Water intake per day

heatherslosingit Posts: 46
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone, I am new to myfitnesspal ... Can anyone tell me something that I have always wondered,
Does coffee or tea count towards the 8 glasses of water required per day?
I drink about 3 to 4 black decaf without sugar per day do I count them in or not?
Thanks for your time


  • patio1313
    patio1313 Posts: 169 Member
    Personally I do not think so...I have my coffee (mmmm coffee) but I always make sure to get the 6-8 cups of plain ol water in as well...Helps make sure I don't get dehydrated
  • Hello everyone, I am new to myfitnesspal ... Can anyone tell me something that I have always wondered,
    Does coffee or tea count towards the 8 glasses of water required per day?
    I drink about 3 to 4 black decaf without sugar per day do I count them in or not?
    Thanks for your time

    My doctor told me that any fluid counts towards your total intake, including things like home made soup. As long as its liquid, it counts -(except milk which is a food) thats not to say that some liquids aren't better for you.
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    I wouldn't count anything that has a diuretic in it. Caffeine and alcohol are diuretics, things that inhibit your kidneys ability to absorb water. When I drink a coke or coffee I also drink an extra glass of water on top of my 8 for the day.
  • Hi
    I dont think it counts as you need the pureness of the water to be able to flush out any toxics from your body
  • candycana
    candycana Posts: 92 Member
    I don't count my coffee since I've always heard the caffeine acts a a diuretic. And by making myself drink 64 oz of water, it keeps me from drinking other stuff loaded with sugar, or even fat. Water, water, water. It does a body good!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I only count plain water. Decaf teas and coffees don't always have no caffeine, a lot of the time they just have a reduced amount of caffeine.

    Basically, if your body has to filter anything out of the water, even flavorings and colorings, it's not water. Yes, you get water from foods and other drinks, but it's not the same to your body. You need your 8 glasses of plain water every day.
  • I just read an atrticle last week on MSN, it said that need studies shouw that water, milk, and juice could all be counted as water intake towards your 8 glasses per day.
  • foodsafetyguru
    foodsafetyguru Posts: 9 Member

    The answer is yes. Water from any food counts toward your water requirement. The 8-8oz glasses recomendation is just that...a recomendation. Everyone's water intake is unique, but every food/drink has some portion of water in it which your body will use. Lettuce, coffee, milk, soup, even hamburger buns...have some portion of water in them.

    That being said, there is no substitute for drinking water itself. The trick is to take it in small quantities on a regular basis so you remain hydrated throughout the day. If you feel thirsty, chances are you're already a bit dehydrated. Tips with coffee...
  • lotty1987
    lotty1987 Posts: 176 Member

    Firstly welcome x

    Secondly i cannot stand normal water so i dilute it with a lil robinsons juice and i count that - i asked my doctor about it she said that was fine as long as it wasnt carbonated drinks or tea/coffee as they are irratants
  • ScottyLikesCake
    ScottyLikesCake Posts: 54 Member
    I read a really intersting article in New Scientist about the hydrating effects of various drinks. If you wanted you could count beer as it hydrates more than it dehydrates, wine and coffee are more dehydrating but still hydrate more than they dehydrate when taken in moderation.

    If you think about it you drink three pints of beer you do not necessarily pee three pints. However, that's not to say the effect of caffeine and alcohol don't have other negative effects to weight loss.

    Personally I still only count water in my water in take as I find it does help reduce my appetite without adding any calories. (Although I'm terrible at hitting 8 glasses a day!)
  • Thanks to everyone for your promp replies, much appreciated!
  • skhny
    skhny Posts: 41 Member
    I count my decaf tea (which I make hot to steep but then dilute with plain water) but not anything with caffeine like coffee or diet sodas (which I have once in a while when I need a change!!)
  • iverayna
    iverayna Posts: 48 Member
    As far as im concerned If its a clear liquid it counts. BUT not the sugary stuff and bad choice drinks.. . Coffee and Green Tea is GREAT for you and have different health qualities but Caffeine is diuretic so i think you should drink a little extra water.. I always put everything i drink into a Drinks section i added to my food diary
  • foodsafetyguru
    foodsafetyguru Posts: 9 Member
    One more point about coffee (caffeine). Caffeine normally stimulates a hormone called ADH (Vasopressin) which makes you urinate. When exercising, the blood flow to kidneys is decreased to 3% of normal so caffeine doesn't act as a diuretic during exercise.
  • pkgeihs
    pkgeihs Posts: 7 Member
    Lots of interesting answers! I try to drink my 8 glasses without counting anything else as well and now that it is finally warmer here that will not be an issue. I see my doctor again soon and I will try to remember to ask him what he thinks. Good luck to all of us!
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