
hi i am in my 60s 75 lbs overweight. i used to live off junk food no fruit or vegetables. i finally realized my weight is killing me. i stopped the junk food and have been eating salads lowfat yogurt and apples. i feel like i am literally starving to death not just hungry but really starving. i havent eaten meat for a few days. i found this website and it says i am only allowed 1500 calories a day. at this point i can not do doesnt take long to get there. i know zero about eating right. has anyone else been here and what did you do?


  • i was in a pretty similar situation, however i have always been a big guy even in school.
    Im currently at 133kg (293pounds) yet my Body fat is 24% which is a healthy range previouly it was 35% (not healthy)
    there are lots of foods you can eat, i eat around 2000 calories a day, 2500 on my really heavy lifting days and on my rest days i still eat around 1800cals.
    Add me and you can check out my diary, ive only just started a 12 week program and ill be logging in everything i eat.
  • JenD1066
    JenD1066 Posts: 298 Member
    I have a simple solution!
    Buy bags of raw nuts. (Almonds and cashews are my faves.)
    Carry them with you everywhere.
    When you feel like you're starving, eat 10.
    The (good) fat is satisfying- and it works every time.
  • Clendenen49
    Clendenen49 Posts: 49 Member
    More than likely your body is extremely sensitive to insulin. Which is released in large amount whenever you eat any kind of carbohydrate rich food and is directly linked to fat gain. Like bread, pasta, crackers, chips. You feel hungry because your body wants that release of insulin. To correct this, a very low carbohydrate diet for at least 12 weeks is recommended. <100g of carbohydrates. To further help you I have one question. How is your energy levels when you feel at your hungriest.
  • i use protein drinks the protein makes you full
    can add me too
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    You will get much better information/advice if you open your diary. You can do that here:
    At the bottom, set the privacy to Public.

    I eat around 1500 calories per day and am never hungry. My diary is open if you'd like to take a look for ideas. I do not exclude any food groups and have my fair share of treats.