Gaining every week now

leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
edited September 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok so I've been on levothyroxine since beginning of August. To treat thyroid. I have gained every week since despite counting calories and weighing everything. I lost 5 stone before now nothing. I'm now back to 16 stone.

I'm thinking of stopping my Meds I know for a fact it's them as I've never gained every week before

I'm taking 50mg of levo


  • Habiteer
    Habiteer Posts: 190 Member
    I wouldn't stop taking your meds. Levothyroxine is supposed to increase your T3 levels and actually increase your metabolism (i.e. a common side effect is weight loss, not weight gain).

    I'm not sure why you're gaining weight, maybe you haven't been as active as you were before? Certainly talk to your doctor about this before you discontinue.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I would speak to your doctor before you just stop taking medication. You're on it for a reason. How much weight have you gained?
  • SLLeask
    SLLeask Posts: 489 Member
    Do NOT stop taking your Levo, that is NOT what is causing your weight gain. As Drawoc said, one of the side effects of hypothyroidism is weight gain, Levo counteracts that by getting your levels back on track. If you can HONESTLY say (to yourself) that you are weighing and measuring everything that goes into your mouth and accurately calculating your exercise burn, then go back to the doctor for assistance.

    Also, how much weight have you actually put on? Certainly not 5 stone, so not all the weight you lost I am guessing? You say you lost five stone then nothing, you may just be on a plateau if you are near your goal. What are your stats (height, weight, goals etc). Give us a bit more info and we may be able to offer some more suggestions that aren't doctor related.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    We are not doctors nor would I even feel remotely comfortable giving advice stating it was a good idea to stop taking medicine (especially for thyroid) when under supervision of their doctor.

    I am curious about how much weight gain? How long have you been taking the medication?

    And have you by chance put a call into your doctor/nurse or pharmacist about side effects, etc before considering cold turkey stopping?
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    edited September 2016
    no i stopped losing weight a year ago. i have gained a stone and a half since July.. i know exactly what im putting in my mouth, i eat 1600 calories to lose 1.5 lbs a week., i did exercise but with looking after 2 girls/college/full time job its getting harder.
    i know deep down in my gut its not me, it has to be the pills. i have a doctors appointment at 11.30.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    no i stopped losing weight a year ago. i have gained a stone and a half since July.. i know exactly what im putting in my mouth, i eat 1600 calories to lose 1.5 lbs a week., i did exercise but with looking after 2 girls/college/full time job its getting harder.
    i know deep down in my gut its not me, it has to be the pills. i have a doctors appointment at 11.30.

    Since you are sure its the pills keep the appointment.. you will get all the right answers you need there! :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    no i stopped losing weight a year ago. i have gained a stone and a half since July.. i know exactly what im putting in my mouth, i eat 1600 calories to lose 1.5 lbs a week., i did exercise but with looking after 2 girls/college/full time job its getting harder.
    i know deep down in my gut its not me, it has to be the pills. i have a doctors appointment at 11.30.

    so how many calories are you eating at the moment if 1600 was to lose weight?
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    between 1500- and 1600 a day
  • beccie1789
    beccie1789 Posts: 3 Member
    Maybe your calories aren't low enough. I need 1200 to 1300 to lose. If I eat over 1500 I gain.
  • SLLeask
    SLLeask Posts: 489 Member
    no i stopped losing weight a year ago. i have gained a stone and a half since July.. i know exactly what im putting in my mouth, i eat 1600 calories to lose 1.5 lbs a week., i did exercise but with looking after 2 girls/college/full time job its getting harder.
    i know deep down in my gut its not me, it has to be the pills. i have a doctors appointment at 11.30.

    It CANNOT be the pills, unless it's a dodgy batch of something entirely different, you're allergic to one of the ingredients or you don't have hypothyroidism... Honest!! That's the whole point of them, to correct an imbalance that can be the cause of weight gain...

    You also haven't given us your stats, how much more weight do you need to lose? 1600 to lose 1.5 lbs a week doesn't seem quite right, but without knowing your stats it's impossible to help. You also admit you aren't doing as much exercise as you were, but if you are still eating the same as when you were exercising and losing then you may have your answer.

    Good luck at the doctor's, I hope they can help.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    between 1500- and 1600 a day

    which, if you stopped losing weight a year ago, is your maintenance?
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    edited September 2016
    SLLeask wrote: »
    no i stopped losing weight a year ago. i have gained a stone and a half since July.. i know exactly what im putting in my mouth, i eat 1600 calories to lose 1.5 lbs a week., i did exercise but with looking after 2 girls/college/full time job its getting harder.
    i know deep down in my gut its not me, it has to be the pills. i have a doctors appointment at 11.30.

    It CANNOT be the pills, unless it's a dodgy batch of something entirely different, you're allergic to one of the ingredients or you don't have hypothyroidism... Honest!! That's the whole point of them, to correct an imbalance that can be the cause of weight gain...

    You also haven't given us your stats, how much more weight do you need to lose? 1600 to lose 1.5 lbs a week doesn't seem quite right, but without knowing your stats it's impossible to help. You also admit you aren't doing as much exercise as you were, but if you are still eating the same as when you were exercising and losing then you may have your answer.

    Good luck at the doctor's, I hope they can help.

    no i havent exercised in a while.. the last time i exercised i did body combat 4 times a week and gained 2lbs...

    my stats are female im 5ft 7 and im now 16 stone. (222lbs)
    i can probably do 1400 but anything lower than that and i find im hungry. to hungry to sustain the deficit. so i try and be kind to myself and opt for a lower loss each week so i can sustain it.

  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    between 1500- and 1600 a day

    which, if you stopped losing weight a year ago, is your maintenance?

    at 16 stone 1600 is my maintenance?

    my tdee says 2300?
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    SLLeask wrote: »
    no i stopped losing weight a year ago. i have gained a stone and a half since July.. i know exactly what im putting in my mouth, i eat 1600 calories to lose 1.5 lbs a week., i did exercise but with looking after 2 girls/college/full time job its getting harder.
    i know deep down in my gut its not me, it has to be the pills. i have a doctors appointment at 11.30.

    It CANNOT be the pills, unless it's a dodgy batch of something entirely different, you're allergic to one of the ingredients or you don't have hypothyroidism... Honest!! That's the whole point of them, to correct an imbalance that can be the cause of weight gain...

    You also haven't given us your stats, how much more weight do you need to lose? 1600 to lose 1.5 lbs a week doesn't seem quite right, but without knowing your stats it's impossible to help. You also admit you aren't doing as much exercise as you were, but if you are still eating the same as when you were exercising and losing then you may have your answer.

    Good luck at the doctor's, I hope they can help.

    i also have a tsh of 5.8... so its borderline, so perhaps im not hypo? i went to get my bloods checked for t3 and t4 this time. so il know in a few days, im on 50mg of levo each day. do you think i should ask for an increase?

  • Habiteer
    Habiteer Posts: 190 Member
    edited September 2016
    no i stopped losing weight a year ago. i have gained a stone and a half since July.. i know exactly what im putting in my mouth, i eat 1600 calories to lose 1.5 lbs a week., i did exercise but with looking after 2 girls/college/full time job its getting harder.
    i know deep down in my gut its not me, it has to be the pills. i have a doctors appointment at 11.30.

    Yes, you're probably not doing anything wrong. It sounds like you have good habits.

    However, it doesn't necessarily mean it's Levothyroxine's fault. I don't know the progression of your hypothyroidism, but if it was sudden then it would make sense that you would be gaining weight around this time due to the sudden hypothyroidism that occurred July/August and not the pills. Levothyroxine's dosage range is pretty large, some people need more than others. Perhaps 50 mcg of Levothyroxine is too low, it is usual to start at a low dose and increase the dose for most medications for safety reasons. You only started Levothyroxine last month as well, so the doctor will probably have more to say about it tomorrow for you when you talk about your problems.


    If you read the symptoms from the MayoClinic (, you'll see that the fifth symptom of hypothyroidism is weight gain.

    It's just something to keep in mind for your doctor's appointment tomorrow. Best wishes.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    between 1500- and 1600 a day

    which, if you stopped losing weight a year ago, is your maintenance?

    at 16 stone 1600 is my maintenance?

    my tdee says 2300?

    I'm just going by what you've said. you havent lost weight since last year, and you eat 1600 cals per day?
  • Derpy_Hooves
    Derpy_Hooves Posts: 234 Member
    Bonny132 wrote: »
    Go back to your doctor and talk to him/her, we're not medical professionals here.

    This. Don't stop taking meds on your own account. Please talk to your doctor
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    edited September 2016
    between 1500- and 1600 a day

    which, if you stopped losing weight a year ago, is your maintenance?

    at 16 stone 1600 is my maintenance?

    my tdee says 2300?

    I'm just going by what you've said. you havent lost weight since last year, and you eat 1600 cals per day?

    yes its strange.. its why i was tested for my thyroid in the first place, as ive already lost 5 stone ( well 4 now) i was doing everything right so i couldnt understand it. the bloods came back with a tsh of 5.8 and they stuck me on levothyroxine. since the pills ive gained a stone. this past year i was able to lose but then gain, lose again then gain again, but now im on the pills ive consistently gained.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    between 1500- and 1600 a day

    which, if you stopped losing weight a year ago, is your maintenance?

    at 16 stone 1600 is my maintenance?

    my tdee says 2300?

    I'm just going by what you've said. you havent lost weight since last year, and you eat 1600 cals per day?

    yes its strange.. its why i was tested for my thyroid in the first place, as ive already lost 5 stone ( well 4 now) i was doing everything right so i couldnt understand it. the bloods came back with a tsh of 5.8 and they stuck me on levothyroxine. since the pills ive gained a stone. this past year i was able to lose but then gain, lose again then gain again, but now im on the pills ive consistently gained.

    so 1600 is maintenance... try eating 1350 plus any extra exercise you can do.