Why did you come to the conclusion to lose weight?



  • londell16
    londell16 Posts: 19 Member
    Going to the doctor all the time. Always, feeling knee or back pain. Looking in the mirror and not looking at my full body because did not like what I saw. Seeinn family members and friends pass do to weight issues. Coming to the realization that if I do not change I want be here for my wife and kids.
  • sporangia
    sporangia Posts: 50 Member
    I suffered two tragic losses this past winter that have been very difficult to accept. I know I have needed to lose weight and prioritize health in my life for several years now, but just haven't had the emotional strength to do it. With the warm weather finally here and feeling the mental fog of those tragic losses finally lifting, I have an urge to do something different in my life; to enjoy life more. Focusing on weight loss as a goal has been a good distraction from the gloom and is helping me move away from those events in a way that will, hopefully, lead to many new adventures and memories in the future.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
  • berri2001
    berri2001 Posts: 1 Member
    I started a new job last summer and it was much more physically demanding (standing on my feet almost all day); by 2pm I would be exhausted, so I knew something had to change. One of the benefits I was most excited about when I took the job was the onsite gym. I wish that was enough to get me motivated but no - I still haven't been inside that gym. For the past few weeks my assignment has changed and I've been almost exclusively on desk work, and my knees are killing me. Plus, for the first time in a long while I got on a scale (also @work), I was not ok with what I saw.
  • IL0veMyC0ffee
    IL0veMyC0ffee Posts: 5 Member
    Being diagnosed with hashimotos hypothyroidism was my kick in the butt. In less than a year I went from a size 6 to a size 16. My joints ache daily even though I only need to lose 30 lbs it might as well feel like I'm trying to lose 100 on my small 5" frame.
  • rambunction
    rambunction Posts: 22 Member
    My double-chin. I can almost live with the bigger tummy and bigger thighs, but unless I turn male and grow a beard I can't hide a double-chin with my clothing. I also thought I looked a lot skinnier than I do: a friend visited and took pictures while we were out.... My clothes were less flattering to my bigger proportions than I had thought.
  • Holly2233
    Holly2233 Posts: 16 Member
    Menopause... I could not get away with eating and not excerising (regularly) anymore. In 2 - 3 years I went from 170-180 to 218. Yeah, that's one of the things they don't really tell you about. LOL! :wink:

    A good and healthy weight for me is around 160 - 170 lbs.

  • Snorks43
    Snorks43 Posts: 15 Member
    I used to be a high level athlete in my teens and 20's, but since i stopped seriously competing I've really started putting weight on. My back is bad and my knee will need surgery soon (mostly to do with the sport stuff when i was younger, but the weight certainly isn't helping).
    There was no one shining moment when my I decided it has to happen now, it's been coming for a long time. It will help me in my current sports that's for sure, as a 38 year old my competitive spirit still flows just at a lower level :smile:
  • darkd360
    darkd360 Posts: 2 Member
    I realized that the only reason I wear my work uniform everyday is because none of my other clothes fit anymore and I'm embarrassed to try on clothes at a store.
  • NoMoreAfatChick
    NoMoreAfatChick Posts: 226 Member
    edited June 2017
    Today is my Birthday... I weight 155pounds, 5'3'' height.. I usually wear a size 10-12 Tees... today my friend gifted me a size 16-18Tee... i am the younger in the group and i am the fat one.. i felt very sad inside cause my friend thinks i am fatttttt(size 18) and i am not OK with that.. i DONT wanna be the fat one anymore...
  • wefts
    wefts Posts: 183 Member
    rolled my ankle last summer and the inactivity from the pain I gained 21 lbs to my already 205 , I want to not have a belly roll and to work on the house and garden with out my knees hurting . Down 13 over the last month .