VICKY from Biggest Loser



  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    Ditto on all above. What goes around comes around...Icky will get what is coming to her along with Heba....can't wait till Tues.....:wink:
  • Besides if everyone goes along with Vickey and its all blue, then one by one she will pick them off. Don't the others see that. There can only be one winner. It's going to get ugly before its over. The rest of them need to wise up like Amy did.

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  • gnicolecan
    gnicolecan Posts: 293 Member
    1. I feel so much better knowing that I am not the only one who thinks Icky Vicky is evil.
    2. To me, she is not "in the spirit of" the BL. That show is about chaning peoples lives and it really INSPIRES me. When I dont want to exerecise and eat healhty and I see one of those 400lb honkers doing it, Im like GET UP lazy woman (me) and do it. She does not inspire me.
    3. What kind of example is she setting for her children? If you think mean thoughts or dislike someone, fine, but keep it to your freaking self. IF you have trouble with that, try praying!
    4. BOB does not strike me as someone who agrees with her game play attitude, and to be honest, neither does that host ex soap opera girl.
    5. Her husband looks embarrassed by her blatant rudeness.

    Dont ask me why I numbered. lolololol
  • I think her and her husband are both horrible ...
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I havnt seen biggest loser in a long time but did you see the one where she actually SAID she didn't want to see a video from her family? She said she didnt care and thought it was a stupid prize. ummm getting to see the children you let at home for months without you or your hunsband there for them, THAT'S a stupid prize? ya, I hate her too. But I also realize that the show wants us to hate her so we will toon in and get emotional about it. but i still hate her. She's an awful person, haha :explode:
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    LOL--if you google Icky Vicky biggest loser you get a ton of hits....we are not the only ones "haten" on Vicky.......
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I dont watch the biggest loser because it comes on the same time as House lol but I was flipping back and forth and that Heba lady got on my last nerves with how she was yelling at her husband it was so annoying I was waiting for him to say SHUT THE HELL UP ALL READY lol or at least someone else to say it and that other lady too who was just nasty and someone should pop her right in the mouth
  • vegasmellie
    vegasmellie Posts: 118 Member
    I'd love to see Jillian go off on Vicky. Too bad they're not in many scenes together. wouldn't that be awesome? I'm glad Jillian's not her trainer though. she'd have a better chance if she was and I want her gone.

    We should all write emails to the show that if Vicky wins we will never watch again.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I'd love to see Jillian go off on Vicky. Too bad they're not in many scenes together. wouldn't that be awesome? I'm glad Jillian's not her trainer though. she'd have a better chance if she was and I want her gone.

    We should all write emails to the show that if Vicky wins we will never watch again.

    :laugh: :laugh: wouldn't work America loves drama and she is bringing drama to the tv thats why she had the camera on her so much cause of the drama-
  • She has got to be the worst person ever. Her and Heba need to have their mouths washed out with soap. What language! I wish someone would just slap her. Maybe they will. But I feel the same as everyone else. If she wins I will never watch again. Hope she is voted off really SOON!!!!!!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    I can't believe Amy didn't send her packin. I was SO pissed to see that Amy voted for Coleen. Amy could have made it a fair game 3 vs 3...but at the same time, doesn't Vicky see that the blue TEAM can't win. It's ONE winner, eventually they will have to turn against each other. I'm afraid that what Amy did to Brady might turn around to bite her, and the blue team will turn on her if she's below the yellow line. Well Coleen was my pick to win, now.....I don't know. I like Michelle and Amy but I don't know if they have a prayer now. Guess I"ll just have to keep watching to find out.
  • weeble2008
    weeble2008 Posts: 147 Member
    I was so bummed last night that Coleen went home. I really thought she'd be the biggest loser, and I really can't believe Amy voted her off and not Icky Vicky!!! Does she not realize that as soon as she's below the yellow line, she's gone?! Michelle and Rene are not going to vote each other off and neither is Heba or Ed. Amy and Vicky are gone....
  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    What the hell was Amy thinking? :grumble: She had her chance and she blew it. And Vicky and Heba will NEVER extend her the same courtesy and keep her around. UGH! :explode:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Yep, I agree....Amy lost her chance to get rid of Icky big time last night! I had the feeling she voted for Coleen to leave in order to "make up" to Icky for voting her husband off last week. She was pretty upset at the way they were shunning her, and just the tension between them all...Whew! I was disappointed in Amy. I think she caved:grumble: And I was sooo proud of her last week for standing up and doing the right thing. Dont they see that it really isnt about the blue or the black TEAMS anymore? Its every man (or woman:wink: ) for themselves now....and I know that Heba, Icky AND her husband will all vote Amy off the first chance they get.
  • ACastle1
    ACastle1 Posts: 101
    Could last nights show have been anymore high school. I can't believe she voted for Coleen just so she wouldn't get "picked on" anymore. And I can't believe a grown woman would hang a poster about revenge. I mean COME ON!
    Time for those people to grow up and realize what they are really there for. I believe the money has gotten in the way of the real prize especially for Icky Vicky.
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    I could not believe that Amy did not vote off Vicky, the only reason why I think she voted Colleen was that she did not want to take another blue team person from Bob. That is what I am telling myself anyway, because Vicky is evil.:explode: I can hardly stand watching anymore, but is like a car wreck, you just gotta look....Heba, for the first time, did not annoy me this week. But there is always next week....
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    after what she called amy c, and amy c had that swing vote, If I were her I would have said see ya to that you know what. Also heba needs to go. She is so spiteful and arrogant and catty well so is vicky. I was in tears when coleen broke down on the scale, and seeing jillian cry made it worse, she is one strong woman and she knew how much she changed coleens life and that hit her heart. I was balling when coleen had to say goodbye. But when they had the transformation moment I was sooo happy to see what a hottie she was. Her dad too looks killer. Her boyfriends face when he saw her was shock and love, which of course was a boost to her. But VICKY is NOT a nice woman shes a witch(change the first letter) and she and heba need to go home and gain back wyt....
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    What the hell was Amy thinking? :grumble: She had her chance and she blew it. And Vicky and Heba will NEVER extend her the same courtesy and keep her around. UGH! :explode:
    no way and if it came down to one of them and amy you know they will send amy home....
  • yeah im hoping that either michelle or amy win.
    heba or vicki cannot possibly win. that would be horrible
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