April 2017



  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    It's sad that things have to get super bad for someone before something gets fixed. As a young teacher, I was so frustrated because I had more students than desks in my classroom. When the principal walked by my classroom I said "You can have them" and I walked out crying. That evening the assistant principal was at my house telling me to make a list of which students I wanted out, and that a new class would be formed and another teacher would be hired. That was almost 40 years ago, and my eyes are still watering thinking about how frustrated I was at the time.
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    Okay, next person, say something cheery.
  • 1skholloway
    1skholloway Posts: 341 Member
    I have a love/hate relationship with the trainer at my gym. Yesterday the office was closed and the trainer had me at the gym at 8 a.m. to train with him. Really!!!!! As it turned out, no one else showed up for the class, so I got one on one training and we actually did something totally different than planned. It was great! I am blessed to have access to him as part of my gym membership. He sees how hard I work and he works with me to bring out the best in me. I must admit, there are times I throw mental hate darts at him during some cardio routines.

    The trainer told me a person burns the most calories using the stair master of all the cardio machines at our gym. I usually don't use it because I don't get many steps in when I use it and I'm trying to reach 10,000 steps for the day. I got on it for 15 minutes and pushed myself. My heart rate reached around 160 and stayed at the level for 11 of the minutes. I burned a lot of calories in those 15 minutes. I will start using that machine more.

    I did strength training on machine weights by myself Wednesday. I overdid it on my thighs. My quads are still tight and hurt.
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    Congrats on your one-on-one. Sounds like a good match, you and your trainer.
  • 1skholloway
    1skholloway Posts: 341 Member
    Thanks! He is a god fit for me. I wish I could afford private sessions and karate lessons. Oh well! I am thankful for what I do have.
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,406 Member
    Well today I decided it was spring and packed away all my winter clothes and pulled out my spring wardrobe. Let's just say I love turtlenecks and the thought of not seeing them till Sept. 1st I am a wee bit emotional. I am pathetic LOL I would live in them year round if I didn't say ok enough . I keep looking at the closet going ok you can do this. Later I will plan out my outfits for the week maybe that will give a boost of reassurance. I am a creature of habit so I just need to get a new rotation of outfits and I will be ok till then. Oh it's going to be a rocky couple of weeks. LOL ;)
  • 1skholloway
    1skholloway Posts: 341 Member
    Oh I can relate. I got used to wearing boots everyday. It was a hard transition to not wearing them. I miss them. I wish I could still wear them. One coworker does and my office is cold enough but it's 80 degrees outside so I feel it's time to transition to something different. I don't have any shooties. My ankle boots are high heels so I don't wear them often.
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,406 Member
    I bought the Jergens glow but I was too nervous to try it last night. How silly is that lol ;)
    I put all my shoes away OMG I am a shoe junky. The problem is when you dress up for work your shoe has to go with the outfit. I haven't found the perfect multipurpose shoe. I have a few which are super comfy but not dressy. Dress shoes that look nice but are not comfy. So I am getting a lot of shoes. Lol If I am in a sit down location I am fine but if I am in a location where I have to stand all day. It has to be about comfort. Last week I stood all week I made sure my outfits went with comfy shoes.

    My dad and I picked the menu today it's not traditional at all.
    We agreed on Turkey
    I picked Orange jello and squash
    Dad picked potato salad,sour cream cucumbers,rolls
    We are having the white and orange meal lol
    I will eat all Orange dad all white :D
    My mom says depending how today goes depends if the 2 of us get 2 do a menu again.

    She asked my daughter what did your mom pick she laughed and goes even her boyfriend yelled out in the back ground orange jello. I only eat it on holidays but I love it.talk to you later.
  • 1skholloway
    1skholloway Posts: 341 Member
    I understand your hesitancy about the Jergens. I am now using it often. I ordered 2 more tubes of it off Amazon.

    I guess I'm a shoe junky too. My shoes are usually black or brown (except for athletic shoes) and I'm usually about comfort. I'm loving the nude shoe that you can wear with anything. I just need some that have lower heels. Last Sunday I bought 5 pair of shoes. I found a pair that I was a comfortable, classic style that I can wear year round and I bought it in all 3 colors. Then I bought super flat shoes which I seldom wear to wear with leggings and a long blouse so I can kind of dress them up. I may end up returning one pair of those but I did wear one pair the day I wore my dressy high heels. I wore them getting to and from my office and on an errand on campus. They came in handy. Plus, they are a nude color, my new favorite color.

    Our Easter meal was lame! Mom and Dad cooked the ham and angel food cake before I arrived. I prepared the potatoes and eggs for potato salad and Mom made the dressing for it. I prepared strawberries to top the cake. I meant to set the table before leaving for church but I ran late, nothing new there. While I was helping Mom change clothes after church, Dad set the table with paper plates. Since I cleaned up the kitchen, I appreciated the ease of paper plates but I was going to use real dishes today. Dad opened a can of green beans and seasoned them with ham and I guess dried onion. Of course, they cooked the ham with the glaze that came with it and I bet it was loaded with sugar. As we sat down to eat, I remembered that I forgot to cook the rolls. Oh well! I had bought a bagged salad for me because I wasn't going to eat potato salad. Halfway through lunch, Mom asked Dad if they had any thawed whipped cream. Thankfully, they did. It was a fast, easy Easter dinner.

    Dad is doing such a great job helping Mom! Mom is also doing well at accepting things as they are and not changing everything to her way. She is halfway though the 3 months in a wheelchair. Lately, I don't know why but I have been wondering if the bone will be healed in 3 months. I pray it is. She will be so disappointed if it's not.

    Another Easter is in the books. It's nice to have a quiet holiday sometimes.
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,406 Member
    I know it's nasty but grandma decided not to come and it was nice not having to tip toe around her. It was my daughter myself and my parents. My dad did an add libb to his prayer and we burst out laughing. It's a good thing no one was there. I 'm not sure all our stuff went together as I have a stomach ache now. Probably more a reaction from the amount of sugar I consumed. LOL I hope your mom heals I know she will be devastated if they tell her she has to be patient longer.

    I think I like naturalizer and clarks the best in shoes so far but the two are sized so completely different. There is an outlet mall but to drive an hour and not find anything isn't worth it in my book. I will have to see if I have time in the summer and maybe do a run then. Driving makes me so tired I'm just not so sure.

    I went to buy some pantyhose and no one had my size so I ordered them on line. What a pain in the tuckus. Well I think tonight is the night I am going to go give the glow stuff a try. hopefully it' doesn't make me itch. LOL
  • 1skholloway
    1skholloway Posts: 341 Member
    I understand the relief of not having a relative with you. Mom always wants the whole family together when she can get us which is often. Our little annual trip she wants to take my brother with a brain injury even if his wife doesn't go. He has become too much work. He doesn't remember the trip and could not care less of he goes. In opinion, why bother. The last time we took him and he caused so any problems, Dad and Mom dealt with the problems mostly.

    Thanks for the kind thoughts about Mom. I went ahead and brought up to her yesterday the possibility that she might not be healed after 3 months. Dad said she would need surgery then. The recuperation time from the surgery is 6 weeks and still no weight on the leg. I pray for healing for her.

    It's probably going to be a busy day and I developed some type of infection or something over the last few days. It doesn't bother me much thankfully. I have to call the doctor today to make sure it's not related to a new med. I hope he will treat it over the phone.
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    Hi, ladies. Just wanted to let you know that I am switching gears for a couple of months. I joined Weight Watchers (50% off) with a friend and my older sister. The plan is to lose some weight before our summer travels so that we can feel healthier and be more comfortable. I'll still be checking in at mfp but not as often. Your wardrobe chats are very interesting and motivating to me. I wear pretty much the same thing year round. I need to lose weight so that I can like myself enough to become more clothes-conscious like you. I have 5 pairs of shoes, all black and sneaker-like, and 1 pair of black flip flops. I wear black or blue pants and a short sleeve blouse all the time. No sense of style whatsoever. (As I type this there is a pop-up add for Zulily under this that says "Wake Up Your Wardrobe".)
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,406 Member
    Lol under mine is for men's under wear where does that come from. :D
    So grandma broke her femur on Tuesday so I tried to use it to get the air bag fixed as I can't get her in the back seat of my car. No use they do not have the parts so we can't use my car to haul people in.
    Today she gets released to rehab So after work I have to go find her pants. Moms like she loves those jogging pants you gave her I 'm like Yep I will go get a few more pair. The last ones were from my sister and too big on me so I cut out the tag and gave them to grandma. Grandma is a tag watcher which is crazy wear what fits. She likes pockets in her pants and elastic waist and where the waist can be pulled up just under your boobs no low riders. So I try on the pants see how far I can stretch them up and out to see if they fit the criteria. Oh and wide legs no elastic at the bottom. Hopefully I have some success today.

    Good luck with the weight watchers @NewOR2015 My hairdresser is going back to them too. I am too cheap and I don't do any better it's only when I have my mind in the right direction it all clicks.
  • 1skholloway
    1skholloway Posts: 341 Member
    @NewOR2015 good for you for trying something new! I have read that WW is one of the most successful weight loss plans around. I am like @2020pinktogo and too cheap to join it when i needed it. I have heard it's been improved so much.

    @NewOR2015 at times I wish my wardrobe was simpler. Having lost weight, I have had to purchase new clothes, granted not as many as I have though. It's so much fun to buy cute clothes now. I read an article yesterday about the 7 basic shoes a woman needs and had to laugh. I have 7 pair of boots and I live in the deep South. Who knows how many pair of shoes I have. I do like clothes that I can wear year round and I like basic colors of black, brown, and blue. I ventured out and bought a pair of peach colored pants recently. Woo hoo!

    @2020pinktogo so sorry about your grandma! I can usually find mature women clothes for my mom at Sears. I have not looked for jogging pants though. We also have a store at the outlet malls call Bon Worth that is great for finding clothes for mature women. You would probably have to cut their tags out because their sizes run big. Thankfully, Mom isn't very picky, just hard to fit when it comes to finding dresses. Every so often Mom decides she wants a dress, not a blouse and skirt but a dress. It is hard to find styles for her age, something that doesn't show knees and isn't made of clingy fabric. Sears is the go to store for dresses for Mom.

    I'm expecting Mom to have to get rehab after not walking for 3 months. If so, I'm hoping she can do it outpatient or via home health. I'm not thinking about it for now. We will deal with things as they come about. I'm so thankful I don't worry like I used to. I still worry too much but I finally saw it was only hurting me.

    I found the KLOVE verse of the day kind of funny in light of my weight loss journey. "The Lord detests the use of dishonest scales, but he delights in accurate weights." --Proverbs 11:1, NLT
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,406 Member
    All the Sears in our area have closed. After a lot of searching and finding only natural waist pants which grandma hates. I went to amvets and searched the racks and found 4 pairs of what grandma calls joggers. No color choice 3 are black 1 is a medium blue. I spent 13.00 price I can't beat it even if she only wears them while in therapy. All different 3 have pockets. I am hoping for them to pass but as there is not much out there she kind of has to make do till I can find what she wants.

    I am curios to the 7 pairs of shoes I am supposed to have. I know I don't have them either.
  • 1skholloway
    1skholloway Posts: 341 Member
    Here's the link to the shoe article - https://www.realsimple.com/beauty-fashion/shoes-accessories/shoes/best-shoes-for-women/view-all

    I'm glad your grandma will at least wear the pants while in rehab. When my brother was in the hospital right after his brain injury he said he wanted brown boxers. I couldn't find any. He probably didn't care what color they were but I tried to accommodate him. Brown might actually be a good color for boxers.
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,406 Member
    Well me and the shoes are off by a mile. The only one I have is the sneaker except mine are hot pink. LOL Grandma did not get moved to rehab they are now scheduling her for a pace maker. I am sure grandma looks great my mom looks like hell. Today I shopped and put groceries in their house so they would continue to eat. All my mom says is she has no appetite. :| Granted I made sure they had everything but did not shop well for myself. Oh well.
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,406 Member
    So I guess you can say I have the flats just not ballet flats and sandals but my sandals are pretty yet for comfort. And pink sneakers nothing else on the list of 7 . OMG those tall black sandals I would kill myself in.

    Next on my list is check the weather for the week and plan my outfits. Lol

  • 1skholloway
    1skholloway Posts: 341 Member
    I have the ballet flats, flat black sandals, sneakers, tall boots, nude pumps, and ankle boots. I'm just missing the black sandals with heels. I sent the article to a friend who loves shoes and her response was "if only it were that simple" and I agree.

    Our weather turned cool today. It's nice but unexpected. I suppose it's the Easter cool snap a week late. I wore a winter outfit to church but made it springy looking.

    The hairdresser cut my hair really short this week. It's my typical short haircut but I'm not liking it this time, particularly because I might have been mistaken for a man yesterday. I was walking on my street wearing a loose t-shirt. You know when you lose weight, you lose it first in your boobs. Well, it's seems like mine have shriveled this year even though I haven't lost much weight this year. I have developed a waistline but lost just about any other feminine curves I may have ever had. My legs are the biggest parts of my body. They are muscular but they also have the most fat of any parts of my body. I have lost so much weight in my breasts that today I went to Walmart wearing a hoodie and no bra. I wore leggings and jogging shorts, too. I changed clothes after church and I just didn't want to take my hoodie off to put a bra on. The hoodie was kind of loose. I made sure before I left the house that nothing inappropriate could be seen. The Walmart is near my work and I didn't want to run into any co-workers showing all my business. (Some of my co-workers work 24/ 7 for 5 days at a time as house parents.) Occasionally, I will see them at that Walmart. I told the trainer at the gym he needs to have a butts and boobs class. I would so attend it! I don't know if there is anything a person can do short of breast enhancement surgery to enlarge breasts. I have read that some weight lifting exercises can strengthen muscles that will lift breasts. I need to be do those exercises daily! There is at least one weight machine at the gym to help glutes. I need to use it too. I don't want to look like a guy!

    Sorry if this was TMI!!!
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,406 Member
    Lol that's so funny . I ran out today but I made sure I put on a bra and I wore jeans with my hoodie. Thank goodness I think I ran into everyone I know all men and they were doing the boob stare. ;) I always wonder ok are you wondering where my boobs went or are they larger than you thought. LOL