For real? I wanna scream!

sarahs440 Posts: 405
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
Two weeks in a row, and I havent lost an ounce. I feel like I am beating a dead horse here, I know there are a lot of posts about this, but I really need to vent. I have been working out 5 days a week, eating back at least half of my excercise cals, trying hard to stay away from processed foods, and really cut down on sodium. I drink a ton of water every day. My main problems that I see are dinner, it can be hard when I have a family to please, but I am working at it and I am always within my calorie goals. Last night was super high sodium meal and this morning I had Lucky Charms for breakfast because I am in deperate need of a trip to the grocery store, I am out of all the good stuff. If you have a second, please take a look at my food diary and let me know what you think. I know it is far from perfect but I really think I am doing a decent job. Maybe I should up my activity level from sedentary to active? Thanks everyone. Days like this make me want to throw in the towel.


  • crnbhr
    crnbhr Posts: 17 Member
    Don't throw in the towel! Maybe trying going off the deep end this weekend by eating whatever you want, then get back on track Monday. Sometimes that helps me get out of a rut and lose weight. It tricks your metabolism. Pizza is my cure all!
  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    thanks. i just dont know!!
  • crnbhr
    crnbhr Posts: 17 Member
    it really does work!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    A 2 wk halt in weight loss isn't necessarily a 'problem' although it is certainly frustrating! So don't lose heart!

    Just some generic ideas of where people sometimes don't realize there are problems:

    -Are you accurately measuring portions? Weighing is best for anything that isn't a liquid. Eyeballing portions or inaccurately measuring can lead to inaccurate logging.

    -How are you getting your estimated exercise calories? From a heart-rate monitor? From a machine at the gym? From MFP? If you have inadvertently over-estimated exercise calories, that could be an issue if you're eating them back.

    -If you've really stepped up your exercise recently, you may be seeing water weight from muscle recovery. It wouldn't be a lot of weight-only a couple of pounds-but could be enough to mask a loss.

    -Are you always weighing yourself at the same time of day, in the same clothes, in the exact same place? Our weight varies throughout the day, so you want to always weigh at the same time of day-preferably first thing in the morning after you've gone to the bathroom but before consuming anything. If your scale isn't in the same place, it may give different readings. It has to be on hard, level floor to be accurate.

    It helps to also have measurements of your body, instead of only relying on the scale. Often times we are still losing inches when the scale seems to be stuck.
  • twinwolf
    twinwolf Posts: 165 Member
    For starters, change your diary so we can see sugar intake. I'm willing to bet it's over. Also, multiple days with no fruit in your last week, so what's your fiber intake like on a daily basis? Another thing if you're having trouble with a plateau is this, cut out as much processed items as possible. No Dorito tortillas, no sugary processed cereals like the shredded wheat you are eating.

    Those are the first few things I would change. Also, are you taking measurements? The scale can fluctuate, but if you are still losing size, still a win. Stay above the 1400 calorie mark like you have been and I'm sure that scale will start moving. Feel free to add me if you have more questions..

  • RedBone03
    RedBone03 Posts: 56
    Dont give up for its days and weeks such as these that make us re-evaluate ourselves.... Know and understand that its going to take time to see and get the results we are soooo longing for.... Continue to be persistent and hold stead fast to your goals...
  • yyzdnl
    yyzdnl Posts: 127 Member
    Maybe you are looking for success in the wrong parameter the scale. I took a quick look at your log you are pulling off some good work outs, and staying to your calorie goals. It is hard to believe your fitness level isn't improving. If you don't have one get a measuring tape it will show body improvements the scale won't show. Record your workouts so you can review over time to see how you have improved, and don't forget the mirror. Keep working on increasing your fitness level and it will show on the outside before you know it.
  • I can understand where you are coming from! I have felt stuck that last 3 weeks. I know I haven't exercised as I would have liked, but life gets in the way some times. I don't think it's any reason to throw in the towel though. I didn't look at your food diary, so I'm not sire what you are eating. Have you tried more, smaller meals? As far as cooking, I cook for myself a few times a week. My family can still eat what they need and like and I know that I always have a meal available. My family is supportive and understands, which makes this journay a lot easier. Good luck! The results will come!
  • evanness
    evanness Posts: 25
    For your dinner issues I'd suggest the "Flat Belly Diet! Family Cookbook." My Mom uses it and it's great! We've got three younger boys and my Dad (all pretty picky eaters) so she couldn't just do strict diet meals for everyone. The cookbook gives healthy recipes and then gives you tips on how much you personally should eat to keep it lower calories, while your family doesn't have to suffer :wink: That might help with the big dinners.:flowerforyou:
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    Definitely, don't give up! Your coming in under your calorie goals, however, I personally don't subscribe to "all calories are the same." Okay, your diary...more fruits and veggies, and less processed and frozen foods. Also, lower your fat goals on your diary, mine is 40g. You don't have to go that low, but lower than 75. Good luck! I've gone through a 6 week plateau so I know how you feel, just don't give up! It took must of us a long time to put on all this weight and it may take a while to come off. In the meantime, get some MFP friends to encourage and support you, and enjoy the journey!!
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    Just want to share my last 4 weeks of weigh in's with you:
    then BAM-174.4

    Don't give up!
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