Confusion with Induction...

CPresley03 Posts: 8
edited 7:38AM in Health and Weight Loss
Today is day 4 of Atkin's Induction and so far I'm loving it!!! I also bought Ketone Strips and my levels this morning were showing moderate in color. Also today, I've just been full of energy, which I'm assuming is a good sign too ; ) My confusion is, how should I set up my food goals. I keep going over fat and protein. Also, I know I'm only allowed 20g of carbs for at least 2 weeks, however when I put in my exercise I gain some back. Should I stay within 20g or eat some of those back?


  • hazeyskyy
    hazeyskyy Posts: 25
    I would recommend not eating them back and staying within the 20g....
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    not as familiar with Atkins, but I do follow its cousin Primal Blueprint. I would eat back the calories, but keep carbs to 20g. Foods like meat and cheese are carb free (pickles, too!)
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    If you're following Atkin's, you follow that guideline and stay under the 20g of carbs. And part of the problem with Atkin's is the fat content. Unless you're eating fish, turkey, and chicken, you're going to go over your fat. I would stick with the induction phase and don't worry about the protein. Extra protein won't hurt you unless you have kidney or liver problems.
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    no 20 is 20 even if you exercise.
  • Paulette56
    Paulette56 Posts: 66 Member
    Your Atkins book should answer that question for you. I haven't read the diet book, but from what I gather, you aren't supposed to go over 20 grams no matter what you "earn" according to MFP. You will most likely end up using MFP to keep track and not using their recommendations since they do not agree with the Atkins diet. I personally think Atkins had the right idea, but its hard for most people to stick to it. Good luck! :smile:
  • CPresley03
    CPresley03 Posts: 8
    Ok thank you all for your responses. I did read the New Atkins book and it does say 20g only but I wasn't sure with working out because I've read so many posts where you're supposed to eat back you workout calories. A friend of mine who has successfully lost over 100 lbs with Atkins and kept it off told me I shouldn't even be working out during induction because of the "rapid weightloss". I've been on my journey since Feb. and Atkin's is working for me so far and it's actually not so bad. I don't miss a lot of the crap I was eating. Anyway, thank you all again :smile:
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