Is Orange Juice Really That Bad?

So I drink 8 to 16oz of Orange Juice a day and it always blows my sugar goal. I thought fruit was a good sugar but recently I read to keep away from juices. Any thoughts?


  • MinmoInk
    MinmoInk Posts: 345 Member
    Well, it depends. Why are you avoiding sugars? Everything in moderation. Usually juice isn't that great because all of the fiber is usually removed from the juices, which makes it less healthy... Maybe just drink less OJ but don't cut it out entirely :) and drink it with pulp!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I agree it is just another source of sugar. As one ages the carbs in food may not be handle as well as when a teenager. One that wants to control Type 2 diabetes without meds is a case where they may have to limit carbs so OJ could be a concern to that person.
  • Jinxpark
    Jinxpark Posts: 2 Member
    I drink Simply Orange. It is fresh not from concentrate and has no add sweeteners.
  • cajuntank
    cajuntank Posts: 924 Member
    So some thoughts. How many oranges did it take to create 8-16oz of juice? I would assume a couple. Would you typically eat a couple of oranges at one time? Typically no. It's easy to drink calories and not feel full or satiated by it on that type of stuff, so just something to be mindful of.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Jinxpark wrote: »
    So I drink 8 to 16oz of Orange Juice a day and it always blows my sugar goal. I thought fruit was a good sugar but recently I read to keep away from juices. Any thoughts?

    Do you have a health reason to limit your sugars? If not and the juice fits your calorie goal then drink it.

    I stick to drinking water or unsweetened tea and save my calories for food. I sometimes eat oranges.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Sugar isn't evil. Really. I tend to avoid juice because I don't generally like to drink my calories.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,030 Member
    Nothing wrong with sugar unless you have diabetes. Having said that, your body doesn't care if the sugar comes from juice or gummy bears and juice an be a calorie bomb. Up to you if you want to drink that many of your calories.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Jinxpark wrote: »
    So I drink 8 to 16oz of Orange Juice a day and it always blows my sugar goal. I thought fruit was a good sugar but recently I read to keep away from juices. Any thoughts?

    Depends what you mean by bad? Is it going to kill you? No. The down side to drinking beverage like that is the caloric intake. 16 fl. oz. Is about 225 calories. Wouldn't you rather eat 225 calories worth of food?

    Due to the lack of fiber and higher sugar, it isn't as filling as food for the same caloric amount.

    This. Would you eat that many calories worth of oranges? I can think of so many other things I'd prefer to eat.

    Juice, unless freshly squeezed at the time of drinking, is pretty void of nutrients.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Jinxpark wrote: »
    I drink Simply Orange. It is fresh not from concentrate and has no add sweeteners.
    It has about 50% of the sugar and calories in regular coke. It is highly refined.
    Eat the orange instead or make your own orange juice because at least that is fresh and real.
    (The stuff that they are allowed to sell in the stores and call fresh orange juice is a monstrosity.)
    Or drink the juice and enjoy it in full awareness that it is processed food.
  • melissalatzel25
    melissalatzel25 Posts: 148 Member
    OJ is so good for you and since every cell on the human body runs off glucose (sugar) carbs are the perfect human food (fruit)
    if you go to the basics, its the quickest, easiest food digested by humans (30 mins approx)
    whereas meat takes forever and sits in our long complicated intestines!
    meat eaters will have short intestines and can process meat effeciently, not us!
    the diet industry promoted diets high in animal products but your health is not what brings them the money
    i dropped 6 kilos by eating unlimited calories and maintained it without even trying - even after my years of calorie restriction

    seriously high carb low fat is the way to go..... imagine eating sooo much , lose weight, get all these vitamins and minerals from plant based foods and feel amazing!
    we weren't designed to be fat, so when you start eating the natural intended way for humans then your body will just fall into place naturally,

    I'm not trying to force people to go vegan or anything , I'm just spreading info that has changed my life and so many people are on this movement - eat 3000 calories and be skinny and fit

    search youtube - HCLF channels like durianrider, fullyrawkristina, and see that we can eat huge quantities of vegan pancakes and only get healthier because of it, or nice cream for breakfast lunch dinner? yes please!!

    also look at dateswithlove she has amazing easyyyy recipes!!!!!!!

    sorry i went off topic but i get excited everytime i can spread the message :)

  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    Jinxpark wrote: »
    So I drink 8 to 16oz of Orange Juice a day and it always blows my sugar goal. I thought fruit was a good sugar but recently I read to keep away from juices. Any thoughts?

    There's nothing "bad" about orange juice, it just isn't usually the best choice for weight loss. It provides a lot of calories in a very small and easy to consume serving, and doesn't make you feel full.

    I drank a ton of orange juice in my post workout shakes when I was training heavily and needed the easily digestible carb and calorie fix, but now that I am less active and trying to reduce my calories, I'd rather just eat a whole orange instead (fewer calories and it will fill me up).
  • hannahkingfitness
    hannahkingfitness Posts: 51 Member
    Juice isn't the best source of natural sugars as they remove all the fibre from the Orange. Drinking more than one cup of juice a day is definitely a no no. I wouldn't even drink it every day. Make sure you are checking that you are getting one with no added sugar plus if you're combining this with other drinks such as chocolate milk and soda you will be having waaaay too much sugar every day.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Jinxpark wrote: »
    So I drink 8 to 16oz of Orange Juice a day and it always blows my sugar goal. I thought fruit was a good sugar but recently I read to keep away from juices. Any thoughts?

    Depends what you mean by bad? Is it going to kill you? No. The down side to drinking beverage like that is the caloric intake. 16 fl. oz. Is about 225 calories. Wouldn't you rather eat 225 calories worth of food?

    Due to the lack of fiber and higher sugar, it isn't as filling as food for the same caloric amount.

    This. Would you eat that many calories worth of oranges? I can think of so many other things I'd prefer to eat.

    Juice, unless freshly squeezed at the time of drinking, is pretty void of nutrients.

    I am sure it's fresh juice what i quoted. but not 100% sure. Yes eating the oranges would be better due to the fiber. Takes longer to digest.

    I wasn't questioning your statement! The bit about the nutrients was aimed at the OP - in terms of micronutrients, you're not likely to get any from the juice unless it's fresh...
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    OJ is so good for you and since every cell on the human body runs off glucose (sugar) carbs are the perfect human food (fruit)
    if you go to the basics, its the quickest, easiest food digested by humans (30 mins approx)
    whereas meat takes forever and sits in our long complicated intestines!
    meat eaters will have short intestines and can process meat effeciently, not us!
    the diet industry promoted diets high in animal products but your health is not what brings them the money
    i dropped 6 kilos by eating unlimited calories and maintained it without even trying - even after my years of calorie restriction

    seriously high carb low fat is the way to go..... imagine eating sooo much , lose weight, get all these vitamins and minerals from plant based foods and feel amazing!
    we weren't designed to be fat, so when you start eating the natural intended way for humans then your body will just fall into place naturally,

    I'm not trying to force people to go vegan or anything , I'm just spreading info that has changed my life and so many people are on this movement - eat 3000 calories and be skinny and fit

    search youtube - HCLF channels like durianrider, fullyrawkristina, and see that we can eat huge quantities of vegan pancakes and only get healthier because of it, or nice cream for breakfast lunch dinner? yes please!!

    also look at dateswithlove she has amazing easyyyy recipes!!!!!!!

    sorry i went off topic but i get excited everytime i can spread the message :)

    Were you accurately logging the food you ate when you ate "unlimited calories" to lose 6kgs?
  • Cindy4FunFit
    Cindy4FunFit Posts: 2,732 Member

    RodaRose wrote: »
    Jinxpark wrote: »
    I drink Simply Orange. It is fresh not from concentrate and has no add sweeteners.
    It has about 50% of the sugar and calories in regular coke. It is highly refined.
    Eat the orange instead or make your own orange juice because at least that is fresh and real.
    (The stuff that they are allowed to sell in the stores and call fresh orange juice is a monstrosity.)
    Or drink the juice and enjoy it in full awareness that it is processed food.

    I'm going to echo this. After really thinking it through, viewing a film on how OJ is processed/handled/stored & also tasting the difference, I no longer buy bottled OJ. I purchase bags of oranges. One orange sliced or two squeezed is way more naturally tasty. And yeah- the most of the bottled stuff seems gross to me now.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Honestly, it's one of the few things I stopped eating/drinking completely. Rather eat my calories.