New to mfp and this group

Hello! I saw this group of 60 and over and thought it might be a good group for me as I am over 60 (almost 62) and needing support and motivation on this journey. And any advice I can give, I will most certainly do it! I have done the weight loss thing before..lost 80 lbs but that was back when I was 30 years old. A lot has happened since then and the pounds have crept back on. So, while I can still move I need to do it. I don't want to be plagued with bad knees and bad health in my "golden years". I can already notice I big difference in how I feel and getting stiff joints. So, this is MY Time to do it! What are some of your favorite activities for staying active in the winter? I live in the central panhandle of Idaho and the weather does not always allow for outdoor fun.


  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    Howdy Not! You've certainly found a great group for support and positive reinforcement! Smart for you to start this before the pounds started really piling on :blush You'll find a wide variety of exercise practiced with this group - I'm a walker (and really not much more than that). Although i no longer have to deal with the cold and snow, when the weather is nasty here I often head for Walmart or a mall, and walk the entire thing. More than once LOL.

    -marilyn (aka ker)
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Welcome! You will definitely like it here.

    I try to get at least 60 minutes of cardio in a day. Right now it is snowing, wind chill of -20 and the wind is howling. Just got home from work, but I had an active day working (I'm a move coordinator for government so I schedule moves for Saturday's and get a lot of steps in.) But to insure a good workout today, I walked back and forth every floor of our 7 story plus basement courthouse at lunchtime. (Takes 24 minutes at 3.5 miles per hour). I do this on days I can't get outside to walk at lunchtime. I also walk the indoor track at the gym and usually do 30 minutes on stationary bike. I go to the gym most days. Or, if I can't get there I might just turn on really fast music and dance. I have also started Tai Chi this year and try to go twice a week. I've tried a few exercise classes our work wellness program offers at lunchtime. Although I seldom do them, Leslie Sansone's walking workout videos are all on YouTube. It is a good workout and you can progress.

    The main thing is to keep moving and search for options. I love that you are willing to take time to be good to yourself! That is an important step!

  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 548 Member
    This is a fantastic, upbeat group. I'm 65, and like Marilyn, also use walking as my main fitness activity. The ladies here recommr Leslie Sansone, and when the weather is awful, her tapes (dating myself there) are terrific. This group steered me to her workouts and they've shared other great sites. Costco, the grocery store, and Target are good places to go for indoor walking. Is it window shopping when you walk up and down every aisle and come out only with a pack of broccoli?
  • not2old2move
    not2old2move Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! I too have a Leslie S walking video I use. And I just started doing some of Jessica Smith's workouts I found on YouTube. I am anxiously waiting for the weather to warm up so I can get out and do some walking. We have a very nice trail here for walking and biking. I love to ride my bike when it is nice. My community is a population of about 1,000-no malls or large stores. There was a Zumba group at the Elks but I am not quite up to that yet. I do like to put on some good old rock and roll and dance though. Well, I hope everyone has a nice Valentine's. I know I am not getting husband knows he would have to eat them himself. He probably would not mind that though. lol
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    Welcome to the group!

    I am a walker too ...outside every day, YouTube walking videos, shopping centres too ....also do Zumba and aquafit weekly ..... All a question of finding something you enjoy otherwise you won't stick to it ... Best of luck with staying young and gorgeous!!!! :D

    Jean :D
  • not2old2move
    not2old2move Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks Jean! It is sunny but chilly here in Idaho today but plan to get out for a walk. Hope you have a great day!

  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Welcome, Ginger! I have to push myself to exercise daily but that is my goal, not to skip a day. I started with a half hour most days and now get minimum 40 minutes. I try to include a combination of things - walking, getting to the gym for circuit training, getting on my Nordic Track ski machine; and lately snow shoveling :) Once I lost enough weight I was able to return to spin class once a week. I also use the stairs in my house to walk up and down, when I need extra minutes to meet my goal.

    The main thing is to start where you are and just keep moving the goal a bit ahead. ~ Kathy in Worcester, MA
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    I have a friend who goes to Weight Watchers with me....she has a long way to go and finds it difficult to walk but I told her to just do a little bit more than before....don't try to overdo it......if you can only walk for 5 minutes, try six, then seven and build up gradually ......

    It's all good...just progress at a rate that suits you :D

  • Myrtbbk
    Myrtbbk Posts: 33 Member
    Welcome. I have a treadmill that I use when the weather is bad, but prefer going to one of my local parks to walk. I started with 5 minutes and am now up to 20, so progress is being made, although slowly. I also have hand weights that I use when watching TV, just one pound for now, and do as many reps as I can in different positions during the commercials. I've only been on MFP for a bit over a month, but so far, so good. I have a long way to go, especially since I'm still recovering from surgery, so moving slowly. More surgery in my future, but I need to lose some more weight before they'll do that one.

  • LillianPag
    LillianPag Posts: 25 Member
    I am new here as well, and exercise is my downfall because I just plan don't like it. I record my favorite shows and only allow myself to watch them if I am on the treadmill. I like walking outside when the weather permits. Like you I don't want to wait until I can't move to start doing something. Good luck.
  • not2old2move
    not2old2move Posts: 23 Member
    Hi fw and welcome. It can be hard to exercise so how about dancing to some fav music? It won't feel like exercise that way and the time will fly by. I found in the past that after I got started working out, I would be doing 2 workouts a day for an hour each time. I think I got addicted but I lost 80 lbs. It is good that you won't watch tv unless you are on your treadmill. That is a good goal to have for yourself!! Hope you have a great day...I have to do taxes. Federal and 2 states this year. Yuck, but have to get it done.

  • mangotango
    mangotango Posts: 64 Member
    Hello and welcome aboard to all new people. Very supportive group here.

    Thanks Charlie! The Leslie Sansone you tube walking videos were a wonderful tip. She sure keeps the pace moving! I'm walking with that and then riding my recumbent bike in the evening for 30 minutes. Trying to avoid any knee problems and yet keep working on increasing bit by bit more. Temps are in the single digits here so being outside does not appeal - brrrr!

    Exercise is not my strong point either FW. I can relate. You found a good plan using your treadmill and the reward of your programs though. I read while riding my bike - good distraction and the time flys by.

  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 548 Member
    I'm mainly using Sworkit and Skimble, because they play a certain length of exercises to accomplish and give the calorie burn. I'm more inclined to follow a "tape" rather than doing exercises on my own.
    But walking, inside or out, is the cornerstone. And dancing while no one is looking really helps add to the step totals!