"OMAD Coaches" starting to spring up

pauleta1000 Posts: 14 Member
Saw this article earlier today about a guy trying to pioneer OMAD.

I have to admit I did like the diet name that he uses - The Snake Diet lol



  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    The problem with "weight loss coaches" is that, yes, fitness has become a craze, a fad of its own, like being "certified" as a life coach at 22 years old. It's a joke that feels serious, but it's unintentionally laughable.

    If constipation or cramping are not issues with this guy's incarnation of OMAD, then it would be sound. But again, the problem becomes, can someone stay on something? It's the stability factor that always weeds out the successes from the failures...always.
  • SavedByGrace26356
    SavedByGrace26356 Posts: 544 Member
    I agree.