What's your average workout like (gym)?



  • CowboySar
    CowboySar Posts: 404 Member
    edited May 2018
    1. How long do your sessions usually last per day?
    45-90 minutes depending on workout and how much rest I take between sets.

    2. How many different exercises do you tend to do per session/day?
    Again depends just started PHAT program so between 10 and 7 depending on which day

    3. How many reps/sets you do & why/ body goals?
    I am looking at a hybrid between strength and growth so chose PHAT. On power days it is about 3 sets with 3 - 5 reps as heavy as possible to build strength. On hypertrophy days it is about 3 sets in the 8 - 12 rep range at 70% weight from power days to help grow more lean muscle.

    4. How often do you do the same workout routine per week?/How often does it change?
    On this program you can swap out the main lifts as you see fit, base it on boredom, or to work a lagging muscle

    5. What do you eat before the gym if anything? What after?
    Again this depends if I am working out am or pm. If am I will have a protein shake, yogurt and a banana for food, have a pre workout and BCAA and Creatine. If pm workout I will have a meal of protein and carbs a couple hours before and then I will have a protein shake, yogurt and a banana for food, have a pre workout and BCAA and Creatine. I do this only because it works for me getting in my cals and macros for the day and not leaving with a full stomach at the gym.

  • Pipsqueak1965
    Pipsqueak1965 Posts: 397 Member

    1. How long do your sessions usually last per day? About 35 minutes (work lunch break so quick).

    2. How many different exercises do you tend to do per session/day? I try to do 7 exercises a session

    3. How many reps/sets you do & why/ body goals? 4 sets - 8-15 reps

    4. How often do you do the same workout routine per week?/How often does it change? I do a selection of exercises - generally in supersets (2 exercises) - one of which will gelegs, one upper body

    5. What do you eat before the gym if anything? What after? Nothing before, unless I go late - then half a protein bar perhaps

    6. For those that have anemia if anyone, what you do/use to overcome low energy & light headedness?