2nd shift help

Ok so I was just wondering how everyone else does it. I wake up at noon, work 2pm to 10:30 pm, work out everyother day and have dinner after midnight. Mfp resets at midnight so do you guys log dinner for the previous day or the next day? I have been doin it for the next day but have found that it uses a lot of my calories so then my breakfast and lunch have to be smaller and Im still hungry and often go over. So log dinner before or after midnight even if you eat after midnight?


  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Do whatever works for you, so long as you are in deficit. If you eat a big dinner, you'll still need to go light on breakfast and lunch to make the same goal. What really matters is your cumulative deficit for the week, and for the month, not whether you were over one day and low the next.
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    I have 6 meals named for 4 hour intervals (for instance, 4 AM to 8 AM) and just log what I consume in the appropriate time slot. I aim for my weekly average to meet or be slightly under my weekly calorie goal rather than being concerned about individual days.
  • TeddiNaber
    TeddiNaber Posts: 2 Member
    Ok thanks everyone
  • medic2038
    medic2038 Posts: 434 Member
    I work 24 hours so I link my log to that. Basically lets say you're working Monday, log all of your food in on Monday (despite going over onto Tuesday). Like consider your day from when you wake up, until when you go to bed; rather than following the exact calendar.

    Unless you're a Mogwai, your body doesn't really care if it's 2230, or 0230 when you eat last!
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    I work 7P-7A three times a week. I changed my food diary to six hour time blocks and log the food in the appropriate block. I reset the calories at midnight when MFP resets as well.
  • JB035
    JB035 Posts: 336 Member
    I work shift work and I log everything on the same day. When MFP starts a new day, I just swipe back to the previous day and keep adding.
  • josette06
    josette06 Posts: 119 Member
    I work second shift as well. My hours are usually 3-1130. I go to the gym as soon as I get up. Usually around 11. I then make a big breakfast before heading to work, usually around 2. I eat a snack at work then eat dinner when I get home. I consider a day from the time I wake up until I go to bed. So far it has worked.