Tell me about your journey!

What day, week, month are you on?
What are you eating?
Are you feeling successful?

I have just completed day 4 of my healthy eating and exercise. Starting small; cutting out Diet Coke and chips. Substituting with water and pita chips with Brie cheese for snacks.

Been working out very hard and I’m feeling good.

Taking it one day at a time.

Tell me how well you are doing!!


  • NerdyFlex
    NerdyFlex Posts: 1,672 Member
    Lolol! I’m in year 4 of my journey! Btw I dig your pose in the pic haha. I try and eat minimally processed foods and train five days a week! It’s a struggle but totally worth it
  • adubay26
    adubay26 Posts: 9 Member
    Doritos are for the win!! I love them!

    Im agreeing with the no processed foods. I feel so much different making fresh foods then working out!
  • adubay26
    adubay26 Posts: 9 Member
    Yes girl good for you!!!
  • Leannep2201
    Leannep2201 Posts: 441 Member
    Since the beginning of January for me. Have lost 15kg/33lb so far. Mainly just tracking what I eat and making sure I don’t go over my calorie goal. Only very occasional exercise. Loving feeling better about myself, and discovering that clothes I haven’t worn in ages are fitting again!
  • andreaen
    andreaen Posts: 365 Member
    adubay26 wrote: »
    What day, week, month are you on?
    Uhm... I'm on my 6th year
    adubay26 wrote: »
    What are you eating?
    Right now, frozen pizza.. A few hours ago, chocolate icecream.. I pretty much follow the 80-20 rule
    adubay26 wrote: »
    Are you feeling successful?
    I am on track for my goals, so I guess I am.

  • twinkles4
    twinkles4 Posts: 124 Member
    1. Pretty sure I'm on my 5-6th year. I've lost track.
    2. Nothing right now, but in 30 minutes I'll be eating beans on toast with a Strawberry banana protein smoothie for lunch.
    3. Honestly? No, I've never felt successful. Although, I've lost my weight and am making good progress toning.
  • fuzzy_l0gic
    fuzzy_l0gic Posts: 69 Member
    10 months ago I hit an all-time low adult weight of 153 (I'm 6'2"), after years of not working out, on/off chemo, and surgeries.
    Right now I'm eating almost anything I want to get to 4000 daily "balanced" calories (50/25/25 macros)
    Right now I'm feeling successful, because I have a picture from last June and I look sick (a bad sick), now, I look much healthier after putting on 28 lbs thanks to working out 6-days/week
  • jefamer2017
    jefamer2017 Posts: 416 Member
    Month 2 week one. Started out by trying to eat only whole foods but wasn't getting enough calories and decided that I'm not giving up ice cream. So I treat my self to a sweet a couple of times a week. I stay away from most high calorie low nutrition foods. I weigh my food and quit drinking Mt. Dew. I workout a minimum of 4 days a week, sometimes 5. I have lost 23lbs and several inches. From a size 16 to a size 12. I feel as though I have been very successful. I also think I can do this for the rest of my life.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    adubay26 wrote: »
    What day, week, month are you on?
    Over 5 1/2 years
    What are you eating?
    I eat a wide variety of things...Fridays are pizza night at home, so I'll be having pizza tonight.
    Are you feeling successful?
    I lost 40 Lbs and have maintained that loss give or take some winter weight for 5 years last Sunday.

  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    edited April 2018
    I'm on my 3,382nd day.
    I joined MFP 2,709 days ago (19.10.2010) while in maintenance, after losing 30 lbs on another calorie counting site.

    I ate what I had always ate, just less.

    Eventually I lost the taste for pop- too sweet (can't believe I said that, but true).

    I slowly moved my protein up to 80-100g a day, but that is really all I did food wise.

    I did start exercising, 1hr five days a week minimum, seldom more than 10 hr a week.

    The few changes I made were, and are, maintainable long term.

    Cheers, h.

    ETA. Don't like Doritos so will go for the Brie, crackers, and a glass of wine.
  • kq1981
    kq1981 Posts: 1,098 Member
    edited April 2018
    Im on my 439 day streak but have been joined for longer.

    I've so far Lost 15.2 kg (33.51 lBs) because went into maintenance for a few months (got lazy really)

    I eat anything i want just less of it. I make my calories count, so if i really really want mcdonalds for dinner for instance, ill up my excersise and eat a smaller lunch.

    I think im succsessful so far, ive lost weight (more than half of my goal now!) and even when i havent lost weight i still log and adjust things and browse forums for inspiration, which to me, isnt giving up i just took a breather and because i was still active every day i actually maintained what i had lost!! In the past i'd "diet" then couldnt realistically sustain it so id give up. I also no longer take blood pressure meds!

    I dont excersise as much as i would like but play netball now and football Excersise for me is more to do with helping with my anxiety and mental health because it seriously helps me and ive been lazy lately.

    MFP is the ONLY weight loss approach that has worked for ME and i have tried everything down to medication.

    Ill be MFPing forever :)