New! with a "puppy-dog face" plea for tips :)

kamalx3 Posts: 7
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hello fellow fitnesspals,

I am yet another average joe, who is in a constant battle with herself to become healthy and fit. However, many of my two-week "staying strong diets" fail due to my lack of self-control. I am slowing coming to this realization that one day or another I have to surpass the cravings and devious lurings from those dreaded hershey chocolate bars and chocolate chip cookies; so that I can become that girl with a body thats made every 300 years lol. I am going to try this diet business once more, but this time I am also going to make time to do some exercise.
Having said that, I come to you, asking for any type of sound advice you guys can give me from your experiences and knowledge of how i can attain my goals when i have absolutely no time to work out. I am always at school either studying in the library or slowing falling asleep in class to volunteering at a health center and coming home to a bed that yells "sleep here now!". It is about a 3 hr commute, back and forth, from school/volunteering to home. I cannot wake up early enough to run on the treadmill and by the time i come home i cannot run the treadmill as i do not want to wake up my family members.
I would appreciate it if i can get any tips on making time to workout with a hectic schedule, and make some diet/healthy eating pointers

Thank you...


  • Carmendu
    Carmendu Posts: 409
    Don't think of it as a diet. Think of it more as a lifestyle change. It's easier to digest that way. :laugh: It's great to have you here. Feel free to friend me if you like. I don't have any tips at this time but let me think on it and If I think of something I will get back with you.
  • I've found the thing to help with my self control is to find meals that are low in calories, but still filling. It's amazing that a Lean Cuisine meal is actually filling, and I have to eat about 5 a day to stay in my calorie goals.

    Also, Subway. Many six inch subs that are around three hundred calories.

    If your in school, and you have time between classes, walk to them instead of driving. I know if your on a large campus, you might not have time, but a bike or scooter could also work. Most schools also have a gym, which, again, if you have time between classes, can help.
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    Being a student, as well as volunteering, my only advice is this: You have to be selfish this time. Set yourself a schedule, and stick to it no matter what. Put your exersice in that schedule and act like it is one of the 10 Commandments, set in stone. The only way I have been able to stick to my workouts is to force myself to get off my butt and go to the gym no matter how crappy I feel, or how tired I am, or how much homework I have still to do. Once you make it a priority, it will get easier!
  • charitydc
    charitydc Posts: 106
    I too was in school and found it hard to work out...I'd read notes and study on the stationary bike or elliptical. Little things like taking stairs when you can or walking a little further to your car all add up after awhile. I had a friend who recorded lectures and listened to them while she took a walk along the lake. Good Luck to you and keep up the good work!
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    If you want to run, and you can't use the treadmill without waking up your family, have you thought about actually running? Like, outside?
  • velerista
    velerista Posts: 3 Member
    You are not the only one. I struggle with it all the time. If you don't have time to workout and you can't sneak it in the morning (it will give you more energy), then if I were in your shoes, I would do a low carb (no bad carbs) diet like South Beach. South Beach is healthy, effective and their recipes are delicious. Even when I'm not on a diet, I make their oven roasted vegetables. They are SO good!

    I wish you the best, feel free to friend me if you would like. We can keep in touch and help each other through the process... :flowerforyou:
  • Julesfame
    Julesfame Posts: 32 Member
    A hectic schedule makes it tough. Trust me, I work full time and am a full time Mom and wife. So you need to figure out how you can squeeze in exercise. It is getting warmer, so park farther away from your classrooms and take a 10 min. walk to get there (if it is safe). There are website that will give you mileage, so if you want to be precise, check out those websites. Usually, 1 mile is 15 mins. at a 4 mph pace. So if you are up for it, squeeze 15 mins of walking in and go from there.
  • DanNoonan
    DanNoonan Posts: 40 Member
    Perhaps consider heading outside for your workouts? If you're wary of actually going jogging out on the streets, whether it be self consciousness or safety, you can still get a decent workout just doing things in your backyard if you have one (bit more so out of the public eye than the streets). Do jumping jacks, suicide sprints, suicide jumps, etc. Heck, repeatedly climbing up and down a staircase can be a pretty nice workout.

    A big thing which may be a bit easier to manage would be your diet. Making healthy changes to your diet and staying within your goals can be a great weight loss tool in and of itself. It may not get the weight off as quickly as if you were working out as much as you'd want to as well, but every little bit counts. Personally, adding low fat cottage cheese, greek yogurt, veggies for snacking and protein shakes as staples in my diet really helped me out in managing my calorie intake. Well, that and cutting out the soda and junk food :P

    Most importantly, just stay positive and motivated. As long as you do that, you'll eventually reach your goal.
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