
So i am having a hard time with my sodium levels. I have went over for my limit 2 days in a row now. I dont Add salt to what i eat and i try to eat food with limited sodium in them but with a 2200 cal diet i have a hard enough time reaching that. So any idea on what to do. Or does my sodium not matter as much as i am making it out to.


  • catecn
    catecn Posts: 84
    how is ur bloodpressure? if it is normal, then for now id worry about calories.
    also, eating high soduim meals with broccoli helps to counteract the sodium
  • karstin86
    karstin86 Posts: 3
    Yea BP runs around 120/60. ok thank you for the info.
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    You tend to hold water weight it you have increased sodium.. If you are someone who eats a lot of cold cuts or prepackaged foods you will find you have a hard time keeping the sodium down. Also a lot of fat free foods are high in sodium as the sodium increases the flavor.

    You should eat fresh foods.. instead of eating a prepackaged spaghetti meal... make your own as the sodium will be a lot less. Subway sandwiches will be high in sodium because of the deli meats and cheeses.

    When I started this journey I gave up all prepackaged foods. my sodium levels are usually around 1200-1500. Yesterday was an exception and had a bit more 1800 or so... you are welcome to look at my diary if you want as it is open.

    Good luck and dont try to change everything at once .. just a bit at a time!.

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