Starting over...again.

beckey24 Posts: 170 Member
So, I have been overweight all of my life. I have successfully dropped 50-80 lbs 2 times prior in my life. Now I am the heaviest I have been and need to get this off. I probably have close to 150-200lbs to lose. Finally things have rearranged in my life to allow me to get back to the gym in the way that motivates me. So I decided to start tracking here again as well since that was when I did the best. Now I am looking to add friends that log in regularly and will be supportive! Feel free to add me and if you want to know more about my story, I would be happy to share privately! Thanks and good luck to everyone!


  • Over50ToBeFit
    Over50ToBeFit Posts: 57 Member
    Hi Beckey! :) Tracking here works. I have been on and off for the past 4 years. I'm back at it again. I sent a friend request.
  • bellkat31
    bellkat31 Posts: 74 Member
    I definitely do a lot better when tracking. I am trying my changes small and 20 days at a time. Feel free to add me I am working on losing 85 lbs myself
  • marilynlawlor
    marilynlawlor Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all, I've been here before on and off over the past 5yrs. No real success. I've never joined the community and I'm hoping by doing so this time I might stay motivated and gain support. Friends requested