Am I doing something wrong?



  • inspirationstation
    inspirationstation Posts: 209 Member
    glossbones wrote: »
    If you don't see the number on the scale drop, those other NSVs (Non-scale victories) are happening. Your internal organs are being repaired. Your joints are being re-padded and lubricated. Maybe you're fighting off a cold that everyone else is catching but you haven't. Your skin may be improving. Your gut bacteria is being recolonized.

    Yes, this!!! I try to focus on health versus weight loss. Health comes first and weight loss is a by-product of a healthy lifestyle. My weight comes off very slowly, so I have to focus on what is happening apart from the scale. Last night, I was organizing my kitchen cabinets at 10 pm, because I had energy to spare and I had been up since 5:30a that morning. That's what I'm talking about. :)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    glossbones wrote: »
    The phrase I love, not sure who said it first, is: "While you're doing arithmetic, your body is doing calculus."

    If you don't see the number on the scale drop, those other NSVs (Non-scale victories) are happening. Your internal organs are being repaired. Your joints are being re-padded and lubricated. Maybe you're fighting off a cold that everyone else is catching but you haven't. Your skin may be improving. Your gut bacteria is being recolonized.

    It's really amazing how things work on this WoE. Just too bad that society focuses on two numbers that mean almost nothing: the number on the scale, and resulting BMI.

    Glad to hear you're sticking with it!

    I have modified the quote, but the first person who said it here was @Kirkor, as I stole it from him. I don't know, however, if it was his original quote.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    edited November 2015
    glossbones wrote: »
    If you don't see the number on the scale drop, those other NSVs (Non-scale victories) are happening. Your internal organs are being repaired. Your joints are being re-padded and lubricated. Maybe you're fighting off a cold that everyone else is catching but you haven't. Your skin may be improving. Your gut bacteria is being recolonized.

    Yes, this!!! I try to focus on health versus weight loss. Health comes first and weight loss is a by-product of a healthy lifestyle. My weight comes off very slowly, so I have to focus on what is happening apart from the scale. Last night, I was organizing my kitchen cabinets at 10 pm, because I had energy to spare and I had been up since 5:30a that morning. That's what I'm talking about. :)

    Exactly. The scale lies. I'm up 4.6lb. Which is water weight from too many carbs on Sat. It makes me mad, for a plethora of reasons, but I'm not worried about it. My clothes fit the same. I'm getting over the devil-cold so I'm feeling better. It means nothing. The scale is nothing but one piece in a big puzzle. Measurements, clothes-fit, and health are more important parts. The scale derps around sometimes. We just need to wait it out. The weight didn't come on in a week or 2 and it isn't going to leave that way.

    There's a saying in the Keto community: KCKO. Keep Calm and Keto On. Which means, scale blipping? Life sucking? Getting frustrated? Aliens abducting your parakeet? KCKO KCKO KCKO. KCKO no matter what. Good decisions every meal of every day seems small but adds up to consistency that breeds success.

    Consistency + Dogged Persistence + Time = Success

    Rebecca, you can do this. Every consistent, good decision you make gets you one step closer. :smile:
    If you need to, make a tally sheet. Every on-plan meal or snack, every NSV, every temptation you turn down, every goal you meet: mark them. You'll fill the sheet up pretty quick.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    There's a saying in the Keto community: KCKO. Keep Calm and Keto On. Which means, scale blipping? Life sucking? Getting frustrated? Aliens abducting your parakeet? KCKO KCKO KCKO. KCKO no matter what. Good decisions every meal of every day seems small but adds up to consistency that breeds success.

    I have to admit, this right here cracked me up way too much. Totally something I would have said myself! LOL GTMA
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    You are all so amazing. I am still really new to this, as in I am only starting week 3. So this is a bit overwhelming. Some days I'm like I've got this and others I am like crap I know nothing. I panic when it comes to food. We have been really busy the last couple of weeks and have not always been home to eat, and sometimes it is group functions with friends or church and I have no idea what to eat so I just try to pick what I think will work best. I would love suggestions for this. We haven't a lot of money so I can't afford to order steak when we go out (I know now one said this, but who wouldn't want to order steak lol). I also really don't eat seafood. I am trying to figure out how to make my macros work, this is the first time in my life that I have ever really looked at more than just the calories that I eat. I am not saying that as an excuse I just don't know how to manage with everything. I am trying to figure out more foods that I can cook at home and we have found a couple that are really good, but I really am lost.

    As for the swelling I have had issues with swelling for many years, my whole life really. They have tested my thyroid many times and it always comes up normal. I need to buy some magnesium and I figured I was getting enough salt. I am not drinking enough water that I know. I am trying to get this back up to be more. I don't always log my water consistently, mostly because I forget but I will work on being more consistent. If you have any other suggestions please feel free.

    You sound human :) check this out:the NYT yesterday:

    It's an interactive that shows how a guy lost 100 pounds over 3 years with the help of food tracking. Check it out! It not all down hill. Time of the month and consstipation cause what looks like weight gain. Keep going!!
  • JodiSW
    JodiSW Posts: 193 Member
    edited November 2015
    baconslave wrote: »
    glossbones wrote: »
    KCKO. Keep Calm and Keto On. Which means, scale blipping? Life sucking? Getting frustrated? Aliens abducting your parakeet? KCKO KCKO KCKO. KCKO no matter what.

    Love this!!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    That does help a lot. Honestly today I am emotional and everything seems like such a big task. I am looking at my food diaries going well maybe I shouldn't eat any _____ but I don't think that's right. Not trying to sound childish... just the way my brain works. I tend to be a perfectionist and don't like learning curves. If you would share some of your recipes with me I would love that. I keep checking on Pinterest but when I look at some of the stuff I feel like it has way too much of something. I am also having a hard time trying to find things like coconut flour which is in some cooking recipes. Living in my part of Canada there doesn't seem to be a lot of low carb options. I've been searching all over for a low carb yogurt and other options but there isn't much... or maybe I don't know where to look. I finally found some sugar free syrup at walmart and it was pricey...

    You can find a lot of things online, of course not perishables, but many, many things you can order and have delivered, and less expensive to buy in the bulk quantities than you would smaller quantities in local stores.

  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I especially hate it when aliens abduct my parakeet!
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    I want to believe. In the meantime, I eat bacon.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I understand your frustrations, OP! Learning this woe is turning everything we have ever been taught, about eating healthy, on its ear, so to speak! It does take some time to become fully comfortable with the food choices wherever you are. It becomes second nature, and seems so easy, after a couple of months, I promise! I'm so glad you are experiencing some of the wonderful benefits of this woe! These types of benefits have been my greatest motivators! And yes, KCKO!

    @baconslave, thanks for the laugh!