Weight Watchers??



  • 135sb
    135sb Posts: 24
    I lost 30 lbs and regained 28..Not because of ww but because i lost time and focus over the last 4 years..
    ww really is no different from this site except for the fact it can run into a lot of money. The meetings I attended really did not teach healthy eating. A lot of processed foods were the emphasis..one gal said she was able to eat a whole can of pringles and stay within her calories..They also drop calories down to 1000 as you approach your goal. They did not explain eating back calories which did effect my metabolism.. I opted for MFP over WW this time and am doing great.
  • 135sb
    135sb Posts: 24
    Friends and family I know that have done Weight Watchers say it works and is one of the healthiest diets around. However, when I researched doing WW, I realized that you have to learn a new system of counting food items (points), and I decided that learning to count calories was more applicable and beneficial in the long term of life. In either diet, the key is knowing and monitoring exactly what you are eating. Good luck with your decision.

    the point thing is no different from counting calories..1 point equals approx 50 cals. if you do the core program it is basically high protien with veggies and your allowed x amount of points each day so you can eat grains..
  • 135sb
    135sb Posts: 24
    each to their, but I've been there and done it with all of them .. ... always feel hungry on weight watchers for some reason .. to be honest we all know what we have to do, less calories in, eat more healthily and more exercise .. eat less than we spend so to speak ... and that's for free xxx

    you are right..I frequently went to bed hungry. I think it was because they never to tell you TO EAT any of your exercise calories or explain the reason behind doing so. They tell you you earned so many extra points from exercising and IF you want you can eat them.. I found that to be an important factor in sucessful weight loss, eat some or all you cals back and hunger doesn't seem to be a great issue. Plus I would be shakey sometimes..I was walking 5 to 7 miles a day and didn't have a clue???
  • scotslass
    scotslass Posts: 317
    Hi Everyone!

    Thank you all for taking the time for our advice! I have decided just to keep tracking my calories and working out, as I dont want to pay money when i really don't need to :-) It was just something i had in my head that I couldnt decide on, I am glad I asked :-)

    Thank you again!!
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I signed up for weight watchers 6 different times and dropped out. I get more support here and I don't have to pay for meetings!
  • cacfish
    cacfish Posts: 24
    Like alot of people on the forum i've done everything - personally i found the classes very time consuming. By the time i got ome from work - went to weigh in and class - came home made dinner - what a drag!!
    I was in a similar situation as yourself two weeks ago and now --- i'm addicted to myfitnesspal! I never facebook anymore - i think why spend the money on weight watcher when this is free? I went out and bought a couple of dietry magazines and i can cook from that, i've a few weightwatchers readymeals in the oven.. ...i have big long weight loss journey to go on and i think can do it on MFP - i need to learn myself and make my own choices etc - for now and the future. WHEN i loose the weight i dont think i could follow a weightwatchers way of eating and i would be too scared to put it all back on!!!

    here's my brief summary of the others weight watcher quite similar to MFP and slimming world - good amounts to eat but not much long term learning.

  • Weight Watchers online is almost the same as this....but.... this is free! No blogs or friends the last time I was on WW!
  • I agree with kidtechnical, it's painful converting everything into points, then having to log. I find just putting the calories into MFP much much easier. I also ate more processed foods because unlike MFP, WW doesn't make you track sodium intake etc. I don't see why anyone would want to pay for WW when you have MFP, it's utterly fantastic. But like everyone said it's up to you and you should do what you feel is best. I've had success years and years ago with WW when I was about 21 I lost 25 lbs back then there was no points system it was just eating 3 heatlhy meals a day and a couple of snacks and cutting out crap. I tried it again years later, but it just didn't work as well as it did before. I think that's my MFP is working for me, because it is very like the old WW and I've lost 23lbs.

    Good luck on your decision :-)
  • I signed up for weight watchers 6 different times and dropped out. I get more support here and I don't have to pay for meetings!

    Me too! why is that? I'd go for 2-3 weeks and then ...that's it...gone!!!
  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member
    I have a friend on facebook is posted today she was so excited that she has lost 10 lbs. in a month, but I feel sorry for her because she thinks she will continue to lose 10 every month from now on, if it doesn't happen for her that way she will probably be pretty disappointed, I have seen alot of food in the list with the ww points added so I figured you could basically do it on here also??? Good luck!
  • Just to add my two cents - I've done ww a couple times and lost weight but gained it back.
    I have a SIL that has lost lots on it and is not on the maintenance plan and has done awesome.
    Different things motivate different people.

    In my experience, MFP has lots and lots to offer for, as everyone has said, free. Great motivational support on here, as you can see, almost instantly! I love it and have learned more since I joined here the past month than any other site!!
  • I have had great success with weight watchers in the past. It's easy to use in my opinion and I would definitely recommend it! I know of lots of people who have had similar success, but it is important to keep at it so you can maintain, or you will gain it all back. As with any "diet" you need to make sure that the way you're eating is a way you can see yourself eating for the rest of your life!
  • I have done WW and I think this is the same principle. I like MFP a lot better because of the flexibilty.. I have been doing this for 1 week and lost over 5 lbs so far. I am not the stick to a meeting person, because I have boys that have crazy schedules. If you are a meeting person, it is a great program, but I think I prefer the flexibilty of Myfitnesspal.com Good Luck!
  • Tralee1111
    Tralee1111 Posts: 2,039 Member
    I did WW in 2009/2010 and lost 40 pounds. I found the program easy and I loved my leader. Unfortunately, I fell off the wagon when I was planning my wedding (stress!) and tried to go back a month prior to the wedding. But saving money, I had to cut costs here and there and WW was on the chopping block. I think it is a good program, but I am doing ok on my own. We have a group at work that meets once a week (kind of like a WW meeting ~ motivation, topics, recipes), so I don't really miss WW. Only that great leader I had.

    I have not done the PointsPlus, so I can't comment on that. But I do have a friend that is still on it and has had good success.
  • I don't think it really matters what weight loss program you do any of them are successful. The question is are you looking for a lifestyle change or a quick fix?

    You have to be willing to do the work and to change your habits not just diet. I did WW's and loved it and was quite successful on it. But found that going to the meetings held me accountable, any time I stray from the meetings I gained and I fell back into my old habits.

    Having a weight loss partner definately helps.
  • I joined WW and did really well, I lost 11lbs in 3 weeks, I then found that it slowly crept back on and spent the next 2 years with my weight yo-yoing. I finally lost again but could not get under 10st 10lbs no matter how hard I tried and gave it up as a bad job. I then found the MFP app for my phone and thought I'd give it a go and it's been amazing I'm lower than I ever got with WW.
    But like with everthing else it's what suits you, if what you're doing is working why change it?
    Good luck x
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I have never gone to WW meetings. I am WAY too cheap!
    I started using my mother's information that she got from going to meetings and used it after I couldn't seem to lose more than 40 pounds. I eat about 20-23 points per day, which is less than MFP tells me to eat. You can probably find a chart to tell you how many points you need to be eating in regards to you height/weight/activity level. To calculate points I simply google a points tracker and put in my Calories, Fat, and Fiber. I know that WW has recently changed in regards to fruits and veggies. Sometimes I count them, sometimes I don't.
    I've now lost about 60 pounds from my highest weight of 225. I've kept it off for about 6 years now. It's really all about discipline. I wouldn't pay to go to meetings when almost ALL the information can just be googled.
  • xTry2Defyx
    xTry2Defyx Posts: 24 Member
    You can try WW Online for free for one week. I tried it around the same time I found MFP. I cancelled WW after a few days because I found MFP's database to be all I need.

    Here's the link to the 7-day free trial: https://signup.weightwatchers.com/SignupVersions/Online/StepOne.aspx

    Totally agree. I did the 7-day free trial and canceled after 2! I couldn't figure out what the difference was besides calling my calories/fat/carbs allowed "points". I get amazing support and excellent advice and knowledge by being on MFP. No need to waste more money to become healthy...we already spend enough on those expensive good-for-you foods!
  • TMR001
    TMR001 Posts: 37
    I did weight watchers about 10 years ago and was very successful. I also really like the leader at the time. She was actually a coworker that did team meetings at our workplace as a part time ww leader. I tried the online thing several times and didn't have much success.

    1. WW is just another way to count calories.... something you can do here for free or at a number of other websites.
    2. WW is very expensive.
    3. The online community on WW is generally awful .... there seems to be a "clique" on the forum that is extremely active and extremely cruel. It's really awful and very unsupportive.

    I'd say if you are the type that needs the meetings then go to a meeting. If online works for you, save your money and go with MFP or one of the other free or low cost sites like it. If you go with WW be careful of what you post in the forums.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Isn't WW based on calories and nutrition - & your wallet? We do that here, only you get to see the REAL caloric intake, it's easy to do, and it works....you eat what you want to.

    But whatever works for you. I'm for using less money, and counting my own calories and doing my own nutrition.
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