Wasted time/gained weight??



  • CasperNaegle
    CasperNaegle Posts: 936 Member
    It really has very little to do with your age. What is most important is knowing how much your body burns in a day and being very accurate with how much you log for food. Get a food scale and weigh everything.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited September 2016
    nkuyumcu wrote: »
    I've been off the weight loss/management wagon for a few years now, but am I seriously only supposed to be eating half a cup of oatmeal for breakfast? Are 40 cherry tomatoes a diet no-no? I am going to have to see where I can scrape off a few calories from each meal, but this is really worrisome as I am hardly overeating and the food choices are as healthy as I can possibly get (I already go to bathroom 3 x a day from all the fiber I eat.) Regarding the protein snacks, can you recommend a couple of options for after dinner? I find my body wants sweet carbs after a dinner consisting of veggies and fish or poultry. The last thing I want as a snack is an egg or legumes - yuk!

    This is more depressing than I realized. Who knew 10 years would make such a dramatic difference in metabolism.

    I bought $200 pair of running shoes from the Running Room today. Hopefully it will stop the heel pain.

    You should buy a $20 food scale as well.

    Have you reset your activity level to sedentary yet? Did you get a different calorie goal? And would I work on the carbs issues. Perhaps eating a little more protein and adding in a little more fat, and some additional fiber will help you satiety. In your case it sounds like some of the stuff you are eating albeit good stuff are making you feel a certain way, so the only thing to do is change that feeling by changing some of the foods.

    Snack options as in ready made or do you want to cook them?

    And yes aging does contribute to a lot of things, but exercise and regular activity can help with that. Also know when you age, I call it fat redistribution and muscle loss if I have not done anything to help prevent that. You can do something about that by adding lean muscle and this will up your metabolism a bit.
  • upoffthemat
    upoffthemat Posts: 679 Member
    nkuyumcu wrote: »
    I've been off the weight loss/management wagon for a few years now, but am I seriously only supposed to be eating half a cup of oatmeal for breakfast? Are 40 cherry tomatoes a diet no-no? I am going to have to see where I can scrape off a few calories from each meal, but this is really worrisome as I am hardly overeating and the food choices are as healthy as I can possibly get (I already go to bathroom 3 x a day from all the fiber I eat.) Regarding the protein snacks, can you recommend a couple of options for after dinner? I find my body wants sweet carbs after a dinner consisting of veggies and fish or poultry. The last thing I want as a snack is an egg or legumes - yuk!

    This is more depressing than I realized. Who knew 10 years would make such a dramatic difference in metabolism.

    I bought $200 pair of running shoes from the Running Room today. Hopefully it will stop the heel pain.

    40 cherry tomatoes are excellent, but I highly doubt they come close to 247 calories. Tomatoes are pretty low cal. That is why people are saying buy a food scale and weigh them. It is far more accurate.

    As far as a snack if you are good with protein for the day go ahead and have a little chocolate. Otherwise Nuts, cheese, even some protein bars may make a decent protein snack for you. You could also look into protein powder. A lot of it comes flavored and people use it to make substitute sweet snacks. Just realize if you have met your protein goals for the day and still have calories left it is ok to have a sweet treat as long as it fits your calories.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Your activity level should be set at sedentary. Then when you exercise you log it. A lot of people eat about half of their exercise calories.
    You most likely gained weight simply because you are eating too many calories most days.
    It sounds like you need to check the accuracy of your food logging as some of your entries are odd. You might find a food scale and logging everything by weight helpful instead of cups or logging a number of items.
    If you didn't enter the recipe for a homemade item don't use that entry. Use the recipe builder to enter your own recipe to log.
    Are you meeting your protein goal for the day most days? It doesn't look like you are for the days I looked at. You might try getting more protein.
    Have you tried drinking more water instead of reaching for more food?
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    This is why you need a food scale, @nkuyumcu

  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    Your activity level of "slightly active" basically describes someone who works on their feet most of the work day.
    When you are not running, what are you doing? If your "not running" time is spent in bouts of sedentary activity of greater than 1 hour interrupted by bouts of walking of less than 5 minutes, your activity level should be described as "sedentary". Exercise is exercise and can be quite intense and is worth the same for a sedentary or a slightly active person, but it is the rest of your day that is described by your activity level.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    Two more things, Use the food diary to plan what you are considering eating. I had a smaller quantity of cherry tomatoes from my daughter's crop recently, and the 9 grams I weighed from 9 tomatoes were scarcely 9 calories.
    Use https://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/foods to find trustworthy and accurate values for many food items.
  • PoundChaser2
    PoundChaser2 Posts: 241 Member
    I looked way back into your diary and this is my thought. 1. Sodium is too high and it's causing you to retain water. I also thought about you recent heel pains and my thought on that is. 1. You Increased your pace/distance or both to quickly 2. Your over striding because you increased your pace to quickly which is causing you to basically ((hit the brakes)) everytime you heel strikes the ground. I recommend you slow down and maybe cut back your distance for a bit ( assuming you know your pace/distance) and then slowly increase your distance and then once the distance is comfortable increase speed slowly.
    Just a thought.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    I like Greek yogurt for my snack. Oikos is so creamy and yummy it seems like dessert. I usually have some frozen fruit with it.

    If the single serving of oatmeal isn't filling you up, it is hunger or perception? I know some serving sizes look like parts of kiddie meals, but our perceptions are out of whack, not the stated portion sizes. I mix lots of veggies in so I feel like I'm eating a lot when I'm not. Not with oatmeal, but with other stuff.

    It took me a while to adjust to what a serving size should be. :blush:
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    nkuyumcu wrote: »
    I've been off the weight loss/management wagon for a few years now, but am I seriously only supposed to be eating half a cup of oatmeal for breakfast? Are 40 cherry tomatoes a diet no-no? I am going to have to see where I can scrape off a few calories from each meal, but this is really worrisome as I am hardly overeating and the food choices are as healthy as I can possibly get (I already go to bathroom 3 x a day from all the fiber I eat.) Regarding the protein snacks, can you recommend a couple of options for after dinner? I find my body wants sweet carbs after a dinner consisting of veggies and fish or poultry. The last thing I want as a snack is an egg or legumes - yuk!

    This is more depressing than I realized. Who knew 10 years would make such a dramatic difference in metabolism.

    I bought $200 pair of running shoes from the Running Room today. Hopefully it will stop the heel pain.

    It's 40 grams of dry oats. That shows as 1/2 cup on the label but you need to weigh it. Dried. Not cooked. And yes, that is the serving size.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    OP there are too many inaccurate entries in your diary, get rid of the measuring cup. As for the oats, i only have them for dessert and usually 80g worth. They are not filling enough as a meal for me, I also add protein powder to help bulk it out a bit.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Here's another short video

  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    Even if you are logging perfectly you would still be eating way too much for your stats to lose weight. Be more honest with yourself.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited September 2016
    LazSommer wrote: »
    Even if you are logging perfectly you would still be eating way too much for your stats to lose weight. Be more honest with yourself.

    True that.
    OP I'm 5"8 and 148lbs, and mfp gives me 1660 calories to lose 0.5lbs a week. I'm set at lightly active.

    ETA: I also walk at least 10 miles 7 days a week. I miss out the odd day here and there, but it's very rare.

  • a_kriste
    a_kriste Posts: 2 Member
    Am I the only one who is worried about the fact that OP is dizzy and fainting two hours after having dinner? I'd say go see a doctor about that??...
  • smotheredincheese
    smotheredincheese Posts: 559 Member
    Your logging doesn't seem very accurate, you've got things in your diary like 0.38 cups edamame, 0.35 cups of rice. All the things you're logging in cups and fractions of cups could be underestimates and the calories you're missing out could *kitten* up to a significant amount.
    Need scales.
  • smotheredincheese
    smotheredincheese Posts: 559 Member
    nkuyumcu wrote: »
    Are 40 cherry tomatoes a diet no-no? I am going to have to see where I can scrape off a few calories from each meal, but this is really worrisome as I am hardly overeating and the food choices are as healthy as I can possibly get (I already go to bathroom 3 x a day from all the fiber I eat.)

    I'm not surprised you're needing to go to the bathroom a lot, that's an insane amount of cherry tomatoes to be eating daily. Maybe you could cut down on those and replace them with a snack that's higher in protein which will keep you full for longer?
  • joowelz
    joowelz Posts: 170 Member
    edited September 2016
    Your logging doesn't seem very accurate, you've got things in your diary like 0.38 cups edamame, 0.35 cups of rice. All the things you're logging in cups and fractions of cups could be underestimates and the calories you're missing out could *kitten* up to a significant amount.
    Need scales.

    The reason for the odd entries is that I'm having difficulty finding the right serving sizes in the app, so sometimes I have to get creative. For example, yesterday for the life of me, I could not find a shepherd salad measured in anything other than grams. I needed to know how many calories in two cups but MFP does not give that info. Sometimes I play around with the numbers to get it as close to exact as possible. With the edamame, I think I just sprinkled a few on my meal. I could not find a good measurement for it so I logged less than a quarter cup.

  • kathrynjean_
    kathrynjean_ Posts: 428 Member
    In order to ensure accuracy, solid foods need to be weighed in grams - not measured in cups. That's what people are saying. If you're not logging your intake accurately, you are likely eating more than you think.

    I would recommend investing in a food scale - it's well worth the $20!
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    a_kriste wrote: »
    Am I the only one who is worried about the fact that OP is dizzy and fainting two hours after having dinner? I'd say go see a doctor about that??...

    I am wondering this too. And is it after each meal or only dinner?