South Beach support group?

I may have asked this in the wrong forum. Im looking for a support group for the South Beach diet, I just started. Anybody doing it?


  • ladybugss
    ladybugss Posts: 135 Member
    bump would love to try it.
  • cef957
    cef957 Posts: 86 Member
    Just started again today.........
  • Saelina
    Saelina Posts: 129 Member
    I started yesterday. Now on phase 1 day 2. If anybody else is interested in checking it out, its a low sugar diet, not low carb. I found a forum with the foods lists and decent starting info

    For the basics:

    For the permitted foods
  • Saelina
    Saelina Posts: 129 Member
    anybody else doing this?
  • fightingiris
    fightingiris Posts: 24 Member
    I am. I'm on my second week but I'm doing phase 2. This is my third time with it but it seems to work better than anything else I've tried.
  • sb1023
    sb1023 Posts: 148 Member
    hey! i started last wednesday- would love to have a support group:) its been going well so far- i miss wine more than anything else:) i'm not sure how much i've lost yet, as I will have my first week weigh-in tomorrow! good luck to everyone!
  • Saelina
    Saelina Posts: 129 Member
    Im only on day 3, you have a week on me :) Im not really missing anything yet. Im spending most of my day stuffed on vegetables. 4.5 cups seems to be quite a bit. I don't think I have ever eaten so many vegetables a day.
  • sb1023
    sb1023 Posts: 148 Member
    I actually really need to work on getting all of the vegetables in....I really love vegetables but I am so sick of salad right now! have you come up with any other good ways to get your veggies in? I feel like I might have lost a couple of pounds but I will know tomorrow. I can't exercise right now because of a back injjury, (and I am usually a runner) so I'm worried about how much weight I can actually lose with just dieting, and I'm trying not to get my hopes up! but everyone i know who has done south beach were successful with it, as long as they stuck to the plan.
  • fightingiris
    fightingiris Posts: 24 Member
    Hi, I would love to be in a support group for South Beach. I'm on my second week but I'm doing things a little differently this time. For one, I haven't even gotten on the scale. I didn't even get on it when I started. That has led me to quit in the past so now I'm just looking in the mirror and if my stomach is not flat, then I have to keep going. I'm making this more about healthy eating and getting fit than weight loss, though I will be sooo pleased when it does finally happen. I already feel a little slimmer after only a week and a half.

    How are you all doing?

    Oh, I tried a new veggie (for me) and it was actually really good. Okra. Before you say yuck, give it a try. I roasted it in an over on convection roast (you can do a regular over but it might take a little longer) at 425 for 12 minutes. It was seasoned with olive oil and kosher salt.

    Then this evening I did eggplant that was really good. It was sauteed with onion, garlic power in olive oil and topped with cheese. Yummy!
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    I have lost my weight following (mostly) South Beach principles. I'm actually a moderator on the site you posted, LOL. It really does work well, but I do like keeping track of my calories here as well.

  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    I've been following the South Beach principles since February and so far have lost 30 pounds. I'm in Phase 2, and sometimes fall off the wagon, but overall it's been a pretty easy program to follow.

    As far as vegetable boredom, I use cauliflower in the cauliflower pizza crust, mock mashed potatoes (I use light cream cheese to add to the texture and mimic taste of sour cream) and also riced cauliflower. Really helps curb my craving for carbs (and get the vege's in, too!)
  • Melaniec78
    Melaniec78 Posts: 259 Member
    I lost 60 lbs in 7 months on South Beach 6 years ago. I didn't count calories but was also more active back then. I kept it off until this past year when my call center job kept me tied to my desk and stress and trying to quit smoking got the best of me. South Beach was originally recommended to me by the doctor who diagnosed my insulin resistance. If I get overwhelmed with things I give up quick and this was the only diet that I ever stuck to for more than 2 weeks and the only one that has ever worked for me. I am doing it with calorie counting and I go in on the report here nightly and pick out some of the more 'bad' things and find ways to make them better. You do kind of get tired of salads but taking leftovers to work from the previous nights dinner 2 times a week helps me break up the ??salad again??:grumble: feeling. I have been back on south beach for 2 1/2 weeks and I am down 17 lbs total. (started about a week before I found this site). My advice read the book a few times. Any time you question foods or nutrition the science behind it is the same advice taught by nutritionists and diabetes doctors and the more you read it the more prepared you are to understand the best choices for your health not just losing weight.
    Stick with it!!! And add me I am new here and need like minded friends!
  • sb1023
    sb1023 Posts: 148 Member
    so glad to hear about everyone's success on south beach! that's really motivating!

    love the new veggie ideas - i completely forgot about okra, i'm totally going to try that!! and the cauliflower one too, i saw that in the book and have been meaning to whip that up- sounds like something i would really like!! i found the best way for me to keep from getting bored, is to try all kinds of new south beach recipes, so i've been having fun with it. there's actually a free app for androids (and i'm sure iphone has one too) which has several different south beach recipes on it and even tells you which phase it goes with. anyway, hope everyone has a great day:) glad to have a south beach support group!
  • chattychick
    chattychick Posts: 90 Member
    I'm seriously considering getting back on "the Beach".

    About 4 years ago I lost 60 pounds in 8 months on "the Beach". I kept it off for about a year and then I moved to...South Korea. Home of rice. I should be honest and say the Dunkin'Donut runs I did every morning while there (because it was in the bottom floor of the gym I worked out in) did not help matters either.

    I have been "dieting" since January. I did not weigh myself until March, so I am not sure the total pounds I have lost, but from March til now I have lost about 15.

    I think when school starts up in two weeks I am going to redo phase 1 and wean myself off of sugar. After that I plan to stay on phase two for a while.

    We'll see. I do miss my size 8's from when I lost all that weight the first go.

    Wish me luck!
  • fightingiris
    fightingiris Posts: 24 Member
    It is encouraging to hear all the successes. How is everyone else doing?

    I'm new to posting here but it seems a little hard to keep up with. I have to do a search to find our thread each time. Maybe I just don't know how to navigate this yet. Is there a way to set up a South Beach group on here?
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Once you post in a topic, you can look up above the forum where it says "My Topics" and it should show up in that list for you. I don't think there's a way to set up a group, outside of friending everyone. Hope that helps,

  • fightingiris
    fightingiris Posts: 24 Member
  • sb1023
    sb1023 Posts: 148 Member
    happy saturday! i went a little over on my calories yesterday- but it was all phase one friendly:) so hopefully its ok! i couldn't help myself- we went out with some friends to a pub and everyone around me was drinking alcohol and eating things like sandwich wraps and french fries- it was enough to drive a girl crazy!:) so as soon as we got home i ate some leftovers and a cheese stick as a reward for being good. oh well! hope everyone has a nice weekend!
  • fightingiris
    fightingiris Posts: 24 Member
    I bet you'll be alright. As long as they were phase one foods, you should be fine.

    We are going to have lunch today at Ruby Tuesdays. They have a good salad bar but I really love their croutons. Maybe they are ok. They are dark brown like a pumpernickel. Hmmm, so that will be my one grain for the day and I wont overdo it.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Hello Everyone!

    I am living by the South Beach Diet also. I am currently on Day 8 of Phase 1. One week down, One to go til I can have wine, dark chocolate, and healthy carbs!!!!

    I first began South Beach New Year's Day, this year. I followed it through the end of March, at which point I had lost over 20 pounds, and was actually pretty satisfied with my weight. On April Fool's Day, I was in a motorcycle accident which broke my ankle in multiple places, and I had to spend the next two and a half months on crutches. This meant hubby was doing the cooking, and meant no more South Beach. I have now gained 10 pounds back after being down for so long, and have decided, now that things are pretty much back to normal, that I need to join South Beach again.

    I have been doing rather well, have only "cheated" a couple times and they were very minor. A glass of white wine, and some *not* lowfat cheese. Otherwise, I am doing well. Considering the fact that we had two family get-togethers which teased and tortured me with yummy yummy bad food (pizza and tortellini, two of my severe weaknesses!!!), and I stood my ground, I say I'm doing good! I have discovered that sweet mini peppers are a very easy way for me to get in veggies. Love them with Laughing Cow Cheese! Also, No Sugar Added Fudge Pops are my saving grace!!!

    I am new to MyFitnessPal, actually came across it as an app for my Android. I have never tried counting calories, and I am so grateful to have found such an easy to use calorie counting site. I have actually logged in every day and ended under my calorie goal every day so far. Yay!

    What I am having a very difficult time with, is Exercise. Part of my difficulty is laziness, no doubt there. Part of it, though, is that I am still recovering from surgery that installed a plate and 9 screws into my leg, so I am limited on the exercises that I can actually do. I need to get going though on atleast some walking and crunches.

    Feel free to contact me or add me as a friend, Being new again to SBD and very new to MFP, I could use a circle of support, and of couse I'd love providing support for anyone else who could use it.

    Everyone Keep Up The Great Work!!!! You made it through the weekend, which for most are the hardest days!!! Wishing the best of luck to everyone for the work-week! Happy Monday