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"Natural foods" vs "others"



  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    SaunaSuit wrote: »
    kale, take mason jar place kale inside water with mint leaf. let sit over night or up to 3 days for stronger taste. add piece of ginger.

    Kale, take skillet place kale on skillet with coconut oil. let simmer until coconut oil is absorbed which makes the kale slippery which makes it a lot easier to transfer into the trash. For stronger satisfaction you can add fish oil and a mason jar.

    The mason jar in your scenario has beer, right?
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    SaunaSuit wrote: »
    kale, take mason jar place kale inside water with mint leaf. let sit over night or up to 3 days for stronger taste. add piece of ginger.

    Kale, take skillet place kale on skillet with coconut oil. let simmer until coconut oil is absorbed which makes the kale slippery which makes it a lot easier to transfer into the trash. For stronger satisfaction you can add fish oil and a mason jar.

    The mason jar in your scenario has beer, right?

    Moonshine is the best answer.

    Moonshine is always the answer if mason jars are part of the question. :wink:
  • NGentRD
    NGentRD Posts: 181 Member
    edited May 2018
    So I sometimes like to compare our bodies to cars. If you want the best performance get the best fuel, but thats not always the case. Im sure a 2018 chevy will run better with cheap gas than a ford from 1920 with 91 octane. There are a lot of factors in someones health and what can be harmful to an individual. Simplest example i can think of is people are allergic to friggen peanuts...like a nut can kill them and here I am eating spoonfuls of peanut butter. Point is the car is going to go at some point (just like us) no matter what you put in it. I don't think any of us are 1g of aspartame away from death or cancer.
    From my personal experience I found that the more expensive foods, natural and organic (and whatever that means because there are naturally occurring chemicals) has made me feel better to some extent but probably not the case for everyone.
    I also know people who eat whole foods and say they feel better, but I also know placebo is a wonderful thing, and you may think you feel better because you're eating better (I look good I feel good but with eating).

    We breath in fumes, we eat this and that, no matter what we do, it'll be hard to get away from any of it. If you're looking for a better quality of life then just mix and match, try stuff out. Neither an organic or processed cookie will kill you, maybe in higher dosages and different context. Plus what is a good quality of life without eating "oreos" and saving some cash, instead of eating gluten-b-gone cookie crumbs.

    Disclaimer: I'm sorry if I offended your choice of automobile or cookie in the making.
  • NGentRD
    NGentRD Posts: 181 Member
    So I sometimes like to compare our bodies to cars. If you want the best performance get the best fuel, but thats not always the case. Im sure a 2018 chevy will run better with cheap gas than a ford from 1920 with 91 octane. There are a lot of factors in someones health and what can be harmful to an individual. Simplest example i can think of is people are allergic to friggen peanuts...like a nut can kill them and here I am eating spoonfuls of peanut butter. Point is the car is going to go at some point (just like us) no matter what you put in it. I don't think any of us are 1g of aspartame away from death or cancer.
    From my personal experience I found that the more expensive foods, natural and organic (and whatever that means because there are naturally occurring chemicals) has made me feel better to some extent but probably not the case for everyone.
    I also know people who eat whole foods and say they feel better, but I also know placebo is a wonderful thing, and you may think you feel better because you're eating better (I look good I feel good but with eating).

    We breath in fumes, we eat this and that, no matter what we do, it'll be hard to get away from any of it. If you're looking for a better quality of life then just mix and match, try stuff out. Neither an organic or processed cookie will kill you, maybe in higher dosages and different context. Plus what is a good quality of life without eating "oreos" and saving some cash, instead of eating gluten-b-gone cookie crumbs.

    Disclaimer: I'm sorry if I offended your choice of automobile or cookie in the making.

    If your body feels better when you eat foods that are more expensive, there's no way that can be a physical reaction instead of a mental one. There is no mechanism by which this would work.

    It may be that when you pay more for foods you're choosing foods that *have other qualities* that make you feel better. But it's not the expense of the food that your body is reacting to.

    Your body is reacting to a combination of macro- and micronutrients in your food, not whether a food is more or less valued in the marketplace.

    I wasnt being literal about the price of the food. Organic or natural foods are generally more expensive. Cornell researchers recruited 115 subjects to participate in the study. The participants ate what were labeled as the organic and non-organic versions of cookies, potato chips, and yogurt. In reality, the two types of each food were identical (and, incidentally, organic). They then rated the foods on taste (Was it appetizing? Flavorful? Did it taste artificial?) and perceived nutritional content, were asked to estimate how many calories each contained, and indicated how much they'd be willing to pay for snack-sized portions of each. They found that subjects who thought they were eating processed felt worse than those who ate organic.
  • Stockholm_Andy
    Stockholm_Andy Posts: 803 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Nothing but fear.

    Next time someone brings up toxins in processed foods (and to be honest, EVERY food has chemicals and is processed to some degree), ask them to list the toxins.

    I am very lucky in that money and to a lesser extent time are not a problem for me. Would you recommend I choose highly processed foods over cooking from scratch with fresh produce?

    As long as I stay within my goal calories of course (for whatever my goal is at that time).
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Nothing but fear.

    Next time someone brings up toxins in processed foods (and to be honest, EVERY food has chemicals and is processed to some degree), ask them to list the toxins.

    I am very lucky in that money and to a lesser extent time are not a problem for me. Would you recommend I choose highly processed foods over cooking from scratch with fresh produce?

    As long as I stay within my goal calories of course (for whatever my goal is at that time).

    Why do you have to choose one or the other? Why can't you eat a variety of foods within the context of a diet that is meeting your nutritional needs?

    And where does cooking from "semi-scratch" come in? I don't bake my own crackers for a cracker-crumb stuffing, nor make my own tofu. And for some foods? I consider preservative use to be a feature, not a bug. (I have a big jar of plum sauce that I keep on hand for one recipe and use about a quarter cup at a time. If I made it from scratch, I'd be dumping the leftovers after a week. Ditto for homemade mayo or salsa.)

    There's a Jewish holiday starting Saturday night, so in addition to my usual Sabbath cooking, I'm doing more. By my count right now I've done:

    1 soup
    2 meat dishes
    1 tofu dish
    1 crockpot stew/sauce
    2 side dishes

    I still have a coleslaw, a cucumber salad, two dips, and another crockpot stew on my to-do list. Plus I'll probably roast some squash noodles or cubed butternut squash.

    Now, while I'm doing all that cooking, I'm using:

    canned crushed and diced tomatoes
    commercially-prepared puff-pastry dough
    frozen fruits and vegetables
    various pre-made sauces and condiments and other prepared ingredients

    And frankly? That's why I'll be able to get the cooking done in two days instead of three. And I'm fairly sure that nutritionally and financially, I'm in a far better position than I would be if I just bought everything at the deli/supermarket ready-made.
  • Stockholm_Andy
    Stockholm_Andy Posts: 803 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Nothing but fear.

    Next time someone brings up toxins in processed foods (and to be honest, EVERY food has chemicals and is processed to some degree), ask them to list the toxins.

    I am very lucky in that money and to a lesser extent time are not a problem for me. Would you recommend I choose highly processed foods over cooking from scratch with fresh produce?

    As long as I stay within my goal calories of course (for whatever my goal is at that time).

    Why do you have to choose one or the other? Why can't you eat a variety of foods within the context of a diet that is meeting your nutritional needs?

    I didn't say you had to. I asked a question....
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Nothing but fear.

    Next time someone brings up toxins in processed foods (and to be honest, EVERY food has chemicals and is processed to some degree), ask them to list the toxins.

    I am very lucky in that money and to a lesser extent time are not a problem for me. Would you recommend I choose highly processed foods over cooking from scratch with fresh produce?

    As long as I stay within my goal calories of course (for whatever my goal is at that time).

    Why do you have to choose one or the other? Why can't you eat a variety of foods within the context of a diet that is meeting your nutritional needs?

    I didn't say you had to. I asked a question....

    Then I think that's what most people here would recommend -- choosing a variety of foods that you like within the context of a diet that is meeting your nutritional needs. The need to choose highly processed foods over cooking from scratch with fresh produce is unnecessary and it's going to divert you away from what truly matters.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Nothing but fear.

    Next time someone brings up toxins in processed foods (and to be honest, EVERY food has chemicals and is processed to some degree), ask them to list the toxins.

    I am very lucky in that money and to a lesser extent time are not a problem for me. Would you recommend I choose highly processed foods over cooking from scratch with fresh produce?

    As long as I stay within my goal calories of course (for whatever my goal is at that time).

    What would be the legit reason for any of us to care how you eat, beyond the general fellow-feeling that might lead us to urge you to eat nutritiously and eat the appropriate number of calories to accomplish your goals?

    Is someone here recommending an all-processed-foods diet? (I've seen some here debunking the idea that all processed foods are trash and full of toxinz, and all natural foods are a fount of abundant health, so pointing at seriously weird dietary experiments as an illustration that going whole hog on highly processed foods isn't a sure route to immediate ill health or poor body composition.)

    Certainly there are people (in the world, not necessarily this thread) eating poor-quality diets that rely heavily on highly processed foods . . . but there are also some (though many fewer, I think) eating really poorly but only "natural" foods. Nutrition is important. "Processed" vs. "natural" isn't the key distinction in what contributes to good nutrition, and what doesn't.

    Personally, I mostly cook from scratch with fresh produce (local! farmers market! often organic!) because I, too, have plenty of time and that's how I like to eat. It's a preference, not a sign of dietary virtue. Other people can make different choices, and still have a reasonable expectation of good health if they pay attention to sound nutrition.

    I've seen people construct "all natural" diets that were terrible at meeting their nutritional needs (some raw vegans, for instance). It's certainly possible and another good reason to use our knowledge of our nutritional needs and the actual attributes of food as resources for planning our diet instead of an more arbitrary natural/non-natural distinction (or processed/from scratch).
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Nothing but fear.

    Next time someone brings up toxins in processed foods (and to be honest, EVERY food has chemicals and is processed to some degree), ask them to list the toxins.

    I am very lucky in that money and to a lesser extent time are not a problem for me. Would you recommend I choose highly processed foods over cooking from scratch with fresh produce?

    As long as I stay within my goal calories of course (for whatever my goal is at that time).

    Why do you have to choose one or the other? Why can't you eat a variety of foods within the context of a diet that is meeting your nutritional needs?

    Exactly, it always baffles me when people can only see 2 dry and cut extremes but not the whole spectrum. Money and time are not a problem for me, but there are other factors at play such as willingness to prepare something from scratch on any given day, preferences or wanting something specific, social factors, rituals, some foods are part or certain experiences (think fair food), foods that bring back memories...etc.

    I value myself as a multi layered person, and each part of what I know as "me" deserves care and respect, including the part that wanted Qatayef today (syrup sweetened nut and cheese filled dumplings) because they're only available to buy during Ramadan. It's like a yearly ritual with memories and feelings attached to it. That part of me deserves to be recognized, not shunned.

    Even many (most?) people cooking from scratch are using some pre-made ingredients. I mean, if a recipe calls for a tablespoon of dijon mustard, are most people going to make their own? Or are we grabbing a bottle (I know how to make it, I've made it a few times, but most of the time I'm grabbing the bottle).

    I've never made soy sauce, something I use all the time in my "from scratch" cooking.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I've never made soy sauce, something I use all the time in my "from scratch" cooking.

    That is wise since soy sauce is a fermented product taking months to make. I am not about to bury a jar of pickled cabbage in my backyard either and wait 4 months for kimchi.