll do my best to eat clean, but I already know it will be extremely difficult.

    So far, I've had positive results with eating primal and I've managed to eliminate a lot of my urge to snack in the evenings - my biggest problem. Looking forward to getting healthy and losing the weight.