I am back after 105 days-I have gained 25lbs have no motivation????

Back again -gained so much weight just cant get motivated!!!! Help


  • Sultanaman
    Sultanaman Posts: 1 Member
    Slap urself in the face. All the motivation you need is yourself. Ur losing weight for yourself. No one else. People will appreciate it and admire it because it's the most purest form of will power to come from within.
  • rebeccagreaves12
    rebeccagreaves12 Posts: 12 Member
    The fact you've taken the time to post here shows there's motivation in there, you just need to use it! Get back and active on MFP, set little goals like 'I will honestly track what I eat for the full week' etc
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Jump up and own in front of mirror naked
  • DetroitDarin
    DetroitDarin Posts: 955 Member
    Look at yourself and ask if you'd like to be naked with yourself? (shrug). You have to fake it till you feel it. Or don't and just learn to accept your situation.
  • pinkess
    pinkess Posts: 12 Member
    I've been there - I think we all have! I got married in August and took 2 months off, ended up putting on all the weight I'd lost for the wedding, and then some.
    I started back at the gym 11 days ago and started logging all of my food, whether it was good or not. Seeing the exercise calories come through and the impact on any not-so-good food has really given me the motivation to get back to a normal healthy lifestyle again. And even though it's just been 11 days, I feel so much better and more motivated than ever.
    As an earlier post said, set yourself a small manageable goals, once you've achieved one give yourself a tick and move onto the next one until you're back into the swing of things
  • JennyWyz
    JennyWyz Posts: 1 Member
    Please don't be too hard on yourself. The past is over. I like the 'fake it until you feel it advise.' Go ahead and log everything you are eating (if you skip something, you are only lying to yourself!) Just that accountability - and the ability to see what is sabotaging your weight - will surely at least show the truth. Then you decide what is more important - at this point in your life. Good luck!
  • Clarewinter73
    Clarewinter73 Posts: 5 Member
    This was so me! Lost 30lbs, felt much better, figured I was in the swing of things and could do it without tracking, stopped using mfp..kidded myself that I was maintaining - stopped weighing...and bingo..30lbs back on in about 6 months. So, I'm back too! I think we both did the right thing!
  • rabblescum
    rabblescum Posts: 78 Member
    You did it before you can do it again. Remember what got you going the last time you were here.
  • alexisslolypop
    alexisslolypop Posts: 4,593 Member
    Today I decided to start a new chapter. I ate so much crap, felt sad and regained almost 20 pounds so far... I'm close to my heaviest now. And I'm not proud of it. So I got back here and it will be different from now on. Tomorrow is a new day, perfect for a fresh start. Don't forget that... If you need a little inspiration go google some success stories or before and after photos. Look it up on Pinterest and Youtube... :) MFP is really great because here we keep each others back! Feel free to add me as a friend.