Are fruits bad? So conflicted!

healthyandthin Posts: 104 Member
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
1. I'm a vegan.
2. I eat as much as 200 carbs on some days.
3. Probably half of those carbs come from fruits. I love fruits. I snack on fruits instead of junk food or sweets. I usually have 4-5 apples or bananas a day. I only have access to apples and bananas because they're the only whole (uncanned) fruits served in my dining hall at college.
4. It's better to snack on fruits than other food.
5. Yet, too much carbs and sugar can be bad for you.

I've even read articles that we don't actually need fruits to survive healthily and fruits aren't related to longevity.
I think giving up fruits for me will be harder than meat or dairy products.
Sure, it's easy to say eat fruits in moderation. But I'm afraid that I'll binge on fruits so I'd rather take the drastic route and cut out fruits.

What are your thoughts on fruits? Are they really necessary?


  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    They're necessary to me, they are so much more than just fiber and sugar.
    I've yet to meet someone who got morbidly obese from eating too many banana's...
    With the banana you're getting 200 calories with potassium and fiber... where if you go for a chocolate bar at 200 calories you're getting processed sugars, fats, nothing other than macro-nutrients for redeeming qualities.
  • Look up the fruits on the glycemic index (sp?) Not all carbs are bad for you and not all fruits are bad for you. Their benefits don't come from low cal/low carb, it is the minerals and nutrients that they pack. You need those just as much as you need protein and fiber (which some fruits also have). For example berries have antioxidants and some are even cancer fighters. I wouldn't cut them out completely.
  • bodsmack7958
    bodsmack7958 Posts: 47 Member
    Fruits are not bad. Some fruits have a high glycemic index. Which pretty much means that it spikes your blood sugar for a short period of time. Such as bananas. Apples are not bad either. However, they don't provide much nutritional value other than fiber. A good bet with any fruits is to look for more berries. All berries have wonderful health quality and benefits. Also citrus and melons are also great too. Anyways, I got off track. All I have to say is fruits are not bad. And you can probably live without them IF you choose to get all your nutrients from vitamins. Which is not that fun. Anyways, I hope this helps at least a tiny bit!
  • bodsmack7958
    bodsmack7958 Posts: 47 Member
    Fruits are not bad. Some fruits have a high glycemic index. Which pretty much means that it spikes your blood sugar for a short period of time. Such as bananas. Apples are not bad either. However, they don't provide much nutritional value other than fiber. A good bet with any fruits is to look for more berries. All berries have wonderful health quality and benefits. Also citrus and melons are also great too. Anyways, I got off track. All I have to say is fruits are not bad. And you can probably live without them IF you choose to get all your nutrients from vitamins. Which is not that fun. Anyways, I hope this helps at least a tiny bit!
  • Paulette56
    Paulette56 Posts: 66 Member
    Fruits are great in that they are loaded with vitamins and nutrients--so much better than sugar sweetened goodies. That being said, you CAN get too much of a good thing. Try snacking on nuts to add some protein into your diet and it will help you curb any cravings for the sugar in the fruit. Have fruit, but in moderation.
  • gozdeh
    gozdeh Posts: 59
    Fruits are good! I binge out I often have days when i eat only bananas. I am still losing weight! :-) Dont worry about the sugar content of fruit. Sugar from fruit goes straight to your brain which needs it to keep going.
  • gozdeh
    gozdeh Posts: 59

    I've yet to meet someone who got morbidly obese from eating too many banana's...

    hahaha! yeah if you could get obese from it I would be! I often eat 6-7 bananas a day! never felt better!:laugh:
  • LuvLeigh42
    LuvLeigh42 Posts: 47 Member
    i always looked at it as...if it comes from mother nature, it has to be good, but only in moderation....I love fruit too, but I didnt lose any weight when i was eating too much of it.
  • popsicle33
    popsicle33 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm no expert, but fruits can be an important source of antioxidants, vitamins and fiber. I think it depends on the fruits. I am sorry that you don't have access to some of the most important fruits like berries and grapes. Bananas, though high in carbs, are one of the best plant source of potassium you'll find, an important component to heart health. Apples have been referred to as "nature's toothbrush" because they can contribute to tooth and gum health (basically because of the texture when you bite into them). Their skin is also a great source of fiber.

    I'm a huge fan of fruit, especially since they are so much better for you as a dessert because they do not contain refined sugar, but fructose, a more complex sugar with longer-term energy.

    There was a movement in the 60s (or 70s?) called "fruitarianism" which was a bunch of people who felt they could just live on fruit. I don't recommend it, but they have benefits.
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    No. Fruits are not bad. But any time we lean on one food category for our nutrients, we have to work harder to insure we’re in balance. Are you getting enough calories and protein with what you are eating? Or are you only maxing out on carbohydrates and fiber? What is your calcium intake like? How about your iron? I suspect that if you look at those nutrients, you will find some big gaping holes. Filling those holes will be critical to your longterm health, not just your current weight-loss goals.
  • sweet_lotus
    sweet_lotus Posts: 194 Member
    I agree with everyone that fruits are fine!

    Unless you are diabetic, 200g of carbs a day is nothing to worry about. Make sure your protein intake is adequate, and it wouldn't hurt to get your iron and B12 checked yearly. It's tough to get enough of those on a vegan diet.
  • healthyandthin
    healthyandthin Posts: 104 Member
    I'm no expert, but fruits can be an important source of antioxidants, vitamins and fiber. I think it depends on the fruits. I am sorry that you don't have access to some of the most important fruits like berries and grapes. Bananas, though high in carbs, are one of the best plant source of potassium you'll find, an important component to heart health. Apples have been referred to as "nature's toothbrush" because they can contribute to tooth and gum health (basically because of the texture when you bite into them). Their skin is also a great source of fiber.

    I'm a huge fan of fruit, especially since they are so much better for you as a dessert because they do not contain refined sugar, but fructose, a more complex sugar with longer-term energy.

    There was a movement in the 60s (or 70s?) called "fruitarianism" which was a bunch of people who felt they could just live on fruit. I don't recommend it, but they have benefits.

    Haha, I was basically a fruitarian during Spring Break. I would just eat blueberries, apples, strawberries, grapes, bananas, and nonfat greek yogurt everyday. Too bad I don't have a lot of options with fruits back at college.
  • healthyandthin
    healthyandthin Posts: 104 Member
    No. Fruits are not bad. But any time we lean on one food category for our nutrients, we have to work harder to insure we’re in balance. Are you getting enough calories and protein with what you are eating? Or are you only maxing out on carbohydrates and fiber? What is your calcium intake like? How about your iron? I suspect that if you look at those nutrients, you will find some big gaping holes. Filling those holes will be critical to your longterm health, not just your current weight-loss goals.

    I'm eating above 1200 c and eating about 30-40 g of protein. I'm maxing out on carbs, fiber, sugar and fat... I take a multivitamin for my other nutrition needs. It's hard to get everything right when you're a vegan. I have hemp protein powder that I have yet to try because I don't have a blender to make smoothies. I'm not sure if it'll taste good with water. I don't drink soy milk because I think it's processed food. I also don't eat snack bars, protein bars, and cereal. Occasionally I'll have sweets but I try to limit that too.
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