Scary Gym Moments!



  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »

    Also, people would (and do) argue that anything worn to the gym by a woman that isn't a potato sack and baggy trousers has the potential to be distracting. I wear running tights to the gym because they're most comfortable for me and those have been called "distracting" plenty of times (ie in the OP's post where he said about yoga pants - my running tights don't fit any differently than yoga pants). As have my fitted tshirts, which are fitted because, again, that is the most comfortable for me. That's why I don't care for people who go "BUT SHE WAS WEARING THIS PARTICULAR TYPE OF CLOTHING!!!!".

    Looking and staring are two different things. I think you're also blowing things up a bit too much. I understand you had a really bad experience (and I acknowledged that and think it's awful), but now it seems that you're really taking that anger out on any man that even considers looking in your direction. Heck, someone may even just be looking around the room, but if his eyes pass you "OMFG he's totally looking at me and needs to stop!". Try to relax some, geez. Sorry hun, not everyone is checking you out. In fact, it's pretty easy to notice when someone has a bad attitude. People might actually look at you and NOT check you out, but just wonder what your problem is instead.

    I could tell the humor in the initial guy's post. I've actually been in the car before and realized I've left my headphones at home. I've actually turned around to go back for them. Everything doesn't have to go back and relate to your unfortunate incident. Not every guy on here is an attempted rapist. Sorry to burst your bubble.

    Dude, I specifically said there is a difference between looking at someone and staring at someone and that it is specifically staring that makes women uncomfortable, not a glance in our general direction. I also don't recall saying that LITERALLY ALL MEN ARE CHECKING ME OUT. 0/10 for reading comprehension there.

    What if staring is mutual appreciation?

    I have no idea what that is meant to mean.

    Staring is bad. Glancing and moving on is fine. If two people wanna stare at each other then they can do that. The point is that not everyone is okay with being stared at and so the best option is to not stare at people.

    I mean two people who stare at each other one day and notice the work that was put into their goals.
  • daaaaaanielle
    daaaaaanielle Posts: 114 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »

    Also, people would (and do) argue that anything worn to the gym by a woman that isn't a potato sack and baggy trousers has the potential to be distracting. I wear running tights to the gym because they're most comfortable for me and those have been called "distracting" plenty of times (ie in the OP's post where he said about yoga pants - my running tights don't fit any differently than yoga pants). As have my fitted tshirts, which are fitted because, again, that is the most comfortable for me. That's why I don't care for people who go "BUT SHE WAS WEARING THIS PARTICULAR TYPE OF CLOTHING!!!!".

    Looking and staring are two different things. I think you're also blowing things up a bit too much. I understand you had a really bad experience (and I acknowledged that and think it's awful), but now it seems that you're really taking that anger out on any man that even considers looking in your direction. Heck, someone may even just be looking around the room, but if his eyes pass you "OMFG he's totally looking at me and needs to stop!". Try to relax some, geez. Sorry hun, not everyone is checking you out. In fact, it's pretty easy to notice when someone has a bad attitude. People might actually look at you and NOT check you out, but just wonder what your problem is instead.

    I could tell the humor in the initial guy's post. I've actually been in the car before and realized I've left my headphones at home. I've actually turned around to go back for them. Everything doesn't have to go back and relate to your unfortunate incident. Not every guy on here is an attempted rapist. Sorry to burst your bubble.

    Dude, I specifically said there is a difference between looking at someone and staring at someone and that it is specifically staring that makes women uncomfortable, not a glance in our general direction. I also don't recall saying that LITERALLY ALL MEN ARE CHECKING ME OUT. 0/10 for reading comprehension there.

    What if staring is mutual appreciation?

    I have no idea what that is meant to mean.

    Staring is bad. Glancing and moving on is fine. If two people wanna stare at each other then they can do that. The point is that not everyone is okay with being stared at and so the best option is to not stare at people.

    I mean two people who stare at each other one day and notice the work that was put into their goals.

    Well if both parties are staring at each other and neither is bothered by it then fine? Like I don't care what people do as long as everyone involved consents. I'd rather the people who like to stare at others stick to staring at each other.

    But considering that it is near impossible to gauge whether someone is okay with being stared at (without explicitly asking which is, in and of itself, a weird thing to do) I don't think it's unreasonable to tell people to just not stare at people and concentrate on their own work out.
  • vadersaysno
    vadersaysno Posts: 1,965 Member
    Im not particularly touchy and thank you for scoring my post- it meant absolutely nothing to me. Try reading what you replied to me from a different perspective other than your own. Obviously your reading comprehension was also low because what I said is that SOME girls do go to the gym or otherwise wear things just for the attention that it draws. You absolutely cannot tell me that I'm wrong. Your comment to the original poster of "it wasn't funny when" we obviously all agreed that a near attack on you was not funny in the very least.

    Personally, I try to mind my own business when I'm at the gym. As I said- I'm already self-conscious enough about how I look and have had to get past my own insecurities that I think people might be staring at "that goofball over there" (talking about me or making fun...well, because that's what happened to me growing up, so it's a bit ingrained at this point). If someone looks good they look good, period. You cant keep your eyes to yourself 100% of the time At the gym I go to, for a while there was a girl there that no matter what time or when I went, she always seemed to be there. Apparently she noticed the same thing- so we'd speak when we saw each other. Did she look good, yeah, but I wasn't trying to hit on her or get in her pants. I don't see a problem with being friendly at the gym. I, personally, am not going to sit and stare at someone while I'm working out- I need to get through my workout so I can get on with the rest of my life.
  • mom216
    mom216 Posts: 287 Member
    I also go to the gym late at night -

    I have fallen off a treadmill and I have been so sore I am walking slow - not good when I am alone in a parking lot. Pretty scary. From my point of view (older single female) I enjoy looking at age appropriate men, working out. It motivates me to work harder. I don't want to talk to them. I just want to enjoy the view. Ladies let's be honest - I know I am not alone in this.
  • smelius22
    smelius22 Posts: 334 Member
    is it just me or is the word "staring" getting annoying?
  • vadersaysno
    vadersaysno Posts: 1,965 Member
    smelius22 wrote: »
    is it just me or is the word "staring" getting annoying?
    **stares blankly** LOL
  • daaaaaanielle
    daaaaaanielle Posts: 114 Member
    Im not particularly touchy and thank you for scoring my post- it meant absolutely nothing to me. Try reading what you replied to me from a different perspective other than your own. Obviously your reading comprehension was also low because what I said is that SOME girls do go to the gym or otherwise wear things just for the attention that it draws. You absolutely cannot tell me that I'm wrong. Your comment to the original poster of "it wasn't funny when" we obviously all agreed that a near attack on you was not funny in the very least.

    Personally, I try to mind my own business when I'm at the gym. As I said- I'm already self-conscious enough about how I look and have had to get past my own insecurities that I think people might be staring at "that goofball over there" (talking about me or making fun...well, because that's what happened to me growing up, so it's a bit ingrained at this point). If someone looks good they look good, period. You cant keep your eyes to yourself 100% of the time At the gym I go to, for a while there was a girl there that no matter what time or when I went, she always seemed to be there. Apparently she noticed the same thing- so we'd speak when we saw each other. Did she look good, yeah, but I wasn't trying to hit on her or get in her pants. I don't see a problem with being friendly at the gym. I, personally, am not going to sit and stare at someone while I'm working out- I need to get through my workout so I can get on with the rest of my life.

    Not sure what you mean by "scoring" your post.

    Anyway, unless you have specifically polled these women, you cannot say for sure what their motivations are for wearing certain clothing. If they wear what they wear because they want to be looked at then that's their decision. But my point still stands, if you're a fully grown adult, you should be perfectly capable of keeping your eyes and mind on what you came into the gym to do, instead of blaming women for being so very "distracting". Just because (you think, based on no hard facts) some women "want" to be looked at, does not give you, or any other person, a free pass to stare at all women.

    I think the fact that you know that being stared at is uncomfortable, you should be capable of appreciating why my (and many, many other women's) opinion is what it is. And again, I never said that glancing or looking around is a bad thing - AS I SAID, people do sometimes glance and that is fine, the problem arises when you specifically stare. You do not need to stare at someone to notice that they seem to go to the gym at the same time as you (and also nobody said anything was wrong with "being friendly" either).

    You seem to be spending a lot of time trying to defend YOURSELF from criticism of PEOPLE WHO STARE. If you don't stare at people, that's great, I was never talking about or criticising YOU. Again, thou doth protest too much, methinks.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Im not particularly touchy and thank you for scoring my post- it meant absolutely nothing to me. Try reading what you replied to me from a different perspective other than your own. Obviously your reading comprehension was also low because what I said is that SOME girls do go to the gym or otherwise wear things just for the attention that it draws. You absolutely cannot tell me that I'm wrong. Your comment to the original poster of "it wasn't funny when" we obviously all agreed that a near attack on you was not funny in the very least.

    Personally, I try to mind my own business when I'm at the gym. As I said- I'm already self-conscious enough about how I look and have had to get past my own insecurities that I think people might be staring at "that goofball over there" (talking about me or making fun...well, because that's what happened to me growing up, so it's a bit ingrained at this point). If someone looks good they look good, period. You cant keep your eyes to yourself 100% of the time At the gym I go to, for a while there was a girl there that no matter what time or when I went, she always seemed to be there. Apparently she noticed the same thing- so we'd speak when we saw each other. Did she look good, yeah, but I wasn't trying to hit on her or get in her pants. I don't see a problem with being friendly at the gym. I, personally, am not going to sit and stare at someone while I'm working out- I need to get through my workout so I can get on with the rest of my life.

    Not sure what you mean by "scoring" your post.

    Anyway, unless you have specifically polled these women, you cannot say for sure what their motivations are for wearing certain clothing. If they wear what they wear because they want to be looked at then that's their decision. But my point still stands, if you're a fully grown adult, you should be perfectly capable of keeping your eyes and mind on what you came into the gym to do, instead of blaming women for being so very "distracting". Just because (you think, based on no hard facts) some women "want" to be looked at, does not give you, or any other person, a free pass to stare at all women.

    I think the fact that you know that being stared at is uncomfortable, you should be capable of appreciating why my (and many, many other women's) opinion is what it is. And again, I never said that glancing or looking around is a bad thing - AS I SAID, people do sometimes glance and that is fine, the problem arises when you specifically stare. You do not need to stare at someone to notice that they seem to go to the gym at the same time as you (and also nobody said anything was wrong with "being friendly" either).

    You seem to be spending a lot of time trying to defend YOURSELF from criticism of PEOPLE WHO STARE. If you don't stare at people, that's great, I was never talking about or criticising YOU. Again, thou doth protest too much, methinks.

    I actually read somewhere that said that "women distract men lifting with cloth type" can actually help men improve in their workouts. Especially when you see them staring at you.
  • daaaaaanielle
    daaaaaanielle Posts: 114 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Im not particularly touchy and thank you for scoring my post- it meant absolutely nothing to me. Try reading what you replied to me from a different perspective other than your own. Obviously your reading comprehension was also low because what I said is that SOME girls do go to the gym or otherwise wear things just for the attention that it draws. You absolutely cannot tell me that I'm wrong. Your comment to the original poster of "it wasn't funny when" we obviously all agreed that a near attack on you was not funny in the very least.

    Personally, I try to mind my own business when I'm at the gym. As I said- I'm already self-conscious enough about how I look and have had to get past my own insecurities that I think people might be staring at "that goofball over there" (talking about me or making fun...well, because that's what happened to me growing up, so it's a bit ingrained at this point). If someone looks good they look good, period. You cant keep your eyes to yourself 100% of the time At the gym I go to, for a while there was a girl there that no matter what time or when I went, she always seemed to be there. Apparently she noticed the same thing- so we'd speak when we saw each other. Did she look good, yeah, but I wasn't trying to hit on her or get in her pants. I don't see a problem with being friendly at the gym. I, personally, am not going to sit and stare at someone while I'm working out- I need to get through my workout so I can get on with the rest of my life.

    Not sure what you mean by "scoring" your post.

    Anyway, unless you have specifically polled these women, you cannot say for sure what their motivations are for wearing certain clothing. If they wear what they wear because they want to be looked at then that's their decision. But my point still stands, if you're a fully grown adult, you should be perfectly capable of keeping your eyes and mind on what you came into the gym to do, instead of blaming women for being so very "distracting". Just because (you think, based on no hard facts) some women "want" to be looked at, does not give you, or any other person, a free pass to stare at all women.

    I think the fact that you know that being stared at is uncomfortable, you should be capable of appreciating why my (and many, many other women's) opinion is what it is. And again, I never said that glancing or looking around is a bad thing - AS I SAID, people do sometimes glance and that is fine, the problem arises when you specifically stare. You do not need to stare at someone to notice that they seem to go to the gym at the same time as you (and also nobody said anything was wrong with "being friendly" either).

    You seem to be spending a lot of time trying to defend YOURSELF from criticism of PEOPLE WHO STARE. If you don't stare at people, that's great, I was never talking about or criticising YOU. Again, thou doth protest too much, methinks.

    I actually read somewhere that said that "women distract men lifting with cloth type" can actually help men improve in their workouts. Especially when you see them staring at you.

    You mean when women stare at men? I can believe that might make some men want to show off and therefore perhaps lift heavier than they normally would.

    Still doesn't somehow make staring at people in the gym okay...
  • Lanet27
    Lanet27 Posts: 127 Member
    edited June 2015
    I've got one. I'm having the time of my life in my Zumba class, dancing my pants off, and my boobs decide to come out for a peek-a-boo... OMG... so embarrassed. I re-zipped my sport bra and continued to dance my *kitten* off!! ;)

    BTW, I'm ok with some "looking", but right off creepy staring would definitely make me uneasy.
  • mom216
    mom216 Posts: 287 Member
    No staring or leering - just enjoy the view B)
  • vadersaysno
    vadersaysno Posts: 1,965 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Im not particularly touchy and thank you for scoring my post- it meant absolutely nothing to me. Try reading what you replied to me from a different perspective other than your own. Obviously your reading comprehension was also low because what I said is that SOME girls do go to the gym or otherwise wear things just for the attention that it draws. You absolutely cannot tell me that I'm wrong. Your comment to the original poster of "it wasn't funny when" we obviously all agreed that a near attack on you was not funny in the very least.

    Personally, I try to mind my own business when I'm at the gym. As I said- I'm already self-conscious enough about how I look and have had to get past my own insecurities that I think people might be staring at "that goofball over there" (talking about me or making fun...well, because that's what happened to me growing up, so it's a bit ingrained at this point). If someone looks good they look good, period. You cant keep your eyes to yourself 100% of the time At the gym I go to, for a while there was a girl there that no matter what time or when I went, she always seemed to be there. Apparently she noticed the same thing- so we'd speak when we saw each other. Did she look good, yeah, but I wasn't trying to hit on her or get in her pants. I don't see a problem with being friendly at the gym. I, personally, am not going to sit and stare at someone while I'm working out- I need to get through my workout so I can get on with the rest of my life.

    Not sure what you mean by "scoring" your post.

    Anyway, unless you have specifically polled these women, you cannot say for sure what their motivations are for wearing certain clothing. If they wear what they wear because they want to be looked at then that's their decision. But my point still stands, if you're a fully grown adult, you should be perfectly capable of keeping your eyes and mind on what you came into the gym to do, instead of blaming women for being so very "distracting". Just because (you think, based on no hard facts) some women "want" to be looked at, does not give you, or any other person, a free pass to stare at all women.

    I think the fact that you know that being stared at is uncomfortable, you should be capable of appreciating why my (and many, many other women's) opinion is what it is. And again, I never said that glancing or looking around is a bad thing - AS I SAID, people do sometimes glance and that is fine, the problem arises when you specifically stare. You do not need to stare at someone to notice that they seem to go to the gym at the same time as you (and also nobody said anything was wrong with "being friendly" either).

    You seem to be spending a lot of time trying to defend YOURSELF from criticism of PEOPLE WHO STARE. If you don't stare at people, that's great, I was never talking about or criticising YOU. Again, thou doth protest too much, methinks.

    I actually read somewhere that said that "women distract men lifting with cloth type" can actually help men improve in their workouts. Especially when you see them staring at you.

    You mean when women stare at men? I can believe that might make some men want to show off and therefore perhaps lift heavier than they normally would.

    Still doesn't somehow make staring at people in the gym okay...

    Also best way to cause an injury. :smile:
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Im not particularly touchy and thank you for scoring my post- it meant absolutely nothing to me. Try reading what you replied to me from a different perspective other than your own. Obviously your reading comprehension was also low because what I said is that SOME girls do go to the gym or otherwise wear things just for the attention that it draws. You absolutely cannot tell me that I'm wrong. Your comment to the original poster of "it wasn't funny when" we obviously all agreed that a near attack on you was not funny in the very least.

    Personally, I try to mind my own business when I'm at the gym. As I said- I'm already self-conscious enough about how I look and have had to get past my own insecurities that I think people might be staring at "that goofball over there" (talking about me or making fun...well, because that's what happened to me growing up, so it's a bit ingrained at this point). If someone looks good they look good, period. You cant keep your eyes to yourself 100% of the time At the gym I go to, for a while there was a girl there that no matter what time or when I went, she always seemed to be there. Apparently she noticed the same thing- so we'd speak when we saw each other. Did she look good, yeah, but I wasn't trying to hit on her or get in her pants. I don't see a problem with being friendly at the gym. I, personally, am not going to sit and stare at someone while I'm working out- I need to get through my workout so I can get on with the rest of my life.

    Not sure what you mean by "scoring" your post.

    Anyway, unless you have specifically polled these women, you cannot say for sure what their motivations are for wearing certain clothing. If they wear what they wear because they want to be looked at then that's their decision. But my point still stands, if you're a fully grown adult, you should be perfectly capable of keeping your eyes and mind on what you came into the gym to do, instead of blaming women for being so very "distracting". Just because (you think, based on no hard facts) some women "want" to be looked at, does not give you, or any other person, a free pass to stare at all women.

    I think the fact that you know that being stared at is uncomfortable, you should be capable of appreciating why my (and many, many other women's) opinion is what it is. And again, I never said that glancing or looking around is a bad thing - AS I SAID, people do sometimes glance and that is fine, the problem arises when you specifically stare. You do not need to stare at someone to notice that they seem to go to the gym at the same time as you (and also nobody said anything was wrong with "being friendly" either).

    You seem to be spending a lot of time trying to defend YOURSELF from criticism of PEOPLE WHO STARE. If you don't stare at people, that's great, I was never talking about or criticising YOU. Again, thou doth protest too much, methinks.

    I actually read somewhere that said that "women distract men lifting with cloth type" can actually help men improve in their workouts. Especially when you see them staring at you.

    You mean when women stare at men? I can believe that might make some men want to show off and therefore perhaps lift heavier than they normally would.

    Still doesn't somehow make staring at people in the gym okay...

    Also best way to cause an injury. :smile:

    I didn't say heavier weight. There more to improving a workout then just weight increasing. Also people just tend to stare at the outlier at the gym. The person who I guess through there eyes is using the most weight they ever seeing someone use to do a workout. It comes with the territory of lifting heavy weights.

  • vadersaysno
    vadersaysno Posts: 1,965 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Im not particularly touchy and thank you for scoring my post- it meant absolutely nothing to me. Try reading what you replied to me from a different perspective other than your own. Obviously your reading comprehension was also low because what I said is that SOME girls do go to the gym or otherwise wear things just for the attention that it draws. You absolutely cannot tell me that I'm wrong. Your comment to the original poster of "it wasn't funny when" we obviously all agreed that a near attack on you was not funny in the very least.

    Personally, I try to mind my own business when I'm at the gym. As I said- I'm already self-conscious enough about how I look and have had to get past my own insecurities that I think people might be staring at "that goofball over there" (talking about me or making fun...well, because that's what happened to me growing up, so it's a bit ingrained at this point). If someone looks good they look good, period. You cant keep your eyes to yourself 100% of the time At the gym I go to, for a while there was a girl there that no matter what time or when I went, she always seemed to be there. Apparently she noticed the same thing- so we'd speak when we saw each other. Did she look good, yeah, but I wasn't trying to hit on her or get in her pants. I don't see a problem with being friendly at the gym. I, personally, am not going to sit and stare at someone while I'm working out- I need to get through my workout so I can get on with the rest of my life.

    Not sure what you mean by "scoring" your post.

    Anyway, unless you have specifically polled these women, you cannot say for sure what their motivations are for wearing certain clothing. If they wear what they wear because they want to be looked at then that's their decision. But my point still stands, if you're a fully grown adult, you should be perfectly capable of keeping your eyes and mind on what you came into the gym to do, instead of blaming women for being so very "distracting". Just because (you think, based on no hard facts) some women "want" to be looked at, does not give you, or any other person, a free pass to stare at all women.

    I think the fact that you know that being stared at is uncomfortable, you should be capable of appreciating why my (and many, many other women's) opinion is what it is. And again, I never said that glancing or looking around is a bad thing - AS I SAID, people do sometimes glance and that is fine, the problem arises when you specifically stare. You do not need to stare at someone to notice that they seem to go to the gym at the same time as you (and also nobody said anything was wrong with "being friendly" either).

    You seem to be spending a lot of time trying to defend YOURSELF from criticism of PEOPLE WHO STARE. If you don't stare at people, that's great, I was never talking about or criticising YOU. Again, thou doth protest too much, methinks.

    I actually read somewhere that said that "women distract men lifting with cloth type" can actually help men improve in their workouts. Especially when you see them staring at you.

    You mean when women stare at men? I can believe that might make some men want to show off and therefore perhaps lift heavier than they normally would.

    Still doesn't somehow make staring at people in the gym okay...

    Also best way to cause an injury. :smile:

    I didn't say heavier weight. There more to improving a workout then just weight increasing. Also people just tend to stare at the outlier at the gym. The person who I guess through there eyes is using the most weight they ever seeing someone use to do a workout. It comes with the territory of lifting heavy weights.

    I was just kidding...but we all know there are the guys that would increase their weight to try to show off in front of someone. Those people end up on the show "Ridiculousness" haha
  • daaaaaanielle
    daaaaaanielle Posts: 114 Member
    edited June 2015
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Im not particularly touchy and thank you for scoring my post- it meant absolutely nothing to me. Try reading what you replied to me from a different perspective other than your own. Obviously your reading comprehension was also low because what I said is that SOME girls do go to the gym or otherwise wear things just for the attention that it draws. You absolutely cannot tell me that I'm wrong. Your comment to the original poster of "it wasn't funny when" we obviously all agreed that a near attack on you was not funny in the very least.

    Personally, I try to mind my own business when I'm at the gym. As I said- I'm already self-conscious enough about how I look and have had to get past my own insecurities that I think people might be staring at "that goofball over there" (talking about me or making fun...well, because that's what happened to me growing up, so it's a bit ingrained at this point). If someone looks good they look good, period. You cant keep your eyes to yourself 100% of the time At the gym I go to, for a while there was a girl there that no matter what time or when I went, she always seemed to be there. Apparently she noticed the same thing- so we'd speak when we saw each other. Did she look good, yeah, but I wasn't trying to hit on her or get in her pants. I don't see a problem with being friendly at the gym. I, personally, am not going to sit and stare at someone while I'm working out- I need to get through my workout so I can get on with the rest of my life.

    Not sure what you mean by "scoring" your post.

    Anyway, unless you have specifically polled these women, you cannot say for sure what their motivations are for wearing certain clothing. If they wear what they wear because they want to be looked at then that's their decision. But my point still stands, if you're a fully grown adult, you should be perfectly capable of keeping your eyes and mind on what you came into the gym to do, instead of blaming women for being so very "distracting". Just because (you think, based on no hard facts) some women "want" to be looked at, does not give you, or any other person, a free pass to stare at all women.

    I think the fact that you know that being stared at is uncomfortable, you should be capable of appreciating why my (and many, many other women's) opinion is what it is. And again, I never said that glancing or looking around is a bad thing - AS I SAID, people do sometimes glance and that is fine, the problem arises when you specifically stare. You do not need to stare at someone to notice that they seem to go to the gym at the same time as you (and also nobody said anything was wrong with "being friendly" either).

    You seem to be spending a lot of time trying to defend YOURSELF from criticism of PEOPLE WHO STARE. If you don't stare at people, that's great, I was never talking about or criticising YOU. Again, thou doth protest too much, methinks.

    I actually read somewhere that said that "women distract men lifting with cloth type" can actually help men improve in their workouts. Especially when you see them staring at you.

    You mean when women stare at men? I can believe that might make some men want to show off and therefore perhaps lift heavier than they normally would.

    Still doesn't somehow make staring at people in the gym okay...

    Also best way to cause an injury. :smile:

    I didn't say heavier weight. There more to improving a workout then just weight increasing. Also people just tend to stare at the outlier at the gym. The person who I guess through there eyes is using the most weight they ever seeing someone use to do a workout. It comes with the territory of lifting heavy weights.

    You're following a strange train of thought here and I don't think you're really paying attention to what anyone was discussing here.

    I am not an outlier at the gym in any capacity - I'm on the treadmill running at a relatively slow pace or lifting weights of 15kg which is hardly a weight that's going to impress anyone so nobody is looking at me because I'm doing something out of the ordinary. Looking at someone because you're impressed with their ability is very different to someone leering at your body.

    Also, any time I've saw a guy blatantly trying to show off in front of women in the gym, he's gone for heavier weights. Always fun when that backfires on them.
  • JONZ64
    JONZ64 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Lanet27 wrote: »
    I've got one. I'm having the time of my life in my Zumba class, dancing my pants off, and my boobs decide to come out for a peek-a-boo... OMG... so embarrassed. I re-zipped my sport bra and continued to dance my *kitten* off!! ;)

    BTW, I'm ok with some "looking", but right off creepy staring would definitely make me uneasy.

    Lucky you didn't take your eye out :)

  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Im not particularly touchy and thank you for scoring my post- it meant absolutely nothing to me. Try reading what you replied to me from a different perspective other than your own. Obviously your reading comprehension was also low because what I said is that SOME girls do go to the gym or otherwise wear things just for the attention that it draws. You absolutely cannot tell me that I'm wrong. Your comment to the original poster of "it wasn't funny when" we obviously all agreed that a near attack on you was not funny in the very least.

    Personally, I try to mind my own business when I'm at the gym. As I said- I'm already self-conscious enough about how I look and have had to get past my own insecurities that I think people might be staring at "that goofball over there" (talking about me or making fun...well, because that's what happened to me growing up, so it's a bit ingrained at this point). If someone looks good they look good, period. You cant keep your eyes to yourself 100% of the time At the gym I go to, for a while there was a girl there that no matter what time or when I went, she always seemed to be there. Apparently she noticed the same thing- so we'd speak when we saw each other. Did she look good, yeah, but I wasn't trying to hit on her or get in her pants. I don't see a problem with being friendly at the gym. I, personally, am not going to sit and stare at someone while I'm working out- I need to get through my workout so I can get on with the rest of my life.

    Not sure what you mean by "scoring" your post.

    Anyway, unless you have specifically polled these women, you cannot say for sure what their motivations are for wearing certain clothing. If they wear what they wear because they want to be looked at then that's their decision. But my point still stands, if you're a fully grown adult, you should be perfectly capable of keeping your eyes and mind on what you came into the gym to do, instead of blaming women for being so very "distracting". Just because (you think, based on no hard facts) some women "want" to be looked at, does not give you, or any other person, a free pass to stare at all women.

    I think the fact that you know that being stared at is uncomfortable, you should be capable of appreciating why my (and many, many other women's) opinion is what it is. And again, I never said that glancing or looking around is a bad thing - AS I SAID, people do sometimes glance and that is fine, the problem arises when you specifically stare. You do not need to stare at someone to notice that they seem to go to the gym at the same time as you (and also nobody said anything was wrong with "being friendly" either).

    You seem to be spending a lot of time trying to defend YOURSELF from criticism of PEOPLE WHO STARE. If you don't stare at people, that's great, I was never talking about or criticising YOU. Again, thou doth protest too much, methinks.

    I actually read somewhere that said that "women distract men lifting with cloth type" can actually help men improve in their workouts. Especially when you see them staring at you.

    You mean when women stare at men? I can believe that might make some men want to show off and therefore perhaps lift heavier than they normally would.

    Still doesn't somehow make staring at people in the gym okay...

    Also best way to cause an injury. :smile:

    I didn't say heavier weight. There more to improving a workout then just weight increasing. Also people just tend to stare at the outlier at the gym. The person who I guess through there eyes is using the most weight they ever seeing someone use to do a workout. It comes with the territory of lifting heavy weights.

    You're following a strange train of thought here and I don't think you're really paying attention to what anyone was discussing here.

    I am not an outlier at the gym in any capacity - I'm on the treadmill running at a relatively slow pace or lifting weights of 15kg which is hardly a weight that's going to impress anyone so nobody is looking at me because I'm doing something out of the ordinary. Looking at someone because you're impressed with their ability is very different to someone leering at your body.

    Also, any time I've saw a guy blatantly trying to show off in front of women in the gym, he's gone for heavier weights. Always fun when that backfires on them.

    I was just giving examples on why it could be the case "staring". I have been going to the gym for close to 10 years. I have seeing a lot there. Usually every state or country I have been to I have seeing some sort of fitness establishment and worked out there.
  • mom216
    mom216 Posts: 287 Member
    Hmmmm.... I guess the other ladies can't own the fact that they too look at gentlemen. Now can we move away from eye candy?
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Once, I saw a woman fall on a treadmill and hit the wall behind it. It was probably scarier for her than me though.

    Another time, there was a guy screaming and pacing outside of the gym. The gym staff had to call the police to remove him.
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    I don't have an issue with mutual eyeballing, or eyeballing people in general. If you want to eye-*kitten* your gym buddy, then be my guest. If you want to admire someone's form/progress/butt, I don't care (try not to get caught! Ha ha). You want to judge someone for dressing in skimpy clothes/like a slob/whatever... Not my business. My only complaint was the phrase and idea that "a woman wears XYZ, and is thus distracting me from what I am doing". No, you should be in control of your own thoughts/emotions/actions. If you are distracted, that is your issue, and you should work on your concentration and determination. (Please note: I am using a general you, not pointed at any poster in particular)

    I also take issue with the blanket "she's wearing XYZ to get attention". This might be true, and if you know it is so by her verbal admission, then yay. Otherwise, it's misogynistic to imply that a woman is doing something only for the attention of a man when you don't know what her intentions were.

    As for the actual thread topic: I work out in my terrible work office gym. It's terrible. The universal weight machine rarely works right, and half of the treadmills are broken. Thank goodness I've never seen anyone hurt themselves outright, but it's a sketchy place to be, for sure.