Over 2200 Calories in ONE drink!

k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
edited 10:20AM in Food and Nutrition
The Today show was on in my office yesterday. The one with Hoda and Kathy Lee. They had a segment involving the 3 worst drink in America. It caught my attention. They showed them in reverse order of awfulness, meaning 3rd, 2nd, and 1st. The 3rd was about 900 calories I think. The 2nd was about 1100. The drink rated the worst drink in America is a coffee/milk shake type drink and it had over 2200 calories.


I would think that someone would have to be TRYING to get that many calories in one beverage. Getting that many or more in a meal I can understand, but a drink. It wasn't even that big, all things considered. It looked like it was a venti size drink from Starbucks. (it wasn't a starbucks drink, I am just trying to help you visualize the size.)

I really don't have a point here, other than relaying my complete shock. 2200 calories! geez....


  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    Holy Cow!! I'm trying to think of what I'd do if I'd had one and then figured out how many calories were in it...don't think I could elliptical, run, or shred enough in one day to undo that level of damage...
  • britachu
    britachu Posts: 157
    It was probably Cold Stone.... I used to work there, and everything is HORRIBLE for you! Tastes good though, that's the downfall...
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Yikes! I can't imagine.... Ugh, makes me sick to think of it :P
  • pittsblue99
    pittsblue99 Posts: 277 Member
    wow, I'm exausted just trying to imagine how long I would have to work out to burn those calories off!
  • mbowman323
    mbowman323 Posts: 216
    Holy smokes batman!!!! That's crazy
  • KLo924
    KLo924 Posts: 379 Member
    It was probably Cold Stone.... I used to work there, and everything is HORRIBLE for you! Tastes good though, that's the downfall...

    Yeeah, I love chocolate peanut butter shakes, and looked up Cold Stone's one time - the biggest size is 2010 calories!!! Here's a link to all their shakes' info: http://www.coldstonecreamery.com/assets/pdf/nutrition/Nutrition_Info_Shakes_05_09_08.pdf
  • nextrightthing
    nextrightthing Posts: 408 Member
    On my word,,,,I can't even imagine. Surely they don't post their calories on site or who would buy them. It seems criminal to me!
  • sweetie89207
    sweetie89207 Posts: 361
    definitely one of the scariest things i've ever seen!
  • blondie1238
    blondie1238 Posts: 182
    Yeeah, I love chocolate peanut butter shakes, and looked up Cold Stone's one time - the biggest size is 2010 calories!!! Here's a link to all their shakes' info: http://www.coldstonecreamery.com/assets/pdf/nutrition/Nutrition_Info_Shakes_05_09_08.pdf

    ACKKKKKK! I'll think twice before ordering anything there again!
  • blondie1238
    blondie1238 Posts: 182
    That was supposed to be "quote"... somehow, it didn't work... haha!
  • SylentZee
    SylentZee Posts: 262
    OMFG lol.

    Am I the only one that thinks Ben and Jerry's will always be the best ice cream on the planet?
  • abra526
    abra526 Posts: 213 Member
    That reminds me of most of the dishes at The Cheesecake Factory. Like you said, its like they are deliberately trying to put that many calories in their dishes! The scary thing is that I (and probably a lot of us) used to eat/drink things like this and never bat an eye. It feels good to be much more aware of what is going in our bodies these days!
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I thought I had seen something like this on Eat this, not that. I don't watch Kathy & Hoda. Anyway. it looks like Coldstone is likely the culprit.

    Cold Stone PB&C (Gotta Have It size, 24 fl oz)

    2,010 calories
    131 g fat (68 g saturated)
    153 g sugars

    Sugar Equivalent: 30 Chewy Chips Ahoy Cookies

    In terms of saturated fat, drinking this Cold Stone catastrophe is like slurping up 68 strips of bacon. Health experts recommend capping your saturated fat intake at about 20 grams per day, yet this beverage packs more than three times that into a cup the size of a Chipotle burrito. But here’s what’s worse: No regular shake at Cold Stone, no matter what the size, has fewer than 1,000 calories. If you must drink your ice cream, make it one of the creamery’s “Sinless” options. Otherwise you’d better plan on buying some bigger pants on the way home.
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    Is it pure cream with melted butter lol?
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Then there's this: http://eatthis.menshealth.com/slideshow/20-worst-drinks-america-2010 which not only shows the worst drinks, but provides a (ahem) *lovely* visual aid of the junk food equivalent. The top two or three are more than what many of us eat in a day!

    Yes, Starbucks is on it...a couple of times.
  • Jbauer41
    Jbauer41 Posts: 55
    Ben & Jerry's used to make the best ice cream ever - CHUBBY HUBBY -- anybody know it. It was the best during that favorite time of the month -- malted chocolate, pretzels stuffed with peanut butter coated in chocolate, with a marshmallow swirl. OMG! NUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    It was probably Cold Stone.... I used to work there, and everything is HORRIBLE for you! Tastes good though, that's the downfall...

    Both of the ladies tasted all 3 of the drinks. They both said that all of them tasted good. I really think that if I knew how many calories were in it before hand I wouldn't mentally allow myself to like it. I would be thinking, "ok, I had one micro-sip of that....so...that would be about 350 calories....I am going to need about 1/2 hour on the treadmill....yeah, not worth it." Nothing tastes that good. And if you read my blog in my signature, you will see that I eat unhealthy things sometimes. And I still think nothing tastes that good.
  • lisabel87
    lisabel87 Posts: 152
    I'm deeply disturbed!
    A tall non fat peppermint white mocha from starbucks is my weakness in the wintertime though!
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