** slap, double slap... snap out of it! **

Ok, so I have 2 weeks left until weigh in. Yes, I weigh in monthly on the 1st with my personal trainer; she also does my BF and measurements (can't wait). Anyway, mental note to myself was 1) even if I had enough calories I would stay away from dessert, 2) I will log in my weekend meals - which I don't because honestly, I'm a mother of a 3 and 4 year old and weekends are CHAOTIC and 3) I will not eat out on weekends. Well, yesterday I was doing fine but after having my chicken and veggies and I couldn't resist tempation and I gave in to 1/12 of a key lime pie slice!!! :frown: I know I had left over calories but still I don't want to be a slave to dessert!!! Tomorrow is already over and done with but today I will NOT give in -


  • wildsun
    wildsun Posts: 24
    You got this girl. You can't deny every urge forever or you will resent your diet. You sound very smart and capable so I have no doubt you won't get thrown off by one little indulgence.
  • You got this girl. You can't deny every urge forever or you will resent your diet. You sound very smart and capable so I have no doubt you won't get thrown off by one little indulgence.

    Thanks wildsun - it's like I need sugar after a meal and I don't like to feel like I need something. Its fustrating! I will prove it to myself tonight that I do have will power