I'd like to loose 14lbs in 6 weeks. Any ideas on how to do t

liv1980 Posts: 21
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
My title says it all people. I train 5 times a week at the gym. My diet is not as strict as it should be, some days im good some days im bad.

I'd like some advice on what i should be eating/not eating?

Thanks :smile:


  • Hype
    Hype Posts: 349
  • Nataliethin81
    Nataliethin81 Posts: 315
    Make your diet more strict, up your protein, lower your fat intake. Drink lots of water! I think 14lbs is going to be hard to lose in 6 weeks (the healthy way) but you can always try. I would suggest eating mostly lean meats, lots of veggies, lots of berries, greek yogurt and only whole grains (tiny bit). Try some protein shakes maybe and lots of fiber! Good luck!
  • AJs_mom
    AJs_mom Posts: 64 Member
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    Make your diet more strict, up your protein, lower your fat intake. Drink lots of water! I think 14lbs is going to be hard to lose in 6 weeks (the healthy way) but you can always try. I would suggest eating mostly lean meats, lots of veggies, lots of berries, greek yogurt and only whole grains (tiny bit). Try some protein shakes maybe and lots of fiber! Good luck!

    Could not have said it better, all of these are great suggestions. Plus, the greek yogurt has so much protein, it keeps me so full until lunch. I have it for breakfast with fresh frozen berries and a tsp of honey, mixed- so yummy! But, yeah the protein will keep you full, so eating foods with a lot of it will keep you from overeating or eating a lot of junk. Great info and advice @natalie :)
  • Superdupermom
    Superdupermom Posts: 149
    SALAD- one word thats it! SALAD anyway you like salad! exercise alot...stay under your calories...try not to eat back all exercise calories and always eat breakfast....and drink a crap load of water, no soda, no crap food! good luck!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Unless you have a lot of weight to lose, or are willing to take some very drastic measures which most of us wouldn't condone, I think you're going to have difficulty meeting that goal. My best suggestion would be to clean up your eating, since you mentioned you could stand to do so, and change up your exercise routine. If you're already working out 5 days a week, continuing the same pattern of exercises won't accelerate weight loss.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Not to be too negative, but that's an awful lot of weight in such a short time. Sure, people can lose 1-2 lbs per week, but it's difficult to consistently maintain that. Esp if you're already close to your goal weight. Good luck, but perhaps you want to set a more realistic goal. Definitely lots of water, maybe cut out sugar and white breads, lots of lean meats like fish, and make sure you're getting enough fiber and protein to feel satisfied.
  • runnermel
    runnermel Posts: 278
    I need to lose the same amount in about the same time as well. love the suggestions, but what kind of greek yogurt do you get? I have bought a couple and they end up ruining before I can make myself eat them.......
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    How much weight have you been losing? If you haven't been losing any with that amount of exercise, then maybe you need to increase your calories. Speaking of which, what exercises are you doing?

    If you don't have much to lose, it will be very difficult to lose that amount in such a short amount of time. I don't think uber "cleaning" your diet is going to make a difference if you are already eating decent with no weight loss.
  • marigolds1
    marigolds1 Posts: 25
    Unless you have a lot of weight to lose, or are willing to take some very drastic measures which most of us wouldn't condone, I think you're going to have difficulty meeting that goal. My best suggestion would be to clean up your eating, since you mentioned you could stand to do so, and change up your exercise routine. If you're already working out 5 days a week, continuing the same pattern of exercises won't accelerate weight loss.

    Two things: have you tried HIIT for cardio in addition to steady-state? Some people have fantastic results from 15-20 min of intervals and then 20-30 min of steady state.

    Other possibility: Lyle McDonald's Rapid Fat Loss Diet. It sucks BIG TIME, and your results may be different since you have less to lose overall--but I lost 22 lbs in 6 weeks (probably 18 of that at least from fat) on that plan. It's NOT long-term, and it's NOT fun in the least (and lots of people here would squawk a lot about starvation mode, etc) but it works, and research (which he has a ton of in the intro to explain fat loss) indicates that it's fine as long as you're lifting weights while you do it.

    My 2 cents.
  • OnlyMe420
    OnlyMe420 Posts: 1
    "Make your diet more strict, up your protein, lower your fat intake. Drink lots of water! I think 14lbs is going to be hard to lose in 6 weeks (the healthy way) but you can always try. I would suggest eating mostly lean meats, lots of veggies, lots of berries, greek yogurt and only whole grains (tiny bit). Try some protein shakes maybe and lots of fiber! Good luck! "

    ^Great advice! I would do this as well as eating 5 times a day, sounds crazy right? But here is what my friend did and it worked wonders, and I will soon be trying. It is a trick to lower your food intake and at the same time boost your metabolism to burn more fat. Here is the plan.,,,
    All you do is; when you eat, take what you would normally eat in one sitting and only eat half. Save the other half for later. You do this with every meal, for 5 meals per day. This is boosting your metabolism by eating more often but it is also cutting down your food intake because you are only actually eating 2 1/2 meals in 5 sittings.

    Make sure to come up with a schedule though and expect to see results in your hunger quickly.

    Good luck! If you have any questions, let me know.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    14lbs in six weeks breaks down to 2 and 1/3 lbs per week. A very aggressive goal with a high potential for failure.

    To do this the healthy way you'd be cutting your calories to dangerous levels. In your photo you do not look overweight at all. If you were a very heavy-set lady, I might see this being possible with a plan involving good sound nutrition and exercise.

    You've got to get in a different mindset and realize that your rollercoaster of weight gain / loss has happened over much longer than 6 weeks. Let's face it, alot of us make bad decisions and they take their toll over time. In reverse...making good choices, take their toll over time, not overnight.

    Be true and honest with yourself, set yourself a realistic goal which you can accomplish in 6 weeks and feel great about yourself knowing you met your goal. This will hopefully inspire you to keep going, setting small goals for yourself which keeps you with a winning attitude. Before you know it you'll be a different person.

    Good Luck.
  • Nataliethin81
    Nataliethin81 Posts: 315
    14lbs in six weeks breaks down to 2 and 1/3 lbs per week. A very aggressive goal with a high potential for failure.

    To do this the healthy way you'd be cutting your calories to dangerous levels. In your photo you do not look overweight at all. If you were a very heavy-set lady, I might see this being possible with a plan involving good sound nutrition and exercise.

    You've got to get in a different mindset and realize that your rollercoaster of weight gain / loss has happened over much longer than 6 weeks. Let's face it, alot of us make bad decisions and they take their toll over time. In reverse...making good choices, take their toll over time, not overnight.

    Be true and honest with yourself, set yourself a realistic goal which you can accomplish in 6 weeks and feel great about yourself knowing you met your goal. This will hopefully inspire you to keep going, setting small goals for yourself which keeps you with a winning attitude. Before you know it you'll be a different person.

    Good Luck.

    Awesome advice.:smile:
  • liv1980
    liv1980 Posts: 21
    GREAT advice guys thanks a lot :)
    My personal trainer says a stone is too much, maybe i am unrealistic! Ideally i would like to loose 14lbs but i would be happy with 7-10lbs :) is that better?

    I will definitely take all your advices and lower my cal intake, higher protein, salads, more water etc. I am also changing my exercise slightly as next week Monday 9th i have signed up to a week of boot camp :) that will definitely speed up my weight loss :)
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