Is your surgery a secret?

nakeddog Posts: 79 Member
I've told 2 close people to me, that I got the call, and the process is beginning. But as for the rest of my friends, family, I am keeping it to myself.

I know people will notice, and I hope like that I will look better, but I think it's something they don't need to know about me. No doubt word will get out...and I will have to face the judgeyness (if that can be a word), lol., will I be judged? Part of me needs to see success before telling others, hoping that they see a change. I need to understand it better too, before explaining it to others.

Anyone else have issues telling/not telling?


  • nicolemcintosh29
    nicolemcintosh29 Posts: 10 Member
    I do. I have told a few close friends but as for family, so far I have only told 1 of my 2 brothers and his wife. They are the only family I believe will support me. I feel the rest of my family will judge, in particular my parents. Sadly, at 43 I still dread my parents' reaction to my decisions. Luckily, I have a wonderful supportive husband.
  • believefsc
    believefsc Posts: 49 Member
    I'm just going for my orientation in two days so I'm very early in the process. I don't know if I should tell my family. I told my Mom and she almost started crying. She's very scared for me and asked the dreaded, 'isn't this the easy way out?' It just reminded me how most people just won't understand.

    I'm not prepared for all the questions, judging and explaining. My fiance is wonderfully supportive and I'll be leaning on him a lot. I think I'll wait to tell family when my surgery date is set.
  • ksutter70
    ksutter70 Posts: 10 Member
    I told my mom before surgery and she asked me "why do you think this will work any better then all the other diets? You are still the same person.". That hurt. She was afraid I was going to die and in her own way she was trying to "save me". With previous diets, she was always excited for me when I lost. Now I am 2.5 months post op and down almost 50 lbs and she has shown very lukewarm support. Its hard but in the end I am not doing it for her or anyone else. Im doing it so I can live a long life with my hubby and kids. I didnt tell my extended family until the holidays and only because my auntie thought I was sick because I dropped so much so fast.
  • JG5197148
    JG5197148 Posts: 30 Member
    Would love to hear how you are all doing now.