Ditching the scale....

Hi all after many years of WW and the frustration of feeling stuck, I've decided to ditch WW and come here. I felt that WW had me I. Too low of points and since I e been on the lowest points for a few years I didn't see myself making any more changes. Me and WW must now part ways. I'm taking the plunge and increasing my calories and ditching the scale for a month to undo all the unhealthy habits I have gained. Hopefully this approach will get things moving in the right direction with the right mindset again. Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated. TIA!


  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Hi :]

    I too ditched WW for MFP and have never, ever looked back! MFP is full of facts, advice and support - I think you'll find it really helpful. Input your stats in to the MFP app and it'll calculate your daily calories. Track what you eat (weighing food is VERY important) and be sure you to track your weight too :]

    Don't be afraid of the scales. WW's had me eating too few calories to the point where I was physically weak. I am now eating a sensible 1500 calories per day with regular exercise and I did not gain weight with the calorie increase as I am still at a deficit. If you DO see any increase on the scales, it is not a fat gain - it's water and it'll go. Hop on those scales, record and get started. You can do this!
  • ac2662
    ac2662 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi PinkPixiexox,
    Thank you so much for the positive and encouraging feedback!! I really think WW ingrained the fear of the scale in me. I upped my calories to 1400 and I guess I'm just not used to that amount of food because it's been hard to meet, but I'm working on it. Thanks again.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    ac2662 wrote: »
    Hi PinkPixiexox,
    Thank you so much for the positive and encouraging feedback!! I really think WW ingrained the fear of the scale in me. I upped my calories to 1400 and I guess I'm just not used to that amount of food because it's been hard to meet, but I'm working on it. Thanks again.

    I think you're right about WW and the scale fear - I definitely think WW encourage an extremely unhealthy relationship with the scales. I have been to many meetings and they do treat that crucial 'weighing moment' like life or death. If you jump on and you've gained, they'll ask you "What did you do wrong this week". They are trying to make you question your plan but refuse to understand that some weeks, you just aren't going to lose JUST BECAUSE. MFP looks at these things in a much more positive light, so forget everything WW drilled in to you. This is a new start, a healthier one :]
  • ac2662
    ac2662 Posts: 47 Member
    I just had the exact conversation with a coworker last night about the "what did you do wrong" weigh ins. Not motivating at all.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    ac2662 wrote: »
    I just had the exact conversation with a coworker last night about the "what did you do wrong" weigh ins. Not motivating at all.

    Annoying, isn't it?! One of the reasons why I quit WW! And the cliqueyness of the meetings! No one spoke to me :[
  • ac2662
    ac2662 Posts: 47 Member
    YES... So annoying. Really? How rude! Everyone typically is there for the same reason, no need to be rude to others smh!
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    edited September 2015
    ac2662 wrote: »
    YES... So annoying. Really? How rude! Everyone typically is there for the same reason, no need to be rude to others smh!

    Exactly! I felt a little out of my depth there! It was daunting enough having to confront my weight every single week but to be shunned by a group of women who were 'long time attendees' just annoyed me! :smile: