Taking MFP for a test drive...

lhbutterfly Posts: 2
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Everyone!
I just created an account here and I'm going to give it a try for a week and if I get good results I may decide to continue. Ya see I have been dieting forever, or at least it seems that way. I have tried just about everything, except calorie counting. Just recently I started weight watchers again. I heard they had a new plan and the momentum plan they had just didn't work for me, I was starving all the time! So, I started the new plan in November when it launched. At first I was happy, I was full constantly and I could eat all the veggies and fruit that I wanted. But then, the first week, I only lost .6, then .2, then nothing and then .2 and lately for over a month nothing, no changes in diet same amount of points still nothing. I want to make this a lifestyle change but at this rate I won't be healthy till I retire and that's not cool, seeing as I'm only 31. Research lead me here. And judging by the positive responses I have found this may be my answer. So, I'm giving it a trial run. I will officially start on Sunday that's my weigh in day, no wait, I will start it early on thursday since that is the start of my weekend, my saturday, yeah I not only work nights but my days off are thursday and friday, which is nice cause there is no one out when I have to run errands, but not so good when all my family and friends have normal days off and are not around to keep me from getting bored or to talk to when I have had a bad week and feel the urge to emotionally eat. I only hope this trial is successful enough to be the lifestyle change I'm looking for. Wish me luck. And anyone with any advice or if you have made the switch and have had success please let me know how your doing. :-)


  • Hi
    If you felt that by doing the old WW way u were always hungry then MFP wont really be any different as its calorie counting and you dont get to use alot of cals unless you are training (going to the gym) if you are going to the gym then you can add the exercises as well and that will give you more cals to use a day :smile:
    Apart from that, i would suggest trying Slimming World, its different to WW so it might work for you. Your body adjusted to one type of way of eating and that is why you are finding it hard to loose weight, you need to change things slightly. SW have what they call Extra Easy days which means all your protein, carbs, fruit and veg are free so no counting no masuring. the only things u have to count and measure are your healthy extras (1 A and 1 B) these consist of A = diary products such as milk and cheese and B = fibre such as cereal and wholemeal bread.

    I do SW with MFP together with the gym and its working, i dont have much to loose but its coming off

    hope this is helpful
  • Good luck to you!!
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    maybe if we could see your diary we could help?

    Are you eating enough?

    read these they may help



    good luck enjoy your journey
  • Thank you all for the advice! I like this place already! :-)
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