Lost my desire to workout and I want it back

I have always been one to workout and try to encourage others but something happen! Deep inside myself I want to do it but just can't make myself stick with it more than few days. I am mentally preparing myself to just push thru. I know I have it in me. I spent the last week mostly casual walking to clear the mind and today is my day to push thru. I can't be the only one this happens to. Tips or words of encouragement anyone would like to share?? I don't have far to go with my goals but would love to finally achieve them!!!


  • nicruns
    nicruns Posts: 201 Member
    I completely get that.
    I wound up completely changing up my workouts.
    But I'm struggling with (or in my case: I'm INTIMIDATED by) wanting to get back into one of my first workout loves: running
    (mostly because I loved it when it felt easy! & now it's just darned hard!)

    But I WILL commit to one treadmill run after work today.
    (praying the chatty people at the gym stay away!!)

    & count me as another who CANNOT sit on the couch after work (if I have a workout plan in the works)
    it's just too difficult to get up off of it some nights!
    I prep my workout gear either that morning (for an evening workout) or the night before (for a morning workout) so I don't have to think... I just have to go.
  • RadishEater
    RadishEater Posts: 470 Member
    Switch up your workout? You could be burnt out. I used to be an avid runner but it stopped enjoying it and wasn't making any progress so I stopped running for nearly a year and switched to spinning and hiit classes for cardio.

    I just started running again and it's great!

    The break I took might be a bit on the extreme side but trying something new has definitely helped me in smaller ruts too.
  • imgritz
    imgritz Posts: 47 Member
    The only thing that gets me to workout is the coaches and members of my CrossFit community. We encourage and push each other every day. Find a place near you and try it for a day.
  • ByFaith4Life4Christ
    ByFaith4Life4Christ Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks everyone! Just finished my workout and it feels good. Now off to get my goals planned and to remember how good taking care of myself makes me feel!!! Funny how just a few words from someone can just give you encouragement to try again!! Thanks!!
  • inconsequential01
    inconsequential01 Posts: 529 Member
    Just keep trying and diversify a little
  • CowboySar
    CowboySar Posts: 404 Member
    My 2 cents for what its worth, just go. I read somewhere that it takes 3 weeks to make a habit. Push through for 3 weeks, make your work out fun. I think you will find at the end of the 3 weeks it will become a habit and easier for you to go
  • Steff46
    Steff46 Posts: 516 Member
    Here are some things that help me when I'm not wanting to do my workout. Get some new music, sometimes listening to the same old music track will lessen my feel good thoughts. Also, put on the workout clothes, whether it's a bathing suit, running stuff, or biking stuff. I even change into them just before leaving work so I can't change my mind. Work out with friends (a group), or in an area where others are working out. Seeing others exercising really helps keep me motivated.
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    Doing things we don't want to do all in the name of weight loss is the recipe for eating it all back. I stopped going to the gym, buying gym memberships, trainers, coaches. Do everything on your own terms. Find movement you actually enjoy and can do for the rest of your life. Giving ourselves permission to do exactly what we want to do is true freedom. If it's not sustainable now it won't be a year or two down the road. Change it all up today with your choices and your decisions.
  • ByFaith4Life4Christ
    ByFaith4Life4Christ Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks All! I'm still hanging in there. I find that all the words of advice I do use but need to reinforce them. When I start getting tired or just overwhelmed I tend to let doubt or maybe fear try to take root. I'm taking my stand and pushing forward. I am staying active and now to focus on getting my nutrition in place. I give myself a rating on nutrition 50/50. Aiming for that 80/20. looking for a few great quality friends that support with few words and not the like button. I'm encouraged more with friendship and communication to know I do not struggle alone.
  • ByFaith4Life4Christ
    ByFaith4Life4Christ Posts: 69 Member
    Still feeling motivated and getting my determination back.
  • Brabo_Grip
    Brabo_Grip Posts: 285 Member
    I loathe traditional gyms and traditional workouts which means sporadic use and part of the reason I packed on the pounds in my 30s. I found a non-traditional workout that I love and is now my main (and really only) hobby. I would rather be doing it than anything else so I it takes the “work” out of workout.