pearlof69 Posts: 80 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
I have been reading so many posts from my fellow MFP's across the pond regarding the 30 Day Shred (thanks one and all for all the before and after pics - you guys are my inspiration and my kick up the bum). I have taken the plunge and ordered myself a copy. One question really - upon completion, do I start the whole process again? What do other 30 Day Shredders do upon completion? Any advice greatly appreciated although I guess you may be asleep right now or just waking up.


  • beccafertig
    beccafertig Posts: 61 Member
    I'm working through it right now. It's got 3 different levels. My game plan is to do level 1 for 30 days, then level 2 for 30 days, and finally level 3. I've heard several of my friends who have completed it that level 3 is insanely difficult! Also, Jillian Michaels workouts are notoriously hard on the knees, so make sure you watch your form. She loves squats :-) Happy Shredding!
  • mckant
    mckant Posts: 217 Member
    I finished 30DS and then tried switching up my exercise routine a little bit. However, I was not liking the results from doing this as much as the results from the 30DS so I'm going back to the Shred again. Hopefully I'll continue toning up.
  • sammyjj53
    sammyjj53 Posts: 54 Member
    After you have finished the 30 day shred I suggest to move on to one of Jillian Michaels other workout DVD's. Jus so you don't get bored with it!!! I've heard a lot of good things about a few of her other DVD's.

    Good luck!!!
  • brendaleentjes
    brendaleentjes Posts: 43 Member
    I just got one of Jillian Michael's dvd's and will be starting it tonight. I'm hoping to spend two weeks on each level. You want to "friend" and encourage each other along the way?
  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    you can start it all over again and use heavier weights or you can do your own routine. or you can do the workout plan that includes jillian michaels no more trouble zone and banish fat boost metabolism. it is what you want to do but change it up to see better results. hope that helped.
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    One question really - upon completion, do I start the whole process again? What do other 30 Day Shredders do upon completion?

    I was wondering that myself. I've only just started, day 3 will be this evening. So at the moment is ten days level 1, then ten days next level, then the last level. Maybe when this is done, I will alternate daily, so level 1 on day 1, day 2 level 2, day 3 level 3 and then back to the start.
    Or I might be so sick of the sight of JM by then, that I just get something else :laugh:
  • pearlof69
    pearlof69 Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks so much for the advice. Just received an email stating that it had just been posted today so hopefully within the next couple of days I should receive and then there is only one thing left to do for sheer motivation and accountability, post my before, during and after pictures on here. To all those starting out on their 30 Day Shred programme "Good Luck".
  • pearlof69
    pearlof69 Posts: 80 Member
    Good luck to you. I am still waiting for my DVD to arrive but would love to see how you are getting along on your journey.
  • pearlof69
    pearlof69 Posts: 80 Member
    I just got one of Jillian Michael's dvd's and will be starting it tonight. I'm hoping to spend two weeks on each level. You want to "friend" and encourage each other along the way?

    Oooops sorry Brenda - I am new to all this posting messages, my post below "Good luck to you. I am still waiting for my DVD to arrive but would love to see how you are getting along on your journey" was my reply to you.
  • I just started doing Jillian's new workout, Ripped in 30, and it's really killer. Some of the moves are the same as 30DS, but there's a lot of new stuff too, and there are 4 workouts instead of 3. I think it's tougher as well, especially once you get to 2, 3, and 4. I think 30DS is a good stepping stone to Ripped in 30, so you may want to look into getting that one when you get bored with 30DS. You can also get another workout DVD you like and rotate that with the 30DS or Ri30. There are a ton of great exercise videos on the market - you just have to look around and check out reviews! I hear great things about the beach body regimens (P90x, TurboFire, etc.) but they are a much more significant financial investment and Ripped in 30 is working for me so I'm going to stick with Jillian for now.

    What I did when I finished 30DS, before I got the new DVD, was to keep doing the workouts 5-6 times a week but rotating through them instead of doing level 1 for a week, level 2 for a week, and so on. So Monday - Level 1 workout, Tuesday - Level 2 workout, Wednesday - Level 3 workout, Thursday - Level 1, and so on. Once I finish Ripped in 30 I'll probably rotate those workouts since they're a little tougher and there are 4 of them.

    I think that rotating the workouts keeps you from getting bored, keeps your body from anticipating what you're going to do so you don't plateau, and gives you a more complete workout. Just get heavier weights and do the hard modifiers if you can. If/when you get bored of doing that, maybe try something new for awhile and then switch back when you get tired of that!
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