Exercise workouts...

LadyZoe Posts: 36 Member
edited November 2023 in Fitness and Exercise
Since my weight has pretty much been staying where it's at, even with a 20 minute brisk walk several times a week I think I am going to try some new things.

Going to be trying a work out dvd called "WOW! Working out with Vicky Entwistle" once my son goes back to school.

It looks quite fun and bouncy, and she seems to be a ray of sunshine through it, so I'm looking forward to giving it a go at least once a week or more.

Plus I've found I've got a couple video's for beginner's yoga, pilates and tae bo laying around the house.

Thinking it's time to drag them out and give them a look.
Might be good to keep things flexible in between regular workouts?

Since I'm such a major newbie to everything to do with Yoga, Pilates and Tae bo .... which one would be the best option as a beginning beginner?

Any recommended workouts? Ones to stay away from?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much


  • LadyZoe
    LadyZoe Posts: 36 Member
    Since my weight has pretty much been staying where it's at, even with a 20 minute brisk walk several times a week I think I am going to try some new things.

    Going to be trying a work out dvd called "WOW! Working out with Vicky Entwistle" once my son goes back to school.

    It looks quite fun and bouncy, and she seems to be a ray of sunshine through it, so I'm looking forward to giving it a go at least once a week or more.

    Plus I've found I've got a couple video's for beginner's yoga, pilates and tae bo laying around the house.

    Thinking it's time to drag them out and give them a look.
    Might be good to keep things flexible in between regular workouts?

    Since I'm such a major newbie to everything to do with Yoga, Pilates and Tae bo .... which one would be the best option as a beginning beginner?

    Any recommended workouts? Ones to stay away from?

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you so much
  • Skinnier_Me
    Skinnier_Me Posts: 341 Member
    Turbo Jam is so much fun.

    Billy Blanks Tae Bo Boot Camp was too much for(tried it months ago).

    I bought Windsor Pilates as soon as it came out years ago and I love it.
    Great for your abs, butt, thighs... everything!

    If you have Fit TV, you should check out Gilad & Sharon Mann.

    I think it's awesome that you're trying new things.
  • LadyZoe
    LadyZoe Posts: 36 Member
    I'll have to look for that one (Turbo Jam) I think that having fun will be the key to long term commitment for this.

    I think that's the version of Tae Bo I have so I may just glance at it, and put it aside for now *lol*

    I tend to get bored after a few weeks of the same things over again so I probably will be trying to do a video rotation of the Yoga and the Pilates or something to keep things fresh.

    I have been hearing good things about both so far, and I peeked at a couple of the Pilates workouts, and it looks like something that I would enjoy doing. (Although, wow are some of them waaaay more flexible than I am right now. *laughs*)

    We don't cable or satellite tv at all so it'll mainly be dvd's and such for my work outs, but there are quite a few out there to play around with so that's all good..

    I'm gonna see if I can find the Turbo Jam workout to add to my library. If I find it it may be a good one to rotate with the Wow! workout. *huge grin!*

    Thanks so much for the info Skinnier_Me! Every little bit helps. I am determined to get into better shape and a healthier lifestyle.
  • Skinnier_Me
    Skinnier_Me Posts: 341 Member
    Turbo Jam is fun to do.
    I've heard Yoga Booty Ballet is great also.

    I think I'll get that soon.

    Very welcome LadyZoe! =)
  • apaden4
    apaden4 Posts: 137 Member
    The lady that runs my son's daycare has been doing a workout video thats called "walk away the pounds" or something like that. She has lost 27lbs doing that video and drinking slimfasts, she said she really likes it.
    As for me, I have tried the windsor pilates and billy blanks cardio workout. Billy Blanks was just a little much for me, and I didn't feel like the pilates was doing anything. I started going to the gym and riding the bikes and walking on the treadmills, that seems to be working a lot better for me. Haven't lost much more weight, but I definitely feel better!
  • the walk away the pounds dvd is great The first time I was trying to lose the weight I did this dvd everyday and lost around 25lbs. I since then have gained 25+ so i am back to the walk away the pounds again it really does work + it is very easy to do.
  • oh man Vicky's workout is tough but very effective.... I recommend you look into Jillian Michaels. She was a blunt trainer from the Biggest Loser show. Her cardio work is 30mins and very good.
    The only thing is that she is in sick shape and it makes you wonder what she is eating lol, if at all.
  • I have the whole set of Billy Blanks DVD's and I love them. In the set there are ones that start of easier and then you work your way up there. I've found that no matter how hard it seems for me to get through, I keep going even if I half *kitten* it, I feel better in the end.

    I also have a Belly Dancing DVD featuring Rania. I love it, its so much fun. And it's not too strenous. This would be a good one to start off with.

    Also depending on what your goal is, to loose weight, or just to tone up.
    Pilates or Yoga would be for toning up and Tae Bo and Belly Dancing for weight loss.
  • I have used the Tony Little videos with pretty good success. They were low impact and there are a number of them. Some for abs, total body, upper body, lower body, cardio, etc. There is a good variety to rotate through. He shows and stresses using good techniques for doing each exercise. It seemed to work quite well for me. I especially like the time line that he uses. He does each exercise for beginners/intermediates/advanced. The beginners and intermediates just drop out sooner and you can fast forward to the next exercise if you aren't to the advanced level. He also doesn't count out one, two, up , down, etc. so I don't get confused if I can't keep up with his pace. a combination of the videos & DVD's seem to work well for both toning and losing weight. (cardio videos)...
  • I'm not a big fan of videos. I like to do my own thing with my music blasting.

    But, I'm gettin kind of bored with my same old routine.

    Maybe a bunch of us could swap routines just to change things up....of course adjust for weight and reps.

    Here's the workout I did today (pretty typical)

    mild stretching ~ 5 mins

    Push-ups on my knees 10 reps, 3 times
    Sit-Ups with 8 lb medicine ball 10 reps, 3 times

    Row machine 15 mins (115 cals burned)

    Dumbell work with arms/shoulders:
    lateral raises w/ 8 lb weights 10 reps, 3 times
    bicep curls with 8 lb weights 15 reps, 3 times
    Shoulder press with 30 lb bar 10 reps, 3 times

    Walk on treadmill 3.8 mph w/ steep incline- 25 mins (180 cals burned)

    total workout took about 1 hour 15 mins.

    Anyone else want to share their routines?
  • kellybann
    kellybann Posts: 2 Member
    I've been told my personal trainers to be careful of muscle memory. That is when you do the same type of exercise day after day and your body becomes accustomed to it. The body doesn’t have to work as hard and you won't be burning calories efficiently. I used to walk 20 minutes from the train to work, 1 hour during my lunch and then 20 minutes back to the train. I couldn't figure out why I didn't lose any weight...that's a LOT of walking. I was told it was because of muscle memory.

    I was told to mix it up - all the time. This will serve 2 purposes. 1 - You won't get muscle memory 2 - it keeps things fresh and new so you don't get bored.

    I change what I am doing quite often. If I've been using weight machines a lot, I switch to free weights. If I've been using my balance ball, I switch to my resistance bands. If I've been walking a lot, I switch to the bike. You can switch between two or three different workout regimens every 4 to 6 weeks and you'll see a lot of results when you do this because you won't be impaired by muscle memory.
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