
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member
    edited July 2015
    DJ - forgot to say, I have mine with chilli sauce! DH has his with mango chutney. :laugh:

    Here's a photo. It's just come out of the oven. We usually have it lukewarm or cold. Great for picnics/potluck etc. I have made it as a starter for dinner parties. I think I will make it for DH's birthday in October in a square pan, then I can cut it into small portions and have as canapés. Good for vegetarians.


    Heather UK, waiting for DH to come home. And I haven't been at the cheese! ! ! ! ! ! ! :drinker:
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited July 2015
    @ Margaretturk and NO_excuses... - yes, feeling much better, changing to the 'pearls' has made the pain in my chest from coughing so much - less so; and now I am beginning to get rid of all that gunk in my chest out. Was afraid I was having a relapse day-before-yesterday when my nose began to run - but that stopped, thankfully.

    @3dtammy - I've never heard of a peanut butter pickle hamburger; but, I am sure that some people have not heard of a slaw on hamburger or pimento cheese hamburger. I like peanut butter and hamburger; but, I don't think I would like it. But I never say that I won't try anything until I have eaten it - like frog legs that my DYS brought from Louisiana about a year ago or less. My DYGD liked them and told her mother, "Don't knock 'em until you try 'em." I think DDnL took a bite - but did not like it. We have oyster stew on Christmas Eve and finally the girls (including DDnL have started eating the oysters). They are an acquired taste - I know I did not like them when my mother made the stew. But the warmed milk and a little Sherry added is supposed to make the girls sleepy so they will go to sleep so Santa can visit. But, that is probably an 'old wives' tale.

    - I'm bipolar as well; but have only gone on the depressive side once or twice. I can't stand being 'normal' - I'd rather be just one step towards the 'manic' side of that fence. Not too crazy (manic); just helps with my artistic personality.

    My D'newest'DnL took a little movie of my DYS dancing with his Dstep-child on top of a table at a restaurant. I am surprised that the 2 of the have gotten my DYS to do things that he would probably never have done - he would have thought it was 'crazy'. I love getting he little movies of the things they do.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hello all! I actually got up at 630 this morning and went for an hour bike ride. So far the knee is feeling fine although a little stiff. Can’t believe I really did that. Yesterday was family day and we went to the pool and to DQ. Not really healthy but lots of fun. DD#1 didn’t come and I really don’t understand why. The BF takes her car to work but when I suggested she drive him she said she couldn’t because he takes the car……*heavy sigh.

    Janetr: yes it is sad to see my friend and close coworker leave! I’ll have to train someone to fill her shoes and that won’t be easy!

    Mary so glad you are liking your new location!

    Joyce; finally after several days of really bad heat indices, it’s cool and cloudy here today! Made the biking very nice. I am always amazed at what medication costs!

    Rosie: are you getting any rain? I saw some on the weather channel in that area.

    Heather: are you on another trip ? Imust have missed that

    Alison: do you mean vinyl? I use the wet Swiffer on it but don’t know if I can use that on my soon-to-be new tile floor.

    Lilian; hope you get back on track and get rid of the body aches!

    Pip: sounds like the shoulder is still really bothering you! Sending prayers!

    Carey: I had to smile when I read your post….I can text but otherwise I have no social media and my friend who is moving used to always tease me about that. So the occasional text will have to do!

    Barbie: loved the suns!

    Yannyjannie: safe travels!

    Janemartin: happy anniversary!

    Doglady I love small little pieces of chocolate and the fiber one bars someone else mentioned. I have also been known to cut a Klondike bar in half!

    Sylvia: stay cool!

    Janetm: good for you to join a gym

    Terri: great nsv!!!

    Sylvia: omg I am glad to hear you are ok!!!

    Michele: Vince had a run of vtach? Are they thinking of an ICD for him? Amiodarone may turn his skin a funny bluish color after he takes it a while so don’t let that alarm you. Sending prayers and hugs to both of you!!!

    OK time to get up and get going! See you all later. Take care, Meg from Omaha
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    afternoon ladies~ we are having a scorcher today 92 and going up and the humidity is through the roof..
    have been doing some housework and have a roast in the crock pot... and hanging in the air conditioning..
    Tom is painting.. and then hopefully he will rest a little bit
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,057 Member
    yup, shoulder and head are still really bothering me.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Sylvia - I meant to say earlier how proud of you I was for getting up after your fall. That's one of the reasons I keep exercising-I don't want to be the lady calling, "I've fallen and I can't get up!" My exMIL is so weak because she has chosen to sit on her butt all of the time and I have sworn to myself that I refuse to be like that.

    The daughter is cranky as all get out because her brother is joining her and their father for lunch. She needs to keep it to herself!!

    Our youth who went on a mission trip (same organization my son works for) last week led our worship service today. They did an excellent job. Andrew gave the offertory prayer. His prayer was so beautiful. When he steps up to speak in church, he turns into the most spiritually articulate young man and he amazes me every time!! He makes me so proud. Now, I wish he acted that awesome at home...

    It's nap time for me. Going to church is almost as physically tiring as going to work.

    Carol in NC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @Heather that looks absolutely divine. Where do I find the recipe?

    Janetr OKC
  • tuliplor
    tuliplor Posts: 51 Member
    Hi everyone!! I'm back and ready to take on another week. I have really been planning what I eat, and making better choices. I have filled my food diary every day since July 2nd. I think I only went over 2 days. I am now down 5 pounds - 1/2 of my goal by August 9th. I think I can do this!! 5 more pounds to go!!! I do need to exercise more. This evening I need to prepare some food for the week. I will be working the next three days and I know my friends will all want to go out and eat. I will get a salad, but I will try to take some light, sugar free snacks. Thanks again for the encouragement!! I love reading through all your posts!!
    Lori from WV...
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member
    edited July 2015
    Janetr - fantastic website called skinnytaste.com.

    One portion is one sixth, but we have double that and have it with a big tom, cuc, scallion and garlic salad or just some cherry tomatoes with basil. I do new potatoes for DH as he is a skinny mini! :laugh:

    It's called Easy Crustless Spinach and Feta Pie. Really a savoury cake. I love my chilli sauce with it as I am a spicy gal! ! ! :laugh:

    Heather x

    PS I have enough calories left tonight to have some lovely cheese I bought today. Real Somerset Cheddar from a named dairy. Extra, extra strong. :bigsmile:
  • lambocj
    lambocj Posts: 27 Member
    Hi Everyone...I am new to this and like everyone else, wanting to lose weight and keep my motivation going. I got a fitbit recently and so glad I did....it really helps to motivate me to get my steps in! In fact my granddaughter challenged me to Weekend Warrior challenge so makes it fun to see what I can accomplish!!

    Goals for July:
    exercise 5-7 days wk
    drink water 6-8 glasses daily
    log food
    choose healthier food
    lose 40lbs

    I've done well thus far......I struggle with wanting to eat sweet treats....I'm better than I have been, but still have sweets.....but still within my daily calorie allotment.
    I just recently started logging food and exercise and I'm anxious to see if I begin to lose weight.....prior to logging, I have been exercising regularly since Jan. and didn't feel that I was overeating, but didn't see weight loss so decided to start logging everything and see what happens.

    spotted this group today and decided to join in!! Wish you all success in your fitness journey!!
    Appreciate your support!! :)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,057 Member
    i've decided, not going to the gym today.
    i filled up the kiddie pool for 2 of the kids that like the water. i'm just bummed i don't have the strength to take them to the water that they would so enjoy right now... weather is perfect for it. kiddie pool will have to do
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    We just came home from the lake and our route takes us through a little town named Girard, about 20 miles from our home. On the square is an old building that partially collapsed on Friday, so we stopped to take a look. There used to be a big furniture store right next to it in another old building. Those were vacant when I was looking for a studio, and I looked at them. Glad I didn't buy one of them. That furniture store building was torn down several years ago and I think it weakened the wall that was shared with this building.

    I think it's interesting that there is a glass display cabinet teetering on the edge of the hole, and it still has plates in it. Strange. Just glad nobody was in the building when it fell.3jflfq485njd.jpg
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    I'm new too, here to help in any way!!!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    i've decided, not going to the gym today.
    i filled up the kiddie pool for 2 of the kids that like the water. i'm just bummed i don't have the strength to take them to the water that they would so enjoy right now... weather is perfect for it. kiddie pool will have to do

    Sorry you are still not feeling up to par, I know its hard to stay down, especially for you when you are used to being so active. Take care of you, hope healing comes quickly. As as I do with my kids, wish I could make it all go away. Unfortunately no magic wand :( Sending healing thots and gentle hugs.

  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    Forgot to write your name down :'( ....We did get lovely rain, thunder and lightning yesterday. So unusual. It was wonderful and hoping for more today to break the humidity. The weather gal on 10 news said we have almost reached our annual rainfall totals and yesterday's storm produced the most rain, ever, for July. I am heel - toe - shake - shake -shaking a RAIN dance as I write this. Lol! Burns calories too :D We need so much more though since the drought has been ongoing for several years.

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Sunday ! ! !

    Sylvia - sorry about your fall and injuries, but Yay for the NSV. The photo of the building is frightening and amazing. SO glad no one was hurt.

    Michele - $1.97 is still a great price, and I would be buying multiple bags. DH started eating them, too, so I will keep buying them as long as they are under $2 / pound. DH yesterday told someone he wants to lose 75 pounds for baseball next year, and I think he is putting some thought into his food consumption. I will keep cheering for him.

    Carol - Sorry about your money worries. You work so hard whenever possible, you deserve a trip to the food bank. That's one of the reasons it exists; to help people who normally don't need it, but find themselves in an emergency situation.

    Lillian -' "Stop eating the birthday cake, there are 35 + people at the party and no one is going to know or care whether you have any cake or not" I need a swift kick!!! ' There's your kick from me. I hope you will return the favor some day (but I also really hope it isn't needed).

    DS and DH and I went to the Fitness Center around noon, then Subway for a late lunch. I could only eat 1/2 of the Turkey Bacon Guacamole salad, so I won't have to worry about lunch at work Monday. DS complained a little about lifting weights since he has 4 days next week with the basketball team, but that's okay. DH still didn't work out, but it is a good bonding time for the 2 of them, and at least he is off his duff eating junk for an hour. Also stopped at CVS to get my colonoscopy prep kit. I'm not having it until September, but now I don't have to worry about the kit. I am only planning on taking 1 day off work (a Monday).

    Thank you everyone for the assistance regarding my phone. I decided to set up a library of music on my phone, and will just be unable to use it unless open wifi is available, and that's okay for now. I did, however, download a podcast (I think) and will try that at work starting tomorrow. I'm just not yet certain how to choose a podcast, but I'm sure that will come with time.

    The Open HomeRun Derby was not finished yesterday because of the rain, and has been rescheduled for Thursday, then the Nominated Derby is Friday. It is going to be a full, busy week of baseball, but Saturday is the final game of the season. So far no one has called inviting DS to be on their Fall Ball team, so I might finally get some rest time before bowling starts again. I guess I better get his chore list ready.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    i've decided, not going to the gym today.
    i filled up the kiddie pool for 2 of the kids that like the water. i'm just bummed i don't have the strength to take them to the water that they would so enjoy right now... weather is perfect for it. kiddie pool will have to do

    <3 Hugs pip

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member

    Not a great show on the protein macro goal. It really takes planning to get that one in by the end of the day. I am changing up the last 2 July goals going forward starting today to The 30-Day Strength-Building Challenge for Beginners. It has cardio, strength training, mobility exercises and rest days following a schedule. I like when it is all planned out for me and I just follow along.

    Here's to moving forward to another week of goal setting, goal attaining and good health and fitness! :)<3

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Lenora, I am type 2 bipolar which means lots of severe depression and rare, mild highs. As I have gotten older, I don't even have the highs. But I know what you mean about liking to stay slightly high for your creativity. Have you read Kay Redfield Jamison's books? She is a psychologist at the National Institute of Health and wrote a book Touched with Fire about the link between bipolar disorder and creativity. In it is a chapter about artists wanting to maintain at slightly high rather than "normal" or euthymic as a normal mood is called. She has written two other books which are also wonderful, one autobiographical. But I didn't have to wait for the autobiography to know that she knew the illness too well and HAD to have it herself.

    I somehow got glutened and have been running to the bathroom for a few days now. Suddenly occurred to me that I have been drinking a flavored coffee someone gave me. Gluten is often used to make flavoring in all sorts of food stick. So undoubtedly this coffee had gluten in it. I tossed it and will see if I am better in a few days. But not able to get far from the bathroom so no activity for me for a while. I hate this celiac at times!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,057 Member
    thanks for all the luv and well wishes