Where are all the Kiwi's?! ;)

Kia ora my whanau ~ I'm new to the site and just starting out. I'm a solo parent of 4 kids aged 6, 11, 12. I'm a Cantab who relocated up to the Waikato after the quakes in 2011. Loving Cambridge and what it has to offer. At the present time I'm 113kg with my goal being around 75...so have a long road ahead. Would love to connect with fellow kiwi's out there xx


  • bekanswer
    bekanswer Posts: 25 Member
    Wow! Another kiwi, we aren't around much. I'm in chch!
  • I am here too, add me. I am in Akl.
  • Hi, recently added myself back in to MFP - was an avid user about 6 years ago - changed lots since then - and forgot what my login was so I am here as a newbie :) Gisborne is my hometown - Go Gissie! Sun is shining today and I should be out there nabbing some rays before the southerly hits us (again)! Well, there are now 3 of us! Tracking food every day works for me and keeps me honest. (almost)! I've had 3 weeks of flu and some breathing difficulties (ended up in ED last Sunday) - happy to say that after all the drugs I've been on and puffers etc.. I am almost back to my normal... this has in turn kickstarted a huge health kick! Would like to lose a little weight before Xmas also - but mainly, I have rejoined in here to track my food - eat more fresh/green/leafy - paleo type food (which I love). I am a foodie - I play in m y kitchen - its my go to place for fun (if I am not in my studio painting). So, won't continue on here - body needs some Vit D! Ciao for now :)
  • thistimesucess
    thistimesucess Posts: 169 Member
    I'm a kiwi but living and working abroad in uganda. I was very active here a few years back - lost 17kg and was the fittest I've been in my adult life. Then early this year I broke up with my boyfriend of 4.5yrs and turned to food and alcohol to fill the gap as well as stopping exercise. 10kg later I'm feeling really disappointed with myself and trying to get motivated to start the long journey again. Feel free to add me to your friends list.
  • FitMummyMission
    FitMummyMission Posts: 3 Member
    Kiwi here too and happy to connect with other "locals". I sometimes find it really hard looking at the food diaries of those from other countries as the palate is so different from ours and the brands unfamiliar so having fellow Kiwi's to share ideas with would be great :) I am a 38yo SAHM of 2 with about 20kg to lose.