I don't get the same feel anymore as the crash diet

About 5 years ago I lost a ton of weight. I gained most of it back overtime though cuz I was burned out and discouraged. During that time I would often try to skip breakfast and lunch. Or I might have a small cup of yogurt and then I might eat a regular dinner. I'd exercise real hard throughout the day with elliptical, basketball, and walking. Up to 6 hours at times.That way I could be in a deficit everyday before dinner and wouldn't have to worry. And it did work. Lost about 40 pounds in 1.5 months. I continued to lose more and more for the next few months. Then the negative side effects started to happen. I hit a point where everything stalled and I couldn't eat less. I felt like I was making excuses and felt ashamed for not being able to eat less. I had headaches all the time. I was really really hungry. Typically I'd go walking for hours and then I would weight myself for hours and not drink water. Once I was happy with the weight going down, then I'd go eat something. So it became kind of a disorder.

However during that time, I started to feel really light, much lighter than I actually was. And it was so motivating to literally feel the fat come off. At least that's how it felt at the time. I could even feel muscle coming off as well, I started to feel like I was going to lose everything and it felt good in a sense, like it would just happen in no time and I'd live happily ever after.

Then I got really hungry and started binging like crazy. I'd eat everything in sight. I was tried of having headaches all day. Plus some at the time said I had more to lose and I got really discouraged. The days and months started to pass and I didn't even realize that I was also exercising much less. I didn't start gaining much weight for a month or so, but then slowly I started to gain weight more and more each month and eventually my waist was over a 40 and I realized that I had gained almost everything back. And more started to come back. I wasn't trying to eat a lot, it just happened because it was becoming a habit. I felt starved for a long long time until my weight had leveled off.

So now I've got back on a plan but I've been doing it differently this time. I eat less, but I don't really skip meals. At times sure I may feel slightly hungry, but I cure it with eating some fruit and drinking water. Although I'm getting results again this time, this time it's been much much slower. Only about 2 pounds a week. I'm exercising a lot, but my diet is about 1800 calories on average. That's not as low as when I'd go on the 900 calorie diet and try to burn more than 900. At the time I thought that was how it worked, that you had to burn more through exercise alone than your total calories consumed.

So though I'm much more committed (100 percent) this time around I'm so frustrated at things like people not even noticing this time around since it's more gradual. Cuz back then they noticed after like a month. I guess people who have seen you go up and down before don't notice until you've gotten all the way down. That's what one of my friends says when I lose weight. He will always say ''Yea but I've already seen you thinner when you were younger.'' So whatever with him. Back then when I was losing weight, it was so much faster. I could feel it too and my legs almost felt light and weak at the same time, I guess from losing strength very fast. Now I don't get that feeling anymore. I feel more whole, I probably am in better tune with my body. I don't want it to be slow, (1-2 lbs to me is) but I guess that's how it's gonna continue to be. Cuz last time didn't work forever.


  • mandez19
    mandez19 Posts: 179
    About 5 years ago I lost a ton of weight. I gained most of it back overtime though cuz I was burned out and discouraged. During that time I would often try to skip breakfast and lunch. Or I might have a small cup of yogurt and then I might eat a regular dinner. I'd exercise real hard throughout the day with elliptical, basketball, and walking. Up to 6 hours at times.That way I could be in a deficit everyday before dinner and wouldn't have to worry. And it did work. Lost about 40 pounds in 1.5 months. I continued to lose more and more for the next few months. Then the negative side effects started to happen. I hit a point where everything stalled and I couldn't eat less. I felt like I was making excuses and felt ashamed for not being able to eat less. I had headaches all the time. I was really really hungry. Typically I'd go walking for hours and then I would weight myself for hours and not drink water. Once I was happy with the weight going down, then I'd go eat something. So it became kind of a disorder.

    However during that time, I started to feel really light, much lighter than I actually was. And it was so motivating to literally feel the fat come off. At least that's how it felt at the time. I could even feel muscle coming off as well, I started to feel like I was going to lose everything and it felt good in a sense, like it would just happen in no time and I'd live happily ever after.

    Then I got really hungry and started binging like crazy. I'd eat everything in sight. I was tried of having headaches all day. Plus some at the time said I had more to lose and I got really discouraged. The days and months started to pass and I didn't even realize that I was also exercising much less. I didn't start gaining much weight for a month or so, but then slowly I started to gain weight more and more each month and eventually my waste was over a 40 and I realized that I had gained almost everything back. And more started to come back. I wasn't trying to eat a lot, it just happened because it was becoming a habit. I felt starved for a long long time until my weight had leveled off.

    So now I've got back on a plan but I've been doing it differently this time. I eat less, but I don't really skip meals. At times sure I may feel slightly hungry, but I cure it with eating some fruit and drinking water. Although I'm getting results again this time, this time it's been much much slower. Only about 2 pounds a week. I'm exercising a lot, but my diet is about 1800 calories on average. That's not as low as when I'd go on the 900 calorie diet and try to burn more than 900. At the time I thought that was how it worked, that you had to burn more through exercise alone than your total calories consumed.

    So though I'm much more committed (100 percent) this time around I'm so frustrated at things like people not even noticing this time around since it's more gradual. Cuz back then they noticed after like a month. I guess people who have seen you go up and down before don't notice until you've gotten all the way down. That's what one of my friends says when I lose weight. He will always say ''Yea but I've already seen you thinner when you were younger.'' So whatever with him. Back then when I was losing weight, it was so much faster. I could feel it too and my legs almost felt light and weak at the same time, I guess from losing strength very fast. Now I don't get that feeling anymore. I feel more whole, I probably am in better tune with my body. I don't want it to be slow, (1-2 lbs to me is) but I guess that's how it's gonna continue to be. Cuz last time didn't work forever.

    Ya that is a good example of what I am not going to do this time by being fully conscious of this potential problem and to have a plan to not allow it to happen - by quickly and properly implementing a maintenance lifestyle. I just don't feel like eating 1400 calories before I go to sleep right now... not a big deal, I ate all day and had good energetic workouts.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Fat people have eating disorders, too. LOTS of fat people have eating disorders. Binge Eating Disorder is very common. Overeating, starving and binging, all kinds of different disorders.

    I am not a psychiatrist. Even a psychiatrist would need more to diagnose you.

    But you might consider seeing one if you continue to have difficulty.

    People will notice eventually. I suppose if you've yo-yoed before, they'll be less enthusiastic. I get sick of my friends who lose and gain the same pounds over and over. I can only the cheer the same weight loss so many times.

    But when you're done, they'll notice. They'll comment. :)
  • Cc215
    Cc215 Posts: 228 Member
    2lb a week is fantastic work!! It all adds up! You know how much you are losing - you're measuring your weight to find out, other people don't see the numbers on the scale shifting down. Your body will catch up, and the loss will become more obvious to others over time.

    Don't allow a slower loss to get you down. A continued downward trend is what matters. The way I see it is this - when I get to my goal weight I'm not really going to care whether it took 6 months or a year to get there, I'm just gonna be thrilled I made it! It's not always easy - after the years of crash diets I'm used to seeing bigger drops - but the weight always came back before - and often brought some more with it!
  • I hear what you're saying. I used to be a 'great' dieter. I could strip myself down to my goal weight in no time by eating pretty much nothing. Horrible. It always backfired on me. Completely unsustainable. So this time around I am eating in such a way that I am not thinking, "I don't know how much longer I can take this" but "I could do this for the rest of my life." And it's slow.

    Even though I've lost, since starting, 35lbs now, the only person who has noticed is my husband. It's certainly nice to hear his praise but when you're used to people going 'Wow, look at you!'....well. It takes some getting used to. But I was never doing it for that outside praise, so if not one single person besides me (and my husband, natch) notice, I can live with that. ;)

    Here's to losing the right way! :drinker: