Great workouts, mentally-speaking

I had SUCH a good riding lesson today. Horseback riding doesn't burn the most calories, but it's so satisfying to me. My pony and I felt like a great team, and things that are sometimes hard for me were successful.

Mentally, right now I feel great from having the experience go so well. I have this sometimes after a really good run too. Anybody else have this happen after a good workout?


  • utahmomof10
    utahmomof10 Posts: 133 Member
    I totally do! I had a great weight lifting session last Saturday and I was on a high the rest of the day afterwards. A good run will do that for me, too. It definitely makes me more motivated to go back and do it again.

    I have a personal philosophy of ending every workout on a high note. If I struggled on my run, I make sure I end with a short, but powerful sprint. If I missed a lift, I drop the weight a little bit and make sure I end on a successful lift, even if it's a little lighter than I was hoping to get. It's amazing how powerful the psychological game of exercise is. It makes a big difference for me between motivation and discouragement.

    And congrats on a successful lesson. My daughter is a horseback rider, too, and loves those sessions where everything just comes together, too.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Hiking is euphoric for me, so I totally understand this. Outside in the fresh air, yes!!