Allergic to fruit!

Hammie18 Posts: 45 Member
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
Just wondering if anyone else on here is allergic to certain fruits and has any tips on how to still eat them. I'm allergic to apples, peaches, plums, certain cherries, pears, and more I'm sure. I've heard about baking the fruit to break down the enzymes, but have had little success. Maybe I'm baking them too long? I can eat bananas, melons, and citrus type fruits. But that gets boring after a while. I miss peaches!


  • JeanineLaymon1970
    JeanineLaymon1970 Posts: 44 Member
    Would juice plus allow you to eat the fruits your body needs, but not cause an allergic reaction?

  • Spayrroe
    Spayrroe Posts: 210 Member
    That is terrible! I'm allergic to cantalope, but I was okay with that because I didn't like it when I tried it anyway, lol. Maybe mixing the fruits? Like putting an orange and banana in the blender together with low fat yogurt to make a smoothie? I don't know about the whole baking thing.
  • eeeljay
    eeeljay Posts: 1 Member
    That is an interesting dilemma! But one I am familar with. I am allergice to melons, pineapple and most stone fruits! I can eat bananas and apples and berries, but like you I miss peaches and melons. I have found that tinned fruit is acceptable and also the fruit in the tubs, brands like SPC and Goulburn Valley. They are really good alternative and contain no added sugar, no preservatives, colours or flavours. But as I say, they are good for me, and I am allergic to different fruit to you. You might have to try them and see if you can eat them.

    By the way, when you say you are allergic, what reactions do you have? I know when I eat pineapple or melons, in particular, my throat gets extremely itchy and I tend to lose my voice for a few hours, depending on how much I eat! It sound ridiculous but have you ever had an itchy throat before? It drives me mad that I can't scratch!!

    Good luck, hope this helps.
  • skinneemee79
    skinneemee79 Posts: 12 Member
    Not sure "how allergic" you are to these fruits, but will tell you what I figured out about myself. I have always eaten carrots, never had a problem until a couple years ago. I ate some and my throat started to itch like crazy. I found a few other veggies and fruits do that now. I did some "internet research" and found that its mostly from pollen and allergens on the food, not that I am actually allergic to the food itself. ( I have terrible seasonal allergies!) If it's something little like an annoying itch, then you should be able to eat them. I just make sure to soak the food for awhile and wash it real good. Also try peeling the skin off. I know the skin is the best part of the fruit for you, but it has all the pollen and allergens on it. Also if you thinks its something similar to my issue, taking any type of allergy medicine helps with the issue also!
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you. I can't eat the raw fruits you listed. I can eat apple pie and such- not that, that is something healthy you can eat. I can also drink most fruit juices if they have been broken down enough, real apple cider I can not have.

    I just stick mainly with melons, bananas and oranges.
  • Hammie18
    Hammie18 Posts: 45 Member
    My lips, tongue and throat get super itchy and sometimes I get little bumps. Like, SUPER itchy, to the point that I am unable to enjoy the fruits. And yep, it's related to my birch tree pollen allergy. I wasn't always like this; it started happening a few years ago when I was innocently eating bing cherries by the handful. I thought it might have been to insufficient washing, but alas soaking did not help the second go around. Unfortunately, peeling doesn't work. The enzymes in the skin still get transferred to the pulp. I wish it did. I'd be eating naked peaches everyday!

    I've always been reluctant to eat canned fruits because of all the the sugar. So I will definitely check out those brands eeeljay mentioned.

    Although, a friend of mine made sangria once with a lot of these culprit fruits and I only felt a slight tingle. Perhaps soaking all my fruits in alcohol is the answer! (albeit, unsustainable. just kidding by the way.)
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