Nice breakfasts under 200 calories



  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,787 Member
    A medium (~50g) poached egg & slice of bacon on half a light English muffin with a side of fruit or sauteed greens. Greek yogurt, berries, and honey. Half an avocado (~50g) filled with a scrambled egg and splashed with hot sauce. A small (~65g) slice of dry-fried ham and a mini-frittata (there are lots of recipes online). A couple rice cakes smeared with Laughing Cow and topped with smoked salmon and chives.

    Any of these would not only be pretty filling but also leave room for coffee with a touch of cream (or a larger touch of sugar-free creamer). And, of course, you don't have to eat "breakfast food" at breakfast. Have a half-portion of dinner leftovers or quick-saute a 4oz porkchop and eat it with seared tomatoes, or just eat anything you like in the appropriate portion size to hit your calorie target.
  • Izuri
    Izuri Posts: 6 Member
    I do protein powder (1 scoop) with water, but you could make it with milk. I don't like breakfast, so this helps me get it in sometimes.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I would never in my life be able to make a meal out of 200 calories... >.>

    It's not that hard actually! I always used to eat oatmeal with water and some honey..
    Or just a slice of bread with something on it (turkey, peanut butter ) and a piece of fruit!

    A 200 calorie meal would only keep me full for about 30 minutes, then I'd be hungry again.

    Then again, I'm a relatively active 6' guy. I need the calories.

    lol @ abuse flag.
  • BeginnersBootcamp
    BeginnersBootcamp Posts: 90 Member
    Turkey or chicken bacon! 3 pieces 90 cals, and an egg! 70 cals. Some fruit to round up to 200
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    Regular bacon = 70-90 calories for 2 slices depending on brand, an egg for about 70, "lite" whole grain bread for 40 or 45 and some fruit gives you a total calorie amount in the mid 200s


  • betuel75
    betuel75 Posts: 776 Member
    edited May 2015
    1/2 scoop whey isolate chocolate protein powder(70 cal), 2 servings(92g) egg whites(50 cal), baking powder, 40 grams pumpkin puree(17 cal), 1 serving(5g) unsweetened cocoa(10 cal), splenda or any artificial sweetner. mix, microwave for 30 second. Mix again then microwave for another 2 minutes. Top with your favorite jam, syrup, whipped topping. I use Walden Farm zero cal chocolate syrup. 147 calories and a good sized breakfast high in protein...
  • mathandcats
    mathandcats Posts: 786 Member
    I like to keep my breakfasts <200 cal as well, since it leaves me more room for afternoon snacks (which I will want even if my breakfast was 400-500, as I know from experience). I also aim for high protein. Typically I go for greek yogurt of some kind: chocolate, PB & J, banana, or just vanilla (I posted what I do here: greek yogurt "pudding" recipes) or a banana protein shake. These usually get me around 15-20g of protein and run around 160-180 calories.

    Sometimes, I go for toast with cream cheese - either herb and garlic or Philadelphia chocolate cream cheese, mmm. Usually this is Silver Hills Little Big Bread, which is around 110 cal for two slices. These usually hit 170ish cal for garlic cream cheese and 200 for chocolate, and around 10g of protein if I remember correctly.

    I also sometimes just go for fruit and half a protein bar or something like that. I don't like cooking hot breakfasts on weekdays, and on weekends I often just sleep in and combine breakfast with lunch anyway. I like my breakfast to hit at least one of the following: 1) significant contribution to protein goal, 2) helps me get in my servings of fruit & veg, or 3) it's a treat or treat-like.
  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    I do either 1 egg overeasy with 2 pieces oF toast and a tbsp of butter with my particular ingredients it is about 180 cals. Or a bagel thin with 2 tbsp of whipped cream cheese and either an egg or a sausage which is either 230-245. They keep me full til about 1 or 2 but, I eat protein at almost every meal.
  • xXSarahPrincessXx
    xXSarahPrincessXx Posts: 9 Member
    Well this might sound odd but I like 2 slices of cinnamon raisin bread (160 calories) 1/3 of a banana (35) cut in 2 1 half for each slice and spread on the bread in place of butter or jelly. 195 calories total
    Hi there,

    I would like to know if you guys know some nice breakfast recipes < 200 calories. I always eat the same: a slice of bread with peanut butter, oatmeal.. blabla.
    I do love oatmeal but i would like to vary a bit more! So who knows some good breakfast ideas <200 calories, preferably with a lot of proteins!

    I would love to hear it from you!!

  • inked_Calimom82
    inked_Calimom82 Posts: 143 Member
    I drink Shakeology every morning for breakfast. The most calories it has is 170 if you drink it with just water/ice ;) I love it! Helps tremendously with staying under my deficit.
  • DrWhoIsYerDad
    DrWhoIsYerDad Posts: 263 Member
  • meexwalks
    meexwalks Posts: 14 Member
    Plain Greek yogurt with fresh blueberries and a teaspoon of ground flaxseed.
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    1 egg, 2 egg whites scrambled with onion, green pepper and mushrooms, might could even fit in a little cheese.
  • sunnyj874
    sunnyj874 Posts: 4 Member
    I've started having egg whites with Laughing Cow cheese and love it! I sometimes add a couple of slices of turkey bacon, very filling!
  • lsg5288
    lsg5288 Posts: 2 Member
    One egg with 1/4 cup egg white. Every day I stir in something different. Tomato, onion green chile etc
  • lessofheather
    lessofheather Posts: 10 Member
    0% Fage greek yoghurt and fruit, scrambled egg whites on a piece of toast, I think I've even made a mini ham and cheese breakfast sandwich for ~200 before using a 100 calorie sandwich thin and very precise slivers of cheese and ham, but it wasn't filling by itself.
  • georginabain
    georginabain Posts: 20 Member
    Scrambled eggs (or egg whites depending on your goals) with veg!

    Mushrooms, onion, capsicum, tomato, corn, peas, spinach, broccoli.. & if you have roast veg left over from dinner you could always make a frittata?

    bit of salt & pepper or garlic (or any fresh herbs)
  • myweightloss2016
    myweightloss2016 Posts: 147 Member
    Thanks for all the comments! I can definitely work with that!
  • ooglipoo
    ooglipoo Posts: 2 Member
    Georginabain had the same answer as I do. I like to use half a bag of frozen mixed veg, which I thaw under running water then pat dry. Chopped onion and garlic, sauteed in a smidge of coconut oil. Then I put in the veg, add curry seasoning to taste, and sautee until the veg caramelizes a wee bit. Then, add the scrambled egg.

    This is so filling, I can barely eat it all! Have to force myself sometimes, and it really fills me for a good long while!
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    edited May 2015
    Make ahead frittata/egg muffins like these quiche cupcakes or sausage cheese and egg bake.

    Breakfast Burrito
    Sauté onion, pepper, mushroom, spinach. Chop 8 slices of turkey or center cut bacon, and crisp. Cook 8 scrambled eggs, and mix all cooled ingredients together. Lay out 8 large high fiber/low carb burritos (like La Tortilla Factory smart and delicious line or Ole Wellness High Fiber). Divide mixture amongst 8 burritos, top each with 14-28g cheese of choice, and roll into burritos, folding in the sides. Lay seam side down on cookie sheet, and freeze. Once frozen, transfer to labeled freezer bag. To serve, microwave wrapped in damp paper towel for 2-3 minutes until thawed or microwave until thawed and crisp in a pan or under the broiler. Options: add in cooked potatoes, vegetables to taste, sun dried tomatoes, jalapenos, hot sauce, or any other preferred fillings. Can substitute 2 egg whites for each whole egg.

    My favorite lately has been making a bacon and cabbage frittata and cutting it into quarters for breakfast four days of my work week. It's so delicious!

    Chop and crisp 4 slices center of cut bacon in a pan and remove, preserving the grease. Saute 8 oz of sliced cabbage in the grease until wilted/soft. In a separate bowl whisk 4 eggs, 4 egg whites ( or 3/4 cup liquid egg whites), 1/4 cup skim milk, salt and pepper. Add the egg mixture to a parchment lined cake pan, add in the cabbage and bacon, then sprinkle with 1-2 chopped scallions on top. Bake at 400 until set - about 20 minutes. 4 servings, 144 calories each.

    Below is one full serving that I cut in half.
