Hey everyone 😁 looking for chubby buddies

I’m back on this journey! Looking for some chubby buddies to help each other along the way! This is by far the hardest thing I’ll ever have to do (and I’m in school 😩) but there is no going back!

A little about me ~
Mom of one (and Done ✅)
College student
Full time worker
Lover of all things books, Frasier, and some video games. (Can we talk about the Spyro remaster!!!)
My short term weight loss goal is 30-40lbs by January 1st! What is your goal? Add me and we can chat about all things healthy, recipes, tips and tricks and of course hobbies etc we enjoy!


  • cerys_peps
    cerys_peps Posts: 5 Member
    Hey Kristi! I could be your chubby buddy 😂. I'm 27, looking to lose about 25 lbs, no particular time frame! As for spyro, I played the ps1 version back in the day 😅 play the occasional point and click adventure game (nothing too difficult ha).

    Where are you from? :)
  • kristi1392
    kristi1392 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey girl! Nice 25lbs is a good goal! Yes I beat all the 3 games back in the day 🤣 but they are remastering them and they come out in sept! I’m am from Pennsylvania and yourself?
  • Vashti_7282
    Vashti_7282 Posts: 3 Member
    edited August 2018
    Hi Kristi, can be your chubby buddy as well. For half of my life, I have been round, cubby, butterball (yes, im short). I am from the south (South Carolina) so my family and I tend to eat, lots of sweets, starches beefs (you name it). I just came from the Jenny Craig program Rapid Result trial, walking away with losing 17 pounds. Now that I feel like I can lose it on my own, with a little help and motivation. I am into gaming myself, I am more like a Resident Evil, Silent Hill, The Sims person. :D
    Im currently 36, looking to lose about 114 pounds. Don't know how long that would take, but I am willing to do whatever it takes.
  • danasmashinggoals
    danasmashinggoals Posts: 16 Member
    I can be a chubby buddy to any of you ladies as well! I’m way way old and I have to lose lots and lots of weight 😂 I’m currently trying to eat healthy while travelling Europe (an almost impossible task) and then perhaps give keto a go (minus all the bacon) - I want to get as close to my goal as possible before next years trip because it’s horrible being the biggest person amongst all these skinny women! I’m currently on hormone tablets for lady problems which is just an added joy. I’m excited to make some friends going through a similar journey :)
  • johnw83
    johnw83 Posts: 6,219 Member
    hi every one i am happy to help u all with your fitness goals please add me i am john
  • Vashti_7282
    Vashti_7282 Posts: 3 Member
    Nice to meet you everyone. I know we are all here for the same purpose, and that is living a HEALTHY life.
  • Vashti_7282
    Vashti_7282 Posts: 3 Member
    When its like 7:30am, the gym is packed somehow! Oh well!!! How's everyone doing?