Vegan Meal ideas?

With the winter months rearing it's ugly head, I've started to lean towards more soups and smoothies as its just easier than cooking. Any raw vegans with meal plans?


  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    I'm not vegan or raw but you should look to build in fats and proteins as these are quite often missed on a raw vegan diet.
    Olives and avocados are a good fat source. Nuts as well.
    Oats can be prepared raw. Peas and hemp seeds have a good protein value.
    Here is a link to the herbivore forum, I'm sure they can advise you much better than I can. Good luck :smile:
  • melissalatzel25
    melissalatzel25 Posts: 148 Member
    Youtube search for sone raw vegans : rawvana , fullyraw kristina , 40 below fruity ... They have plenty ideas and thrive for many years as raw vegans :)
  • YeaYeaPueblo
    YeaYeaPueblo Posts: 68 Member
    I eat mostly vegan, but don't have much experience with the raw vegan movement. I have checked out this raw some vegan life though, seems like some good recipes there! Or Try your library, I live in interior Alaska, and even my library has a significant vegan cookbook section.