Weight Loss Help

fink21061 Posts: 53 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been dieting for 3 weeks. Thats hard for me as Im a pepsi addict as well as a cake addict. I have done really well keeping as close to my calories as I can, drinking way less pepsi and working out which I never did before. How come I only lost 2 pounds and now all the sudden Im gaining it back. Dont know what Im doing wrong.


  • cleo77
    cleo77 Posts: 93 Member
    maybe too much sugar intake, even though you are staying within your calorie range. Another possibility, you may be eating too few calories.
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    That was happening to me to. I think it is still the Pepsi unfortunately. I had to start drinking my water more and I add lemon juice to it to help flush the body and detoxify me as well. I think it tastes great. You only add what tastes good to you. You can also do lime juice. I also had to start using the special K protein drink mixes to add to my water. I like flavor and get tired of water. I had to start forcing myself to drink more water and keep a close eye on it and once I did I just kind of stopped drinking my Pepsi and don't even crave it any more. It has only been two and a half weeks since I have been without Pepsi and I have lost 6lbs. So it really does make a diff. or at least it did for me. I hope this helps you some to get past your hang up. I know it can be discouraging. Keep with it and it will break and you will be so happy for it. :)
  • fink21061
    fink21061 Posts: 53 Member
    My diet before was probably about a 2000+ calorie diet. lol. I love my sugar. I NEVER drank water so this is really hard. A big change. I did not realize that I was so addicted to sweets. But now as soon as I lose it I gain a pound back within a few days. Very frusterating. Im gonna stick with it and see what happens.
  • Silky815
    Silky815 Posts: 367 Member
    It could be that your sodium intake is too high, which could mean you are retaining water weight. Or like cleo77 said, it could be that you are not eating enough, like me. I have fell below my 1,200 calories many times, so I don't lose weight like I should. It can send your body into starvation mode. So, try to eat as close to your allowed calories, as possible. Maybe this will help. Good luck.
  • douglw
    douglw Posts: 25
    I quit drinking pop about a year or two ago. It seems silly, but I actually felt like I was missing something for about 3 days. It was almost like I was in withdrawal. I know it sounds stupid. Anyway, after about 3 days, I didn't even miss it anymore. I just drank water instead and have never looked back.
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    I think that even though you're staying in your calorie range most days, you might need to replace some of your foods for healthier choices. try eating more fruits and veggies and eating smaller meals more times a day. i lost 10 lbs in my first 2 weeks and i eat 5 times a day, sometimes more...i just switched out all my regular foods for much healthier ones.
  • kiannlouise
    kiannlouise Posts: 310 Member
    Yeah I agree with the others! Probably too much sugar! You need to just cut it out completely, I know its hard I always used to drink lemonade and with vodka haha, but seriously once you've started and got it all out of your house you wont even think twice! well i didnt anyway:) its the best thing ive done
  • Weigh yourself once a week at the same time of day in the same clothes... sometimes your bodyweight will fluctuate throughout the week!
  • MsImperfect0
    MsImperfect0 Posts: 127 Member
    sorry to be a lil blunt, but the fact that your having pepsi for breakfast prob isnt helping much!. just cut the pop out all together, u will see a change, u will suffer for a couple days but u will feel better in the end!. pops just full of sugar! even diet is bad for you!. just stick to water add some lemon to it or cucumber to flavor it so its not so boring.
    and deffinatly keep track of the sodium in what your eating to.
  • Ceria
    Ceria Posts: 46 Member
    Pepsi it one of the best ways to ensure that you will never lose the weight and keep it off. I lost 28lbs just by giving up sugar (no exercise or diet). You have to let the Pepsi go. treat yourself to a Pepsi Max instead. Not to mention, if you do not drink water then there is nothing to break down the fat that you ar trying to lose. The more water that you drink, the more weight you will lose. I too am a sugar addict (in recovery) and I know that it is hard but you can do it.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    The problem with your initial statement is that you're "dieting." If you want to lose weight and keep it off for a long time, preferably forever, you have to make a lifestyle change. The kinds of calories you're putting into your body also have an effect on weight loss.

    If you're moderately working out, but eating 1200 calories of cake or other types of processed food, your body will let you know; i.e. weight gaining back. The initial 2 pounds you lost were most likely water weight. It's temporary and GUARANTEED to come back.

    In order for weight loss to work, you have to work just as hard to keep it off. That means lowering your sodium intake, processed foods with sugar, cutting out [or cutting down] saturated fat, alcohol, fried foods, soda, etc.; and increasing water intake, fiber, whole grain, and lean meats for healthy protein, eating more low calorie and nutrient-dense foods, eating fresh fruit, and overall making healthier alternative food choices.

    There are plenty of "diets" and quick weight loss plans that will work for a short time. If that's your goal, to temporarily be a lower weight, then bounce back and forth between gaining it and losing it for special reasons or occasions, then for all intents and purposes, I'd recommend eating half of what you normally do and doubling up on the time and intensity for working out everyday. Then every week, increase the duration and intensity of your workout some more. You'll be losing water weight pretty fast. It's not a healthy recommendation and it's not meant to be taken seriously. But if that sounds like something that you'd like to do, then by all means you're welcome to it.
  • I have to be the spoil sport but you need to stop eating all the grab and go food. What you are eating is not all that healthy. Your calorie intake is low but over all your food has little nutritional value. You need lots of water and more water for every soda you drink. Look are your full food report to see your sugar and sodium. Go to MyPyramid.gov to get ideas on what is healthy to eat. Click on each food group to find out how to swap your foods.

    Take the time to look at other ppls food diary's to get ideas. You need to eat more often and healthier. Make a goal each week to change one meal or snake for some thing new. Its all trail and error. Even i make bad eating choices but I don't buy it again.

    Keep striving to be healthy. Asking is a good way to get the support and guidance you may need.
  • fink21061
    fink21061 Posts: 53 Member
    Im trying to cut out the pepsi. Was drinking about 6-8 cans a day if not more. Im getting there. I just dont like water, or vegetables. Im trying really hard to cut it all out and I used to always have a cake or brownies baked fresh in my house on any given day. No more and it is hard. The water is getting better. Thanks for all the comments.
  • jlsAhava
    jlsAhava Posts: 411 Member
    Im trying to cut out the pepsi. Was drinking about 6-8 cans a day if not more. Im getting there. I just dont like water, or vegetables. Im trying really hard to cut it all out and I used to always have a cake or brownies baked fresh in my house on any given day. No more and it is hard. The water is getting better. Thanks for all the comments.

    Kudos for cutting down on your soda. 2-3 cans is a lot better than 6-8 cans. And with continued effort, the soda will become a treat you have once in a while, rather than an every day occurrence. If you cut out the empty soda calories, you'll be able to eat much more throughout the day.

    Like others have said, I think you need to cut back on all the processed foods. There full of sodium and (like soda) a lot of empty calories. There's just no real nutrition in these foods. I know you said you don't like vegetables, but there are so many to choose from, and so many different ways to prepare them, that I would be surprised if you couldn't find something you like.

    Best of luck!
  • I am by far not professional but everything you are consuming is killing you, everything is processed, which is filled with sugar and sodium(if you sodium intake is 1500mg you far exceed it), nothing you are eating is in its natural form, u are eating fruit in syrup which is defeating eating the fruit. The milk you are drinking is whole which could be cut down to skim, or 1%, and the amount of Carbs you are eating are no digestible which turn into sugar which becomes fat! You need to start by cutting out all the processed foods you are consuming and find healthy ways to cook the things you like. The internet is your friend there is a lot of information out there that can help and I'm sure many people on here that can give you direction. I only read 2 day of your food diary you need to really look at what u are ingesting!
  • I am by far not professional but everything you are consuming is killing you, everything is processed, which is filled with sugar and sodium(if you sodium intake is 1500mg you far exceed it), nothing you are eating is in its natural form, u are eating fruit in syrup which is defeating eating the fruit. The milk you are drinking is whole which could be cut down to skim, or 1%, and the amount of Carbs you are eating are no digestible which turn into sugar which becomes fat! You need to start by cutting out all the processed foods you are consuming and find healthy ways to cook the things you like. The internet is your friend there is a lot of information out there that can help and I'm sure many people on here that can give you direction. I only read 2 day of your food diary you need to really look at what u are ingesting!
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